Are we on the brink of civil war 2.0?


Strength through joy
The dems want to stop gun production within this country that makes them anti-business.
The whole pipeline from raw materials to the consumer will be effected.
Jobs will disappear and tax revenues along the whole pipeline will go down.


Well-Known Member
The dems want to stop gun production within this country that makes them anti-business.
The whole pipeline from raw materials to the consumer will be effected.
Jobs will disappear and tax revenues along the whole pipeline will go down.
California on steroids.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
People don't realize it as they're living it but history is being written as we speak. Decades from now, the books will likely include the entire past year as the beginning of the conflict should things escalate. Assuming history books are even honestly written again.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
People don't realize it as they're living it but history is being written as we speak. Decades from now, the books will likely include the entire past year as the beginning of the conflict should things escalate. Assuming history books are even honestly written again.
When exactly do you think history books were written “honestly?”


Well-Known Member
I don't think we are close to a civil war, but I do think we are close to republican voters and the republican party abandoning honoring some elections they lose. my guess is the courts ratify republicans anti-democratic over turning election results push as legal, and things get worse for everyone, but no war.


Well-Known Member
The country is getting pretty crazy and a few of my coworkers have the feeling that something big is about to happen. After looking at a few things, I am now a bit paranoid that there will be another civil war in the near future.

Either the extreme Trump supporters will do something on the 20th sparking a conflict. Or the new president and that dreadful woman as vice president will try to ban all guns and/or confiscate guns from people....I normally don't get paranoid, but from what I've seen I think there could be some real problems happening really soon. My main concern is not being able to buy toilet paper again though ;)
yes it happened in yugoslavia recently and its happening again in america.

your political system doesnt work because its corrupted by money.

the economic system is one based on debt, low wages, and every man for himself ie the govt isnt going to fund things that it should be.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real


Staff member
Most of this is part of the Obama's legacy. He pulled the party hard left and this is what push back looks like.

My prediction is the GOP takes back the house in 2 years
This country has been hard right since Reagan. And it’s not even close.

Oddly, the right wing is hardly recognizable to anything in Reagan’s era. They’ve gone off the deep end.