Arizona's anti-imigration law...


Für Meno :)
Almost everyone on here, makes the example of driving without a license.
Ever thought about other cases, such as domestic abuse (wife beating, child abuse) ?
Now the illegal wife can't even call the cops anymore. The kids are being told never to call 911.

They probably can't even have an outdoor July4th party, being afraid some redneck will call it in as being loud (disturbance), even though they kept it quiet.
And yes, Diesel has it right. If the outdoor party is made out of mostly white americans, it shouldn't be a problem if they can't show ID of being a citizen (DL or Birth certificate).
But, if the police are suspicious of illigal aliens, because the party has mostly latinos - then comes the patty wagon.
Not every american has a DL or drives, and if they didn't bring thier immigration papers to the party, they are gonzo for the night.

Latino college students will even be afraid of going on springbreaks, and hanging out with the springbreak crowd.

Does remind me of my german history lessons.

But, don't get me wrong. Illegal immigration does need to stop. I'm all for that.
But, adding extra detecting and law messures , and rounding them all up like cattle, isn't the best option, either.
What's next ? Stopping the buses full of mexicans on the roads going into the fields to pick the fruit and veggies that are harvested at low cost to the American consumer and are also exported, (much to Canada) ?

And if you do get your way, that only americans will work the fields, then you better hope it's at the same low price.
Because our supermarkets do shop where ever it's cheaper. And so do yours.
Products from Peru, Chile, Mexico are on the shelfs, too, to name a few.

And, if you can't, the trade-deficit will just keep on growing larger, while putting more american farms and wineries into bankruptcy or in need of government subsidies.
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Well-Known Member
LOL. My emotions? Tell me where I got sentimental? You didn't say this right: "fail to know or understand anything that does not fit into you ideals." But, you almost got it. I got a zero tolerance when they touch my Bill of Rights, which are the ideals I fight for. I think I've already emphasized that, you just have to read it; I've explained that already, you just ignore it. Calderon has been criticized for getting his nose into our laws. And, I agree, since he doesn't know the prinicples of our Constitution. But, I find it more shameful that a citizen that has been here, studying our history, learning our customs, and being an American, hasn't learned the principles our Founding Fathers fighted for, getting into political debates spitting our Constitution.

OH you really got me, didn't ya?
Did I? On what part? The prejudice you have? The rights for people living under any jurisdiciton? Your insult to my Constitution? About the Political issue? Etc. etc. etc.

It's clear that you are posting out of emotions and fail to know or understand anything that does not fit into you ideals. Trying to discuss this with you in a logical and informed manner is futile and you have gotten boring with your sisyphean diatribe.

When you get out of your swamp of political fighting, or your prejudice, or the ignorance you have about the principles of our Constitution; you'll be able to discuss in a logical and informed manner.

Do you know what the US Code is?
I wonder if this is one of the outworn statements you have like: "Have you read the law?" or "There's already a Federal Law like SB1070." Etc. etc.


Why bother? you won't read them anyway, or you'll interject you own flavor of irrelevancy.

and yea, I think it does piss you off...just a leetle.

Yeah, give it up, trpinkl, you can argue this until your wife comes home but you will never get past square 1 :wink2:.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Almost everyone on here, makes the example of driving without a license.
Ever thought about other cases, such as domestic abuse (wife beating, child abuse) ?
Now the illegal wife can't even call the cops anymore. The kids are being told never to call 911.
Really? Do you have proof of that our is that some liberal garbage that you just made up? If its true, maybe they should go back to their own country then...maybe its better than America.
They probably can't even have an outdoor July4th party, (celebrating our Amerrican independence and they dont want to come to America legally...think about how funny that illegal celebrating the 4th of July...LMAO!!!) being afraid some redneck (why a rednect...why not a Mexican about a Japanese American..why just a Redneck? will call it in as being loud (disturbance), even though they kept it quiet.
Hey Klein...its sounds like your projecting the Liberal Mantra...Racism and Bigotry...
And yes, Diesel has it right. If the outdoor party is made out of mostly white americans, ( sure are...the Liberal Mantra from your hero Deez...go Job Klein, im proud of you) it shouldn't be a problem if they can't show ID of being a citizen (DL or Birth certificate).
But, if the police are suspicious of illigal aliens, because the party has mostly latinos - then comes the patty wagon.
Liberal mantra...who says it was a party with Latinos? Oh thats right...Liberal Mantra...
Not every american has a DL or drives, and if they didn't bring thier immigration papers (American citizens dont have Immigration papers and Aliens need to have them on person at all times) to the party, they are gonzo for the night.
Federal law requires that all non American citizens carry a form of their Green card, passport, visa, etc., at all if you dont have it...thats your own fault. Also if they are having a loud party and the cops are called (i would assume there is drinking at this party) then the cops would like to see some ID for underage if you dont have any then the cops would need to detain you until they find out your age...which would be some legal documentation...nothing to do with skin color...but go ahead and preach that liberal mantra.

