Arizona's anti-imigration law...


Well-Known Member

Then Arizona laws requires that each American must carry proof of citizenship, too, right ?
How else would they know the difference ?
No the AZ law does not require American citizens to carry proof of citizenship.The requirement to be able to prove who you are is not new in the USA. I don't remember a time when we didn't have to do that if requested by LEOs. More than one person has spent the night in jail for refusing to ID themselves to officers.
As far as people to young to drive having to prove their citizenship, a ride home in the back of a squad car can usually provide all that's needed.

So, next time you ride your bike, take the dog for a walk, or whatever you may do, carry your wallet !
If your kids or teenagers don't have a drivers license, make sure they carry birth certificate and photo ID with them at all times.

IMHO, you should never leave your home without your ID, whether you are walking the dog, riding the bike or jogging. If you are in an accident you will need that if you are unconscious. So the emergency response people will know who you are. That's a good reason for parents to make their kids carry a photo ID as well.

As for the rest of this post I will hand off to Lue C Fer.
Wow, so you have assistants that specialize in different topics? That's trendy.

Regarding your veggies and fruits from other countries tasting like crap, then don't buy them. Simple as that.
We don't have that option up north... since our growing season is very limited.
And we don't get Canadian Mandarines for xmas.
Speaking of those, I bought a net of them this week, from Peru (very good, actually).
And got corn on the cob, imported from the US.
All from Safeway.

Remember when you buy coffee, it better not be from South America either,or Tea from Asia or India.
Good luck on your few choices remaining.

Russia was once like that. You would have liked it there !

And don't go bananas on me now - they are imported , too !


Für Meno :)
And, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Canada joined next. Canada has written the Human Rights.
And it's probably unthinkable, that now Canadians can be arrested, just for not having their papers on hand.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
And, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Canada joined next. Canada has written the Human Rights.
And it's probably unthinkable, that now Canadians can be arrested, just for not having their papers on hand.

Just you Klein...just you. But remember the Feds can ask for you papers without any probable cause (unlike AZ which requires PC) so dont forget to carry your ID on you at all times or Obama's goons will get ya.:wink2:


Für Meno :)
Just you Klein...just you. But remember the Feds can ask for you papers without any probable cause (unlike AZ which requires PC) so dont forget to carry your ID on you at all times or Obama's goons will get ya.:wink2:

Like I said.. I don't mind maybe showing photo ID, but I won't carry my passport around al all times (beach, bars, going to the store, etc ).

Thats my ticket home, without it, I can't get on a plane !
And it takes a lot of trouble to get it replaced, even in Florida.
Not every american city has a Canadian Consulate !

Forget it.
That passport stays at a safe place while I'm there visiting !


And, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Canada joined next. Canada has written the Human Rights.
And it's probably unthinkable, that now Canadians can be arrested, just for not having their papers on hand.

Maybe you should worry about things closer to home??


Für Meno :)
Maybe you should worry about things closer to home??

Too bad, you didn't get yesterdays story : A US citizen arrested in Edmonton, that was was convicted and fleed to this City from Minniapolis of sexual assault on 2 young girls (age 7 and 5, I believe) over there.

Nowhere to hide here !
Thats how we deal with illegals here. He didn't last a week in Canada before getting caught !
(The Mounties always get their man) ! :)
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Strength through joy
How ‘LaRaza’ of Mexico to ‘Prepare’ in Case their Own People Come ‘Home’ Who are ILLEGALLY in the U.S.

Mexican senator says gov’t preparing for Ariz. law
A Mexican senator in Phoenix to learn more about Arizona’s new immigration law says Mexican government officials are preparing in case the law drives large numbers of people back to Mexico.


Für Meno :)
How ‘LaRaza’ of Mexico to ‘Prepare’ in Case their Own People Come ‘Home’ Who are ILLEGALLY in the U.S.

Mexican senator says gov’t preparing for Ariz. law
A Mexican senator in Phoenix to learn more about Arizona’s new immigration law says Mexican government officials are preparing in case the law drives large numbers of people back to Mexico.

