Are we on the brink of civil war 2.0?


Well-Known Member
So that's how the courts work now? In spite of thousands of affidavits judges just decide to not let it go to trial where arguments can be made? The Supreme Court didn't even look at the Texas lawsuit.


Inordinately Right
you don’t wear big boy pants


I'm a star
Maybe terrorists should think twice about terrorizing our Capitol and we wouldn't have to have enhanced security. That, and there's a deadly virus on the loose. Bad year to get together in huge crowds.

Guess they don't care about the NG soldiers snuggling up so closely inside the capitol. Sounds about par for the course, from what I remember.

The Driver

I drive.
So that's how the courts work now? In spite of thousands of affidavits judges just decide to not let it go to trial where arguments can be made? The Supreme Court didn't even look at the Texas lawsuit.
The Texas lawsuit about the state of Pennsylvania? You need what’s called “standing”. They didn’t have any.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty informed, yes. I'm above the inane conspiracy theories.

The country elected Biden. If he's a crook then we'll deal with him when there's evidence.

Question for you: did Donald Trump's campaign legal team bring any evidence that would satisfy even a Trump administration-appointed judge?
One of the Pa's asked Guiliani for the evidence to support the plaintiffs claim of election fraud, Guiliani's reply in an attempt to avoid perjuring himself ....."This is not a fraud case". He had nothing .He was only in that court because he was getting paid to be there to argue a case that couldn't be won and so protecting his law license was first and foremost in his mind.


Well-Known Member
The Texas lawsuit about the state of Pennsylvania? You need what’s called “standing”. They didn’t have any.
Tex and others will go to their graves still convinced that Trump won regardless off the dozens of times the opportunity was there for Trump's followers to meet the same burden of proof required in any trial but they failed miserably.

And BTW there is discussions ongoing regarding the possible appearance by some of the individuals arrested and facing federal charges for their involvement in the coup attempt going before the Senate in the Trump impeachment trial and say that Trump incited them to riot . So Tuesday could be a very interesting day at the White House .


Well-Known Member
So that one BLM agent showed up and convinced thousands of MAGA patriots to form an insurrection and storm the capitol? Is he amazing or are Trump people friend’n idiots?
I think we know the answer.
Maybe he should be president