Wouldn't that be up to the individual states to decide? There would be no expense to the federal government.
From the Texas State Guard website.
The Texas State Guard (TXSG) is a State Military Force which assists Texas Civil Authorities in times of Texas State Emergencies and in On-Going Support of Local Communities; and consists of six Civil Affairs Regiments, The Air Division, The Medical Reserve Corps, and Maritime Regiment.
Well, if States can handle it on their own, then stop calling the feds to help out. It's that simple.
Canada could have saved a few hundred million dollars, too, not sending in, helicopters, healtcare aid, planes, ships, to New Orleans, and even rebuilt homes for free.
Simply declaring State of emergency to get assistance, is getting rediculous.
California seems to do that we us every year, and we need to send fighter fighters, planes, choppers there, while it leaves us at risk.
They need to call in their State Guards instead ! Dammit !
Example: Tornado, Hurricane, or forest fire hits a city, the state guard can be called out to help in various situations in the aftermath. This saves the feds from having to send National Guard troops to do these activities, thus saving fed tax dollars.