Wouldn’t it be ironic if Mexico issued a travel ban on its citizens to Arizona. It would be like watching the movie, "A Day Without Mexicans"


Well-Known Member
I'm getting really tired of your lies and bending of the facts that are present. If you have actually read the law, you refuse to understand it and keep pushing your extremist left wing stupidity.
Your president's own Attorney General and his immense staff haven't been able to find anything in AZ's law to fight it's supposed unconstitutionality. You better believe that if this law was unconstitutional, they would already be in court. But he's certain it's unconstitutional.....yea right.
I've already posted a link to US Code on illegal immigration (which has already been declared as constitutional) and evidently you haven't read that one either.
BTW, I have never claimed to have superior knowledge of the Constitution or of the laws, but I'm not to stupid to know what it says.

Your obvious racism is overwhelming.

Easy Tex, don't implode, and don't kick your dog. Take a step back and listen to yourself, you argue this is an open and shut case, absolutely nothing constitutionally was violated, and anybody who says differently are liars, racists (how ironic in this, didn't read the Bill, have no reading comprehension, and push extreme left wing stupidity.

The law is not just unconstitutional, its “facially” unconstitutional, if you know what that means.
States do not get to legislate intn'l/nat'l affairs. States legislate state issues, and the federal govt legislates intn'l/nat'l affairs.
And you’d know that if the Conservative Texas School Boards didn't keep changing content in our text books.
Now Tex, if your bent on displacing Mexicans in your own state, who's going to do the low wage jobs such as shoveling manure off your ranch ?...

Contrary to what your masters on hate radio and fauxsnooze may tell you, this law is not simply a “strengthening of existing federal laws”.. Its rascism for political points, and worrisom at the polls, pure and simple. They may just simply target “hispanics” right now, but whats there to stop officials from, lets say targeting people with a “european” accent? When we allow the rights of other people to be trampled on, we pretty much guarantee that our rights will be the next to go. But know, you asking for us to have faith in people like Sherriff Joe A-hole, that they'll do the right thing....

On a side note, speaking of toughguy sheriff of USA, Joe Arpaio and his aggressive tactics against illegal immigrants have been frequently in the news lately. 93 people were detained in the latest sweep, and officers suspected about 63 of them are illegal immigrants. This brings up the question – on what ground were the other 30 detained and if they are legals, isn't it an argument that "reasonable suspicion" doesn't work in certain cases? The law threatenes to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe.

How bout this, deport the Repugs (the ones that are trying to destroy America) and keep the hard working Immigrants...


Well-Known Member
"Arizona’s crackdown on illegal immigration will boost crime as it drives a wedge between police officers and their communities, police chiefs testified after meeting with Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday.

The new law will inhibit crime victims and witnesses who are immigrants from coming forward, said the chiefs, who are from major cities including Houston and Salt Lake City.

“It will put a level of mistrust, and it will break down those relationships we worked so hard to establish over the past several years,” Tucson Chief of Police Roberto Villasenor told reporters."

Read more....


Deez, we are just going to have to agree to disagree. Your slant on things is not the same as mine or Trp's. There is no intent to displace ANY legal resident here, only to stop the influx of illegals and their criminal activities. You and others want to keep calling J. Arpaio an a-hole then you're going to get the same thing back. Stop being an ********. Obviously there are many that approve of what he is doing and I am one of them. I don't even live in Maricopa County.

I, too, believe this is an open and shut case but in the end we will find out one way or the other. I have no problem with being wrong. If I am so be it but I think that you (and others) are the one that is wrong.
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Für Meno :)
Deez, we are just going to have to agree to disagree. Your slant on things is not the same as mine or Trp's. There is no intent to displace ANY legal resident here, only to stop the influx of illegals and their criminal activities. You and others want to keep calling J. Arpaio an a-hole then you're going to get the same thing back. Stop being an *********. Obviously there are many that approve of what he is doing and I am one of them. I don't even live in Maricopa County.

I, too, believe this is an open and shut case but in the end we will find out one way or the other. I have no problem with being wrong. If I am so be it but I think that you (and others) are the one that is wrong.

