Are we on the brink of civil war 2.0?


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking....

If there is any Democrat who really understands that Biden stole this election and engaged in mass fraud, it's Bernie Sanders.

They did it to him twice in primaries.


Well-Known Member
And you disagree with Mark Levin, an actual lawyer, because with your own legal expertise, you parsed through each of the 65 cases thoroughly, read each of the judge's legal rendering, and determined for yourself that the cases hadn't been "heard," right?

Suuuuure buddy.

And Robert Barnes. I like how when presented with information that differs from their programming the go to responses are "You're just a dumb truck driver", or holding your level of research to a standard that they themselves would be utterly incapable of achieving, so you must be wrong. I wonder if truck drivers on a forum for truck drivers realize they are disparaging themselves when they call other truck drivers "just a dumb truck driver". The irony escapes them, I think.

Well, it's very simple, actually. I don't know Robert Barnes but I have listened to Mark Levin on numerous occasions so I will focus on him. He's very clearly a right-wing partisan who makes money telling people like the both of you exactly what you want to hear. If he said otherwise, you'd subscribe to someone else. So he has a very vested interest in keeping you tuned in.

Now, let's compare that to the election fraud cases. Are the judges who made those rulings all former left-wing lawyers who now make money telling the left what they want to hear? No. Some are Clinton-appointed, Bush-appointed, Obama-appointed, there's even one Reagan-appointed. A whopping 38 are Trump-appointed. So, judges from across the political spectrum, across five states decisively rejected claims of fraud (such as they were argued) and claims of illegality.

These are lifetime appointments with a salary that is not dependent upon how many viewers they get, nor do they have to worry about next years election cycle. These are by all accounts a neutral arbiter with no vested interest - totally unlike your friend, Mark Levin. So yes, hopefully you'll forgive me when people like Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and ACB roundly rejected your claims about the legality of how PA voted.


I'm a star
Well, it's very simple, actually. I don't know Robert Barnes but I have listened to Mark Levin on numerous occasions so I will focus on him. He's very clearly a right-wing partisan who makes money telling people like the both of you exactly what you want to hear. If he said otherwise, you'd subscribe to someone else. So he has a very vested interest in keeping you tuned in.

Now, let's compare that to the election fraud cases. Are the judges who made those rulings all former left-wing lawyers who now make money telling the left what they want to hear? No. Some are Clinton-appointed, Bush-appointed, Obama-appointed, there's even one Reagan-appointed. A whopping 38 are Trump-appointed. So, judges from across the political spectrum, across five states decisively rejected claims of fraud (such as they were argued) and claims of illegality.

These are lifetime appointments with a salary that is not dependent upon how many viewers they get, nor do they have to worry about next years election cycle. These are by all accounts a neutral arbiter with no vested interest - totally unlike your friend, Mark Levin. So yes, hopefully you'll forgive me when people like Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and ACB roundly rejected your claims about the legality of how PA voted.

I literally have no Idea who Mark Levin is outside the context of what has been written in this thread. I forgive you for lying to me about what I think.


Inordinately Right
Well, it's very simple, actually. I don't know Robert Barnes but I have listened to Mark Levin on numerous occasions so I will focus on him. He's very clearly a right-wing partisan who makes money telling people like the both of you exactly what you want to hear. If he said otherwise, you'd subscribe to someone else. So he has a very vested interest in keeping you tuned in.

Now, let's compare that to the election fraud cases. Are the judges who made those rulings all former left-wing lawyers who now make money telling the left what they want to hear? No. Some are Clinton-appointed, Bush-appointed, Obama-appointed, there's even one Reagan-appointed. A whopping 38 are Trump-appointed. So, judges from across the political spectrum, across five states decisively rejected claims of fraud (such as they were argued) and claims of illegality.

These are lifetime appointments with a salary that is not dependent upon how many viewers they get, nor do they have to worry about next years election cycle. These are by all accounts a neutral arbiter with no vested interest - totally unlike your friend, Mark Levin. So yes, hopefully you'll forgive me when people like Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and ACB roundly rejected your claims about the legality of how PA voted.
You bring up Mark Levin and then rant about election fraud? Mark Levin never made claims of election fraud, he simply pointed out the unconstitutionality of what Democrat lawyers did with election laws before, during, and after the election.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. As usual.


Well-Known Member
You bring up Mark Levin and then rant about election fraud? Mark Levin never made claims of election fraud, he simply pointed out the unconstitutionality of what Democrat lawyers did with election laws before, during, and after the election.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. As usual.
No where in my post did I say Mark Levin made claims of election fraud - but nice try.
What I did point out was why I would trust our entire judiciary branch to know more about what is Constitutional and not, over a right-wing partisan hack with a microphone.


Well-Known Member
No where in my post did I say Mark Levin made claims of election fraud - but nice try.
What I did point out was why I would trust our entire judiciary branch to know more about what is Constitutional and not, over a right-wing partisan hack with a microphone.
Levin is a Constitutional scholar who served in the Reagan administration.


Strength through joy
When is this Civil War going to officially start ?
I have my targets already picked out.
I plan on going Democratic Old School.