Eskew comes off a bit weak again, but at least Jan knows the difference between UPS and FDX, unlike Maria B.
February 15, 2002
With Jan Hopkins
JAN HOPKINS, CNNfn ANCHOR, STREET SWEEP: Ringing the closing bell here at the New York Stock Exchange this afternoon was United Parcel Service (Company: United Parcel Service Inc.; Ticker: UPS; URL:, the worlds` leading package delivery company. UPS is the sponsor of Daytona 500 race, which kicks off Sunday. Joining us now, the man who rang the closing bell, the company`s CEO and Chairman, Michael Eskew. Welcome.
HOPKINS: So what`s the connection between Big Brown and Daytona?
ESKEW: Well, between Nascar and Big Brown is technology and precision and excellence and speed and all the things that we do. So we think it`s a natural tie-in.
HOPKINS: And you actually are also sponsoring some cars. I assumed that they won`t look like the trucks that we see.
ESKEW: Well we would like Dale to drive that truck but Dale, so far, isn`t deciding to drive that truck. But the number 88 UPS car is one of the best ones on the track and hopefully he does well on Sunday.
HOPKINS: Let`s look at new commercial that`s going to air on Sunday during the race.
ESKEW: Great. It`s a lot of fun.
HOPKINS: Yeah. Tell us how business is.
ESKEW: Business is-we had a better fourth quarter than we thought we were going to have. We just announced that a couple of weeks ago. We saw a pretty strong Christmas we thought. We thought the e-commerce channel was great. Our international part of our business was strong. Fifteen percent up in European exports. Seven percent up in Asian exports. So we`re starting to see that part of our business really starting to move up and we`re excited about that.
HOPKINS: So you have a sense that the economy`s getting better, I guess?
ESKEW: Well parts of it anyway. We like the international parts and e-commerce was very strong at Christmas time, Jan. So we like what we see of that part of it also.
HOPKINS: Are you benefiting from problems at the postal service, do you think?
ESKEW: I-the postal service is mostly letters and direct mail and our parcel business is quite a bit different than that. So we don`t see much of an up tick because of the post office.
HOPKINS: Now you did announce, yesterday, dividends and stock buyback. The stock was up a little bit today in a down market. Are you expecting the stock to continue to move higher?
ESKEW: Well we think we have awfully strong principles and we think we`re-we think we`re an awfully solid company. So we like where we are.
HOPKINS: Now oil prices actually have started to move a little higher. You`ve been benefiting from the fact that gasoline has been costing a lot less?
ESKEW: That`s right. It has made our costs come down. But, I mean, oil will go up and down and we know that`s going to happen and we`re prepared for that.
HOPKINS: Do you hedge?
ESKEW: We do hedge. We have hedged on both sides. We`re certainly not in that we don`t-we haven`t reached those levels yet, but hopefully we won`t.
HOPKINS: Thanks very much. Michael Eskew, the Chairman and CEO of UPS. Thanks for joining us.
ESKEW: Thanks Jan.