Are we on the brink of civil war 2.0?


Well-Known Member
Not enough information. Only a recap of their opinion of what “could” happen. No factual examples of what happened in cities that raised the minimum wage.

The biggest criticism of a city increasing the minimum wage was businesses moving out of the city. With a national $15 min wage nobody can move 3 blocks away to avoid it.
um yea those are credible projections that your side loves to quote when the numbers help their argument. You cant keep jumping from one side of the fence to the other just to make an argument.

The Driver

I drive.
you do understand the swamp is not an easy monster to defeat? You have a media that spins and distorts everything out of control in sync with the DNC leadership.

the january 6th event was a perfect example. they were able to spin 100 wacko's getting crazy and make it sound like a Trump organized insurrection.

Meanwhile you had a whole summer of one riot after another that was denied by the dems and the media.

dont fall for their spin , you're smarter then that
Just stop. Stop it.

If President Trump wanted it to stop he could’ve got on TV as soon as the chaos started. Or got on Twitter and begged them to stop immediately. He didn’t do that.


Well-Known Member
When given expert 'information' like this I think: let's say it is true. What that means is that this way of life depends on people living in misery and squalor. Nothing to defend there.
correct according to the two independent surveys 1.3 in the CBO and 2 million in the epi would not have jobs and would therefore live whatever way they end up living.

many of those jobs are entry level for people just entering the job market. they use those jobs to gain experience that they can then leverage for better jobs.

the bigger threat is that the 15 minimum would encourage more businesses to automate sooner thus resulting in permanent job losses.


Well-Known Member


Inordinately Right
Just stop. Stop it.

If President Trump wanted it to stop he could’ve got on TV as soon as the chaos started. Or got on Twitter and begged them to stop immediately. He didn’t do that.
Uh, you realize President Trump did get on Twitter and tell them to stop, right?

No, you don't, because Twitter banned him for that tweet. And the garbage news you watch kept you clueless.


Well-Known Member
This country has been hard right since Reagan. And it’s not even close.

Oddly, the right wing is hardly recognizable to anything in Reagan’s era. They’ve gone off the deep end.
bill clinton pushed hte democrats right which made republicans go off the deep end.
The country is getting pretty crazy and a few of my coworkers have the feeling that something big is about to happen. After looking at a few things, I am now a bit paranoid that there will be another civil war in the near future.

Either the extreme Trump supporters will do something on the 20th sparking a conflict. Or the new president and that dreadful woman as vice president will try to ban all guns and/or confiscate guns from people....I normally don't get paranoid, but from what I've seen I think there could be some real problems happening really soon. My main concern is not being able to buy toilet paper again though ;)
Just remember to vote in the one party system, wear your mask, and get your shot. MSM will tell you what you need to know.


many of those jobs are entry level for people just entering the job market. they use those jobs to gain experience that they can then leverage for better jobs.

Oh, what a relief!

Can you pull up a stat from a 'respected source' that attributes 99.9% of poverty to laziness and lack of ambition? :lol:

Method Mensch

Well-Known Member
a great example of media misreporting. this general was saluting his ass off to all the americans before this picture was taken. He had just saluted Trump , trump returned his salute. the media takes this picture and sends it out for all their brain dead *s to believe.
Kind if like, how after 50+ courts deny Trump's counterfactual cockamamie claim that the election was stolen, many of Trump's brain dead *s believe it. Kind of like that?

The Driver

I drive.
Uh, you realize President Trump did get on Twitter and tell them to stop, right?

No, you don't, because Twitter banned him for that tweet. And the garbage news you watch kept you clueless.
1:10 ET : Rioters clash with police

2:00 ET : Rioters breach the Capitol.

2:24 ET : Trump tweets his election grievance about Mike Pence not doing what was in Trump’s interest as far as overturning the results, calls the election “fraudulent

2:38 ET : The first “stay peaceful” tweet. [Stay peaceful??? He knew peace was out of the question for an hour and 28 minutes!]

6:01 ET : “These are the things that happen” tweet

Donald Trump is a scumbag. Come back to reality.

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The Driver

I drive.
Bold face type means it's more righter...
Yes, exactly, I'm right. President Donald Trump is a fascist pig wannabe.

For what it's worth: Sasse says Trump 'delighted' and 'excited' by reports of Capitol riot

Law enforcement will get to the bottom of all of this and I predict more Americans are going to be shocked by what the investigation unearths.

The whole point of this is that some of you people secretly want Donald Trump to become Supreme Leader. Just say it. You want that. The 2020 election was a free and fair election, you lost, you're angry, you're upset, you're butthurt, you feel heartbroken... That's ok, :censored2: happens. Sometimes your guy loses. Happens to everyone. But millions of people in this country were and are willing to sacrifice everything we stand for as a country just to see Trump be installed as a damned dictator. Makes me sick for the future of this nation.


Staff member
The whole point of this is that some of you people secretly want Donald Trump to become Supreme Leader. Just say it. You want that. The 2020 election was a free and fair election, you lost, you're angry, you're upset, you're butthurt, you feel heartbroken... That's ok, * happens. Sometimes your guy loses. Happens to everyone. But millions of people in this country were and are willing to sacrifice everything we stand for as a country just to see Trump be installed as a damned dictator. Makes me sick for the future of this nation.
I think it's you who sounds butthurt. What do you even care? Your child molester guy won.
Let it go, we'll see how the next 4 years go..

The Driver

I drive.
I think it's you who sounds butthurt. What do you even care? Your child molester guy won.
Let it go, we'll see how the next 4 years go..
75% of Republican voters think that Biden isn't a legitimately elected president. All because of the right wing media's lies and Donald Trump's amplification of nonsensical conspiracy theories from his Twitter account for months until recently.

"Let it go" you say, while you don't condemn Donald Trump's inaction over stoking the fire of his angry followers that led to a massive security breach into the Capitol where our duly-elected Senate was convened.

Just admit that you love Donald Trump so much that you would've been delighted to see him installed as a dictator.