Arbery Case


Well-Known Member
A unarmed young black man was chased down by thre white men who's sole defense of chasing him is using a Civil War Era law used to capture runaway slaves...................nah nothing racist to see here,move along
not even the prosecuter tried to spin that fairy tale


Well-Known Member
Bro his family suffered one of thier own being hunted down like and animal and shot in the street by racist white men.They deserve support anywhere they can get it
race hustlers are not support. race hustlers are looking for their own support


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Has anybody ever had a shotgun pointed at your chest...

I have in my younger days...I lifted my hands and backed off slowly... I never thought about rushing the attacker and wrestled the rifle from him, and I was pretty stupid back then...
I hear ya.
A rifle and a shotgun are two different things and in your younger days when you pretended to be a Canadian Mountie and was ambushed by a muskrat trapper breaking the law doesn't count.

Poop Head

Judge me.
A unarmed young black man was chased down by three white men who's sole defense of chasing him is using a Civil War Era law used to capture runaway slaves...................nah nothing racist to see here,move along
Idk. From what i heard, some guy in street clothes was creepin though a neighborhood that he wasnt from. Then three guys that lived in that neighborhood confronted him, and told him to leave. Maybe he started mouthing off? Idk. I wasnt there.


Inordinately Right
gotta love it when a racist fools and around and finds out lol
100 black pastors are going to form a "wall of prayer" outside the Ahmaud Arbery trial.
You don't want any more black pastors in the courtroom?
You ask how many pastors Ahmaud's family can have?
They're fixing to show you how many.
Good, let them do their political grandstanding publicity stunt outside the courtroom where it belongs.


All Trash No Trailer
Idk. From what i heard, some guy in street clothes was creepin though a neighborhood that he wasnt from. Then three guys that lived in that neighborhood confronted him, and told him to leave. Maybe he started mouthing off? Idk. I wasnt there.
If these three were so concerned with people going in and out of the house why didnt they chase down the White Folks that had been seen coming and going in the house?


All Trash No Trailer
Cross Examination by the prosecution was pretty rough on the the man who killed Mr Arbery

BRUNSWICK, Ga. (AP) — The man who killed Ahmaud Arbery testified Thursday that Arbery did not speak, show a weapon or threaten him in any way before he raised his shotgun and pointed it at the 25-year-old Black man.

Under cross-examination by the prosecution on his second day of testimony, Travis McMichael said he was “under the impression” that Arbery could be a threat because he was running straight at him and he had seen Arbery trying to get into the truck of a neighbor who had joined in a pursuit of Arbery.

“All he’s done is run away from you,” prosecutor Linda Dunikoski said. “And you pulled out a shotgun and pointed it at him.
Asked how many times he had previously pulled up behind strangers in the neighborhood to ask them what they were doing there, McMichael said never.

“You know that no one has to talk to anyone they don’t want to talk to, right?” Dunikoski said.

The prosecutor also pressed McMichael on why he didn’t include some details of his testimony Wednesday in his written statement to police, namely the part about his telling Arbery police were on the way.

McMichael said he was “under stress, nervous, scared” at the time of his police interview and “probably being choppy.”

“What were you nervous about?” Dunikoski asked.

“I just killed a man,” McMichael responded. “I had blood on myself. It was the most traumatic event of my life.”

“You were nervous because you thought you were going to jail, right?” Dunikoski asked.
Prosecutors say the men chased Arbery for five minutes and used their trucks to prevent him from fleeing their neighborhood before Travis McMichael shot him. They say there’s no evidence that Arbery — who had enrolled at a technical college to study to become an electrician like his uncles — had committed any crimes.


Well-Known Member
Cross Examination by the prosecution was pretty rough on the the man who killed Mr Arbery

BRUNSWICK, Ga. (AP) — The man who killed Ahmaud Arbery testified Thursday that Arbery did not speak, show a weapon or threaten him in any way before he raised his shotgun and pointed it at the 25-year-old Black man.

Under cross-examination by the prosecution on his second day of testimony, Travis McMichael said he was “under the impression” that Arbery could be a threat because he was running straight at him and he had seen Arbery trying to get into the truck of a neighbor who had joined in a pursuit of Arbery.

“All he’s done is run away from you,” prosecutor Linda Dunikoski said. “And you pulled out a shotgun and pointed it at him.
Asked how many times he had previously pulled up behind strangers in the neighborhood to ask them what they were doing there, McMichael said never.

“You know that no one has to talk to anyone they don’t want to talk to, right?” Dunikoski said.

The prosecutor also pressed McMichael on why he didn’t include some details of his testimony Wednesday in his written statement to police, namely the part about his telling Arbery police were on the way.

McMichael said he was “under stress, nervous, scared” at the time of his police interview and “probably being choppy.”

“What were you nervous about?” Dunikoski asked.

“I just killed a man,” McMichael responded. “I had blood on myself. It was the most traumatic event of my life.”

“You were nervous because you thought you were going to jail, right?” Dunikoski asked.
Prosecutors say the men chased Arbery for five minutes and used their trucks to prevent him from fleeing their neighborhood before Travis McMichael shot him. They say there’s no evidence that Arbery — who had enrolled at a technical college to study to become an electrician like his uncles — had committed any crimes.
what outright lies.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
only ONE Person of Colour on the Jury lol, they made sure it was packed with White Folks and the racist Defense Attorney stated he didnt even know Sharpton was in the room until he was told by others.
Why is this a race thing? The man was tired of seeing buildings being burnt down. He, not so intelligently, went to help stop it, and shot 2 people of the same race in self defense. Anyone calling this man a racist, are themselves racist. And who knows, maybe there are more “white folks” in the jury because the court knows it was self defense and don’t want to see another BS trial like we saw with OJ Simpson. But I’m sure it’s just a blind selection process.


All Trash No Trailer
Why is this a race thing? The man was tired of seeing buildings being burnt down. He, not so intelligently, went to help stop it, and shot 2 people of the same race in self defense. Anyone calling this man a racist, are themselves racist. And who knows, maybe there are more “white folks” in the jury because the court knows it was self defense and don’t want to see another BS trial like we saw with OJ Simpson. But I’m sure it’s just a blind selection process.
I'm discussing the Arbery case not the Rittenhouse case