Again, I'm all for fighting illegal immigration, but still doubt the messures AZ put in place, as even the UN thinks it may violalte the Human Rights Act :

The Huffington Post May 27, 2010

UN Human Rights Experts Criticize Arizona Immigration Law, Say It Could Violate International Standards

05/11/10 10:30 PM |

GENEVA — Arizona's new law on illegal immigration could violate international standards that are binding in the United States, six U.N. human rights experts said Tuesday.
The basic human rights regulations, signed by the U.S. and many other nations, relate to issues such as discrimination and the terms under which a person can be detained, the experts said.
"A disturbing pattern of legislative activity hostile to ethnic minorities and immigrants has been established with the adoption of an immigration law that may allow for police action targeting individuals on the basis of their perceived ethnic origin," the experts said.
Arizona's new sweeping law targeting illegal immigration has provisions that include requiring police enforcing another law to question a person about his or her immigration status, if there is "reasonable suspicion" that the person is in the United States illegally. It also makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally.
In America, critics have said the law violates the U.S. Constitution's provisions against unreasonable search and seizure and will result in racial profiling of Hispanics. Supporters deny that and say the law will pressure illegal immigrants to leave the country on their own.
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Strength through joy
Experts: Mexico harasses immigrants as it criticizes Arizona immigration law by Chris Hawley
Republic Mexico City Bureau

“There (in the United States), they’ll deport you,” Hector Vázquez, an undocumented immigrant from Honduras, said as he rested in a makeshift camp with other migrants under a highway bridge in Tultitlan. “In Mexico, they’ll probably let you go, but they’ll beat you up and steal everything you’ve got first.”

Mexican authorities have harshly criticized Arizona over Senate Bill 1070, which makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally. It states that an officer engaged in a lawful stop, detention or arrest shall, when practicable, ask about a person’s legal status when reasonable suspicion exists that the person is in the U.S. illegally.
“(The law) violates inalienable human rights,” the Mexican Foreign Ministry says.
Meanwhile, Mexican police freely engage in racial profiling, harassing Central American migrants while ignoring thousands of American retirees living illegally in Mexico, immigration experts say.
Mexico already has an Arizona-style statute requiring local police to check IDs. That clause has fed an epidemic of kidnappings, rapes and other atrocities against migrants because victims are afraid to talk to police, Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission says.
But human-rights activists say abuses have continued unabated.
“The Mexican government should probably clean up its own house before looking at someone else’s,” said Melissa Vertíz, spokeswoman for the Fray Matías de Córdova Human Rights Center in Tapachula, Mexico.
Dangerous territory
In one six-month period from September 2008 to February 2009, at least 9,758 migrants were kidnapped and held for ransom in Mexico, 91 of them with the direct participation of Mexican police, a report by the National Human Rights Commission says. Other migrants are routinely stopped and shaken down for bribes, it says.
A separate survey conducted during one month in 2008 at 10 migrant shelters showed Mexican authorities were behind migrant attacks in 35 of 240 cases, or 15 percent. Most of the abuses against migrants are committed by gangs and migrant smugglers.
In 2008, the Mexican government softened the punishment for undocumented migrants, from a maximum 10 years in prison to a maximum fine of $461. Most detainees are simply taken to detention centers and put on buses for home.
Mexican law calls for six to 12 years of prison and up to $46,000 in fines for anyone who shelters or transports illegal immigrants, but the nation’s Supreme Court ruled in March 2008 that the law applies only to people who do it for money.
Article 67 of Mexico’s immigration law requires that all authorities, “whether federal, local or municipal,” demand to see visas if approached by a foreigner, and to hand over any undocumented migrants to immigration authorities.
And, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Canada joined next. Canada has written the Human Rights.
And it's probably unthinkable, that now Canadians can be arrested, just for not having their papers on hand.

How does that fit into your claims of profiling?


Well-Known Member
I too thought that Mexico's president, Calderon, was off-mark in his remarks concerning this law. A guess should not be critical of the home owners choice of colors for its walls. I wonder if Palestinians and Jewish people are just as offended whenever our president goes over there and tells them how they should live and who isn't living up to their standards? ie, Bush and now Obama.


Für Meno :)
I too thought that Mexico's president, Calderon, was off-mark in his remarks concerning this law. A guess should not be critical of the home owners choice of colors for its walls. I wonder if Palestinians and Jewish people are just as offended whenever our president goes over there and tells them how they should live and who isn't living up to their standards? ie, Bush and now Obama.

No doubt, what do you what world leaders to do ?
Meet on neutral land (like Switzerland), and then talk about eachothers differences ?

