


Feeder,it almost kills me to say it but I think your probably right.After the way the last peak season was handled,there's no driver in my building that's willing to take anything a suit says at face value anymore.PAS is coming by summertime and the only thing we know is that some routes will change drastically and some hardly at all.

804 how is a dispatching sup controlling volume flow into cars from some office computer going to be able to distinguish whether or not your car has two POTTERY BARN os/3 specials and a BEST BUY entertainment unit blocking the shelves full of what PAS/EDD demands you do first?Something tells me there's a good chance that a driver is going to be stripped of the creativity he/she needs to be able to improvise in order to MAXIMIZE what little time allowance between increased deliveries that's left.


It is a wise supervisor who will recognize venting (and not take offense).


Now someone please tell me if this is how you run a business or treat employees?
On Friday a fellow driver I know got Fired because managment claims he didn't report a accident, this supposed accident was a small scrash on the steel rim and a small on by the door, he said he din't hit anything, and there no reports form anyone saying he hit anything, but since he butts head with managment and files over 9.5 grivences I guess he did it in managments eyes. Now these is another driver who runs his tail off, skipps his lunch and always works over 9.5 who drove in last week with a nice long scrach on the truck, yet he is still on the road, no questions asked.
welcome to UPS's idea of treating every employee fair!


sold several shares through first union two years ago. all were class A, but by phone call made sell within minutes of call while still on the phone. I believe what happens is that shares are immediately changed to class B upon sell. I am not talking about shares bought on the 10% discount plan.


Do you have spell check Munchie or do you always report your findings of the evil UPS after you have had a little doobie???


If indead he did put a scratch on the truck and didnt report it, he is gone. I went to a panel once where a feeder driver cracked a mirror and didnt report it, and had been fired. That was the fourth time he went, and they didnt get to him that time either. So that meant he had been off at least 6 months without pay, if he ever got his job back.

I have worked for managers that gave you a warning letter/suspension for cracking a mirror while others, as long as you reported it, wouldnt say a thing with much worse.

When covering routes, always get someone to verify damage to the vehicle. This covers you should someone accuse you of being the one.

Second thing. A sup or manager is not UPS. The two are a world appart.



Depending on what was actually said can make a VERY big difference. In some cases they can fire you and make it stick, depending on what was said.

Be a larger man than he. Seek him out and talk with him about the problem. Then if he does not listen, go higher.



Also I do a visual pre trip every morning the part timers that park our cars are always hitting the adjacent cars and putting scratches on them. I inform my supervisor of any new damage but always blows me off! "yeah yeah whatever" I guess this is something else I need to start documenting. Muncher I know where you are coming from We had a Driver get a warning letter even after reporting making a rut as she tried pulling off to side of road for a delivery. But another driver... we'll refer to him as Brown Noser backed up into a consignees parked vehicle and nothing .. thjis creates bad morale in my opinion and tells me they can fire anyone at anytime!!


does the pas make the stacks of boxes beside the belt that the preloader didn't have time to even stack yet disappear??? hope so


Havent driven a stick in 12 years and failed initial road test not because i couldnt drive but because i missed the gears too many times.


Seems to me, you have good reason to be upset. The "volume" at which you relate your anger is caused by the companies unwillingness to have enough people available to do all the work. Maybe they needed you to speak up to get their attention concerning your problem of too darn much work to do the job the right way!

I personally have a reputation after 33 years of being pretty docile. But when the <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> hits the fan, I go off, and big time. All the drivers and sups know it. And often as not, they know they have pushed the envelope too far and will usually make some changes to rectify the problem.

As a side note, one driver, now retired was a whiner and always wanted me to take this or that. One morning, before start time he hands me a call tag and tells me I have to get it. I was in his face screeming for about a minute in front of everyone in the building to the point the guy had a stress attck and had to go to the hospital. But he never asked me to take anything again. We're still freinds though.


gman: you had better be careful. 33 years or 3 years - the company has a zero tolerance policy for workplace violence, and one day one of your screaming tirades could land you in the unemployment line. You might consider yourself docile, but if you go off when you don't like something, it only takes one call to the 1-800 line to start the ball rolling.


The driving positions open up by seniority and so they don't really get sprung on the hourly by surprise.

You haven't driven a stick in twelve years and didn't put in some practice time before trying to become a driver?!?

You need to 'up your game' in attitude and self discipline or six months won't make any difference.

In my area it is a year and it's three years if you strike out twice.

This is going to sound harsh, but if you are planning to go full time it is time to grow up and take some responsibility for yourself. Cruising around in a multiple ton UPS vehicle is not a game and the incompetent hurt innocent people.

The truth is I and many others would rather someone with your non-existent abilities not be out there endangering people and our company's reputation trying to learn how to drive stick at the same time as trying to learn to be a UPS driver.

You should become an air driver while waiting for your second chance to get proficient with the vehicle under less strenous circumstances, the job of becoming a method delivery driver is difficult enough with all of UPS's rules and regulations without having to think "how do I put it into the next gear and when".


Go rent a manual transmission vehicle for a weekend from a car rental. Once you learn you never forget you just have to get used to it again.



Airdrivers kill more than their share of people, mostly because they slip through the cracks with much less training than a regular driver. Some of ours hadnt had a safety followup ride in many years, and no documentation on any of the newer drivers either.

While the exposure is less, per hour of driving time on road, they are the most at risk drivers group we have.

Otherwise your post was right on the mark!



I would say they are the least trained and least experienced group which is what makes them the most "at risk" group.

However, the majority of part timers going to full time have had the basic mechanical "how to drive a package car" experience via air driving or another job prior to going full time which keeps those stats in the full time driver's favor.

I have always wondered why a package car driver attends a week worth of driver's training, then supervised on the job rides and follow ups, whereas part time air driver positions are taken out for a short spin and then "certified" as qualified, like it is a make believe job that doesn't take the same multiple ton vehicle out amongst the unknowing public.

But at least with the air driving position the load is far more maneageable and the newby can concentrate more on the mechanics and safety of driving.