Latino college students will even be afraid of going on springbreaks, and hanging out with the springbreak crowd.
Why is it always Latinos? What about about Africans...Japanese...??????
Does remind me of my german history lessons.
You learned something in school?
But, don't get me wrong. Illegal immigration does need to stop. I'm all for that.
I wonder how you would feel if there were 12million illegals running around your neck of the woods...sucking your tax dollars...raping, killing, mollesting, stealing, etc.
But, adding extra detecting and law messures , and rounding them all up like cattle, isn't the best option, either.
And granting Amnesty is??? What is your solution oh wise Canadian Klein? We have an existing Federal Law that is tougher then the AZ law and our own goverment will not enforce it. Its stupid of our govt to use the "Lake with a Damn theory"...there are holes in the damn so the water is leaking and they take a bucket and catch the water and keep throwing it over the damn but that same water keeps comming thru the hole...FIX THE FREAKING HOLE!!!!! The throw the water that leaked over the damn.
What's next ? Stopping the buses full of mexicans on the roads going into the fields to pick the fruit and veggies that are harvested at low cost to the American consumer and are also exported, (much to Canada) ?
Oh say you sayin you like the cheap labor so you can get your fruits and veggies your not willing to pay a higher price either. I have a solution...lets force the freeloaders who suck off the govt teat who are physically able to work (who dont want to) pick fruits and veggies. That sounds like a solution to me.:happy2:
And if you do get your way, that only americans will work the fields, (you have heard of work visas right? That is the proper way. So everytime you pass a field and see people picking fruits and veggies they are illegals?) then you better hope it's at the same low price.
Because our supermarkets do shop where ever it's cheaper. And so do yours.
Actually i pay a little more for quality products and clean stores...i cant stand wally world. Its hard to find tomatos that are not from Mexico lately...must not be picking them anymore in the states...:wink2:
Products from Peru, Chile, Mexico are on the shelfs, too, to name a few.
Most taste like crap too.

And, if you can't, the trade-deficit will just keep on growing larger, while putting more american farms and wineries into bankruptcy or in need of government subsidies.
Damn govt handouts again...the dems will keep those votes wont they.


Well-Known Member
You know what really makes me laugh? Conservative Republicans that bang there chest, blaming all our problems on Illegal Immigrants, when there here because the Republicans want them here. You could easily get them to go home if you penalized companies for hiring them. There would be no reason for them to stay. Republicans LOVE cheap labor.
LOL. My emotions? Tell me where I got sentimental? I never said sentimental, but you are arguing with your heart and not with facts. You have failed to post even one fact.
You didn't say this right: "fail to know or understand anything that does not fit into you ideals." Well, please tell me how I should have said it? I'm pretty sure I worded that exactly as I meant to.
But, you almost got it. I got a zero tolerance when they touch my Bill of Rights, which are the ideals I fight for. I think I've already emphasized that, you just have to read it; I've explained that already, you just ignore it. Wrong again hotrod, I read it and asked for what part of the Constitution was being spat upon.If you did post the answer I must have missed it in one of your run on sentences, but I digress.
Calderon has been criticized for getting his nose into our laws. And, I agree, since he doesn't know the prinicples of our Constitution. But, I find it more shameful that a citizen that has been here, studying our history, learning our customs, and being an American, hasn't learned the principles our Founding Fathers fighted for, getting into political debates spitting our Constitution. I am beginning to think you believe in what the Constitutions says, but I am still not certain that you have a clue as to what it does say. I ask again, what part of the Constitution has been violated, ignored, insulted or spat upon. Please be specific.
OH you really got me, didn't ya?
Did I? On what part? The prejudice you have? The rights for people living under any jurisdiciton? Your insult to my Constitution? About the Political issue? Etc. etc. etc.
I'm sorry, in the future I will try to refrain from making facetious remarks.

It's clear that you are posting out of emotions and fail to know or understand anything that does not fit into you ideals. Trying to discuss this with you in a logical and informed manner is futile and you have gotten boring with your sisyphean diatribe.

