It is simplistic and false to continue to throw all the blame on the union for this pension fiasco.
The controlling board of trustees for the Central States Pension fund consists of 6 teamsters and 6 company representatives.
Do you think the company representatives are guiltless?
UPS has one of those company representatives and so is, was and will be fully informed and aware of all that has, is and will happen to the fund and our benefits.
UPS has been fully cognizant of all facets of what has, is and will happen with our fund and consequently on how it affects all of their employees involved.
They are no more innocent, and if you believe they are smarter and more efficient than the teamsters organization in general as I do, they are more guilty of allowing this predicament to occur than the teamsters or other companies involved.
As they are not in the financial shape that the fund is in they are in a perfect position to uphold the medical benefits and hold the line on the premiums for them regarding UPS members.
That they haven't come out notifying (trumpeting) that they will do this, but are mumbling about having to stay with the "equal" word in the contract (now they decide not to violate the contract) says volumes.
The fact that the letter never broached this subject is disappointing if not suprising.
UPS has never had a better situation where they could show they truly are "looking out" for their employees rather than just throw out rhetoric and talk than in this one.
Time will tell.