AOC Who Earns $175,000.00 A Year Wants Us To Pay Her $17,000 Student Loan Debt


Nothing to see here.... Move along.


Well-Known Member
75% union rate in demark according to ur article

what you quoted was a comment from the article not the actual journalist.

btw under NAFTA dont mexican truck drivers do the same thing on american roads?
No, Mexican drivers cross the bridge, drop their freight at a warehouse, then return to Mexico.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
I'm with on her looks. She's just so addled in the head it's hard to take her seriously about anything. The fatal flaw in our system is when a district is majority poor and uneducated you get representatives like her.
Like so many politicians...

They fell into that world by accident and the money coupled with a sense of authority kept them there.


Inordinately Right
All of those group rape and sexual assault together.

You said most rapes go unreported.
Do you have a source to back that up?


Well-Known Member
Your feelings are really hurt.

That's not a good look.

No points awarded for whining through a failed reverse psychology attempt.

Read up on the tactic...

Practice on your own...

Then come back and try again later.
stop bullying AOC you might hurt her feelings and interrupt their safe space when she comes on the forum

we are going to censor you.

Susie Driver

Founding Member
Exactly, there is a difference between rape and sexual assault. All the links you provided group those two crimes together.

You said most rapes go unreported.
Do you have a source for that?
Are you that obtuse?

"Rape" has traditionally been defined as "the forced penetration of a woman by a male assailant." Most State laws, however, have abandoned this narrow definition of a sex offense in favor of the more gender-neutral and broader term "sexual assault." This refers to "any genital, oral, or anal penetration by a part of the perpetrator's body or by an object, using force or without the victim's consent"