"But when the hits the fan, I go off, and big time."
I figure Gman one of two ways. He's either bragging about going off to impress someone (really not something to brag about IMO) and thus lying, or he is a loaded gun waiting to go off. Either way, not someone I would care much to work around.
Toner, You and I both know that there are and always will be those drivers that are under dispatched and get the help when others need and deserve it more. That will never change.
In our center there are those drivers that deliver the same city that the center is in that "can't make it" with 6 air stops, but yet I drive 30 miles to start my area, deliver from 8-16 air stops and 50-70 packages, pure air.
The difference is that they will not break off trace to deliver a NDA while others deliver pure air till 10:30 every day.
Unfortunatly I dont see this ever changing. But I dont "go off" when things dont so the way I think they should.
And Toner, unless I miss my guess and you are wearing a tie, your job is to work as instructed. It is someone elses job to see everybody does their "fair" share of the work.
(Message edited by dannyboy on March 01, 2004)
I figure Gman one of two ways. He's either bragging about going off to impress someone (really not something to brag about IMO) and thus lying, or he is a loaded gun waiting to go off. Either way, not someone I would care much to work around.
Toner, You and I both know that there are and always will be those drivers that are under dispatched and get the help when others need and deserve it more. That will never change.
In our center there are those drivers that deliver the same city that the center is in that "can't make it" with 6 air stops, but yet I drive 30 miles to start my area, deliver from 8-16 air stops and 50-70 packages, pure air.
The difference is that they will not break off trace to deliver a NDA while others deliver pure air till 10:30 every day.
Unfortunatly I dont see this ever changing. But I dont "go off" when things dont so the way I think they should.
And Toner, unless I miss my guess and you are wearing a tie, your job is to work as instructed. It is someone elses job to see everybody does their "fair" share of the work.
(Message edited by dannyboy on March 01, 2004)