When you get out of your swamp of political fighting, or your prejudice, or the ignorance you have about the principles of our Constitution; you'll be able to discuss in a logical and informed manner.
I really hate to tell you this, but this thread has been political from the very first post. The subject is highly political. You have no idea what my prejudices are, you might be surprised if you did know. You keep saying I'm ignorant about the Constitution yet you have only shown your disdain for people who insult it. That is not proof of your knowledge of said document, so how about put up or shut up? You tell me what part of the Constitution has been violated.

Do you know what the US Code is?
I wonder if this is one of the outworn statements you have like: "Have you read the law?" or "There's already a Federal Law like SB1070." Etc. etc.
Oh Nay nay, I was dead serious, do you have any idea what the US Code is?
You know what really makes me laugh? Conservative Republicans that bang there chest, blaming all our problems on Illegal Immigrants, when there here because the Republicans want them here. You could easily get them to go home if you penalized companies for hiring them. There would be no reason for them to stay. Republicans LOVE cheap labor.
What makes me laugh is that the Demos that want to blame everything on the republicans have no idea what they are talking about. The vast majority of American farmers are registered democrats. Wanna know why? I'll tell ya anyway, it is the democrats that hand out farmville dollars. That's right, another demo give away.


Well-Known Member
What makes me laugh is that the Demos that want to blame everything on the republicans have no idea what they are talking about. The vast majority of American farmers are registered democrats. Wanna know why? I'll tell ya anyway, it is the democrats that hand out farmville dollars. That's right, another demo give away.

The group's most recent database, released Wednesday, shows just 10 percent of farmers received 62 percent of federal farm payments in 2009, roughly the same amount as in 2007 and 2008, before the farm bill was enacted.


Für Meno :)
Federal law requires that all non American citizens carry a form of their Green card, passport, visa, etc., at all if you dont have it...thats your own fault. Also if they are having a loud party and the cops are called (i would assume there is drinking at this party) then the cops would like to see some ID for underage if you dont have any then the cops would need to detain you until they find out your age...which would be some legal documentation...nothing to do with skin color...but go ahead and preach that liberal mantra.

Then Arizona laws requires that each American must carry proof of citizenship, too, right ?
How else would they know the difference ?

So, next time you ride your bike, take the dog for a walk, or whatever you may do, carry your wallet !
If your kids or teenagers don't have a drivers license, make sure they carry birth certificate and photo ID with them at all times.

Regarding your veggies and fruits from other countries tasting like crap, then don't buy them. Simple as that.
We don't have that option up north... since our growing season is very limited.
And we don't get Canadian Mandarines for xmas.
Speaking of those, I bought a net of them this week, from Peru (very good, actually).
And got corn on the cob, imported from the US.
All from Safeway.

Remember when you buy coffee, it better not be from South America either,or Tea from Asia or India.
Good luck on your few choices remaining.

Russia was once like that. You would have liked it there !

And don't go bananas on me now - they are imported , too !
The group's most recent database, released Wednesday, shows just 10 percent of farmers received 62 percent of federal farm payments in 2009, roughly the same amount as in 2007 and 2008, before the farm bill was enacted.
That might be true of the CURRENT farm bill. There has been a constant farm bill of some kind for more years that I've been alive, most if not all enacted by Demos.


Well-Known Member
That might be true of the CURRENT farm bill. There has been a constant farm bill of some kind for more years that I've been alive, most if not all enacted by Demos.

Yes the Dems created bills many years ago to help struggling farmers and guess who took that law and many others, found loop holes and got richer.
Then Arizona laws requires that each American must carry proof of citizenship, too, right ?
How else would they know the difference ?
No the AZ law does not require American citizens to carry proof of citizenship.The requirement to be able to prove who you are is not new in the USA. I don't remember a time when we didn't have to do that if requested by LEOs. More than one person has spent the night in jail for refusing to ID themselves to officers.
As far as people to young to drive having to prove their citizenship, a ride home in the back of a squad car can usually provide all that's needed.

So, next time you ride your bike, take the dog for a walk, or whatever you may do, carry your wallet !
If your kids or teenagers don't have a drivers license, make sure they carry birth certificate and photo ID with them at all times.

IMHO, you should never leave your home without your ID, whether you are walking the dog, riding the bike or jogging. If you are in an accident you will need that if you are unconscious. So the emergency response people will know who you are. That's a good reason for parents to make their kids carry a photo ID as well.

As for the rest of this post I will hand off to Lue C Fer.

