Browncafe Steward
The Teasmsters have been notorious for imbezzeling moneys out of pension funds in years past. That is capital that can never be recovered.
Central States has always been severely underfunded. This is something that has not just happened in recent years. I can remember asking a union rep in the early 80's what was cs funded at and his reply was 60%
Just beware the company wants out of cs but current ups employees
will get to keep the years they have in it. Is this a good deal or not???
My question to Tie is back in 97 was UPS going to assume our pension? When UPS offered a 30 and out who were they talking to?
Brand new employees or was this offer for everyone??? In 97 I had 15 yrs in with cs. What would have happened to those vested years if UPS
would have pulled out???
Wyobill, i do not believe that ups has offered to assume our pension at any time. That would cost them alot of dough in order to do it. I dont see the company paying the withdraw liability and on top of it putting on the side extra cash for those who years that upsers have vested in the cs plan. Another uestion is what happens to those that dont have 5 years in cs before this gets signed? Do they lose their 4 plus years, or will ups assume them. I say we just sit back and listen to all the runors, but wait until you see the offer in full detail before making your decison.