Caledron is in Canada today.
And I do expect him to speak out against the Visa requirements we implemented last year on Mexican Citizens to visit here.

And what does Mrs Clinton do as a foreign minister ?
You think they just talk about how nice the weather is ?

Or George Bush going from one country to another, trying to win over allies to start the war against alleged Weapons of mass destruction.
Who is he to tell other countries they need to go to war with him ?

Really, if you don't want to have a discussion about internal and external affairs with other leaders, whats the point even meeting ?
Unless it's just trade talk, which doesn't go to well either with China, because then comes the chinese currency valuation into play, which America has critized on Chinese soil often !
Along with Human Rights at times.

Let them speak freely , dammit !!!!


Well-Known Member
I too thought that Mexico's president, Calderon, was off-mark in his remarks concerning this law.

I don't think his remarks were off-mark, but considering Mexico's immigration laws he should evaluate his own domestic policies before speaking publicly on someone elses....Let alone Rich Americans can come and go basically unchecked but poor immigrants from Central and South America are more scutinized and tell stories of brutality......

Deez, we are just going to have to agree to disagree. Your slant on things is not the same as mine or Trp's. There is no intent to displace ANY legal resident here, only to stop the influx of illegals and their criminal activities. You and others want to keep calling J. Arpaio an a-hole then you're going to get the same thing back. Stop being an ********. Obviously there are many that approve of what he is doing and I am one of them. I don't even live in Maricopa County.

I, too, believe this is an open and shut case but in the end we will find out one way or the other. I have no problem with being wrong. If I am so be it but I think that you (and others) are the one that is wrong.

That's like saying there's no intent on innocent casualties of war, but it happens to frequently.....

I'm siding with the many other unsung hero Police chiefs against the Bill, who aren't looking for fame and recognition like Joe -A, I still would like to hear from all the legals his district picked-up and detained under the discretion of the Maricopa County dictator.....

Right back at you Dill.....supporting the insistense that anybody who disagrees with Arizona's Immigration reform bill as liars, illiterates, racist, and extreme stupid leftist as your buddy Tex is conducting, well, your going to get the same thing back as well....

Now, I find it convenient for so many here (mostly Conservative) to validate this claim of ownership that more Gov't is bad, less Gov't is good, yet when it suits their position, they welcome more Gov't with open arms and open legs, and professes to all "let's have faith in their desicion making"...At the same time, willing to relinquish security for the citizens/guests of Az...I am in agreement that illegal immigration is a drain on the system, but not as a result of rising crime rates, because that's just not true. And many do pay taxes, even for social services they will never recieve... However, if you put these people out of work and on the run, crime will increase and those who witness bad behavior will not come forward out of fear, including battered women.......We will see Constitutional challenges hopefully sooner than later, we all know how slow our Judicial system works, almost as slow as Congress....But I would not call either side of the Constitutonality of Az's Bill, liars or stupid illiterates, that's just like Jr High Sch mentality....But I will still call Maricopa County's Dictator Joe A an A-hole for his beligerent history and his obsession for attention and self serving purposes....

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
"Arizona’s crackdown on illegal immigration will boost crime as it drives a wedge between police officers and their communities, police chiefs testified after meeting with Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday.

The new law will inhibit crime victims and witnesses who are immigrants from coming forward, said the chiefs, who are from major cities including Houston and Salt Lake City.

“It will put a level of mistrust, and it will break down those relationships we worked so hard to establish over the past several years,” Tucson Chief of Police Roberto Villasenor told reporters."

Read more....

I never did get your answer on where you want me to send the busload of illegals to??? Don't you want to share? My guess is it is easier to preach and preach than it is to live it every day... HUH? I will be happy to throw in a few Somalia and other Muslim terrorists in as well. They are coming up from the southern border also! After all we do want to share the wealth with our uber uber liberal kool-aid drinkers.

You would be doing these people a great service if you invited them into your home and fed and clothed them. Then you could drive their kids to school along with your own kids and they could all learn a second language. HEY! It's all good! OH! Don't forget to show them where your hospitals are so they can utilize all the facilities. It's OK if some of your neighbors get turned away because the hospitals and schools are over crowded. Look at the jobs it will create! More cops to patrol for gangs - drop houses - and drug busts!

So where do you want the bus sent to? As BO would say.... HEE HAW!