Regarding your veggies and fruits from other countries tasting like crap, then don't buy them. Simple as that.
We don't have that option up north... since our growing season is very limited.
And we don't get Canadian Mandarines for xmas.
Speaking of those, I bought a net of them this week, from Peru (very good, actually).
And got corn on the cob, imported from the US.
All from Safeway.

Remember when you buy coffee, it better not be from South America either,or Tea from Asia or India.
Good luck on your few choices remaining.

Russia was once like that. You would have liked it there !

And don't go bananas on me now - they are imported , too !


Für Meno :)
at all times

Gee, I'm probably not the only one that went to work at UPS, and in the middle of the day , noticed I left my wallet at home (with Driver's license).

Actually, just last week, I drove to 7/11, wanted to buy lottery tickets, and noticed I didn't have my wallet on me. :(

But, yes. once you have a DL, you are in the police-car onboard computer system. They can easily enter your name, and know you have one.
But, will cost you a fine. Not sure how much it is now... 15 years ago, I paid $50.... must be closer to $100 or $150 now, who knows ?

For those not having a DL, and get stopped on a bicycle for an accident, or running a red light, or riding on prohibited side-walk.
Who knows what they can do, if no ID is shown of proof of citizenship or immigration status ?
Gee, I'm probably not the only one that went to work at UPS, and in the middle of the day , noticed I left my wallet at home (with Driver's license).

Actually, just last week, I drove to 7/11, wanted to buy lottery tickets, and noticed I didn't have my wallet on me. :(

But, yes. once you have a DL, you are in the police-car onboard computer system. They can easily enter your name, and know you have one.
But, will cost you a fine. Not sure how much it is now... 15 years ago, I paid $50.... must be closer to $100 or $150 now, who knows ?

For those not having a DL, and get stopped on a bicycle for an accident, or running a red light, or riding on prohibited side-walk.
Who knows what they can do, if no ID is shown of proof of citizenship or immigration status ?
Why worry about it till necessary

Lue C Fur

Evil member

Then Arizona laws requires that each American must carry proof of citizenship, too, right ?
How else would they know the difference ?

So, next time you ride your bike, take the dog for a walk, or whatever you may do, carry your wallet !
If your kids or teenagers don't have a drivers license, make sure they carry birth certificate and photo ID with them at all times.

Regarding your veggies and fruits from other countries tasting like crap, then don't buy them. Simple as that.
We don't have that option up north... since our growing season is very limited.
And we don't get Canadian Mandarines for xmas.
Speaking of those, I bought a net of them this week, from Peru (very good, actually).
And got corn on the cob, imported from the US.
All from Safeway.

Remember when you buy coffee, it better not be from South America either,or Tea from Asia or India.
Good luck on your few choices remaining.

Russia was once like that. You would have liked it there !

And don't go bananas on me now - they are imported , too !

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Gee, I'm probably not the only one that went to work at UPS, and in the middle of the day , noticed I left my wallet at home (with Driver's license).
I bet you did not forget to bring some beer money though.

Actually, just last week, I drove to 7/11, wanted to buy lottery tickets, and noticed I didn't have my wallet on me. :(
See what happens when all those brain cells leave.

But, yes. once you have a DL, you are in the police-car onboard computer system. They can easily enter your name, and know you have one.
But, will cost you a fine. Not sure how much it is now... 15 years ago, I paid $50.... must be closer to $100 or $150 now, who knows ?
Kool-----more useless Canada info from Klein.
For those not having a DL, and get stopped on a bicycle for an accident, or running a red light, or riding on prohibited side-walk.
Who knows what they can do, if no ID is shown of proof of citizenship or immigration status ?
Would suck if you were in an accident and knocked out and they did not who you were...they would not know who to call. If you go anywhere without an ID you a fool.


Strength through joy
Obama’s border plan looks similar to Bush’s

The Associated Press — PHOENIX —
President Barack Obama’s plan to send as many as 1,200 National Guard troops to the US-Mexico border appears to be a scaled-down version of the border security approach championed by his predecessor.
The 6,000 troops who were sent by President George W. Bush to the border from June 2006 to July 2008 were generally credited within law enforcement circles as having helped improve border security, but restrictions placed on the soldiers were denounced by advocates for tougher enforcement who are now leveling similar objections at Obama’s plan.
Some law enforcement officials along the border said they worry that Obama will repeat Bush’s mistake by limiting the troops to support roles, such as conducting surveillance and installing lighting, rather than letting them make arrests and confront smugglers. They also believe the scale of the force — one-fifth of the size of the one sent by Bush — is too small to make a difference along the length of the 2,000-mile border.