Arizona's anti-imigration law...

Yeah!! Those 3 and 4 year olds had to wait all day to "graduate"!! The horror!:happy-very:
If that is what you get out of that report, you need to re-read it. In case you are unable to decipher the words, I'll help you out. The ILLEGAL alien parents don't have to proper ID to enter the school at the regular scheduled time of the event because they are...wait for it...ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and are NOT supposed to be in this country.
Oh the horror of the thought of having to go back to where they belong.


Strength through joy
(NRO)- An overlooked fact in the hoopla over President Obama’s graduation speech to the 2010 class of Kalamazoo Central High School, the Secret Service required each student’s citizenship status:
KALAMAZOO — The White House appears to be laying the groundwork for President Barack Obama to shake the hand of each senior at Kalamazoo Central High School’s commencement ceremony next month.
Seniors are being asked to provide their birthdates, Social Security numbers and citizen status to the Secret Service so background checks could be performed. Such a check is required for anyone who gets within an arm’s length of the president, students were told at their senior breakfast Friday.

But if Arizona asks people to prove their citizenship status they’re Nazis



Strength through joy
ICE Refuses to Pickup ILLEGALS from Police

Police release 4 who had fled van

Four of six suspected illegal immigrants who fled from authorities after the van they were in was stopped Monday morning on Interstate 75 were captured Tuesday morning but then released, an official said.
Authorities with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement were contacted but declined to retrieve the suspects, District Attorney General Russell Johnson said.
“There were no state charges on which to hold the four, who were merely passengers in the operation,” Johnson stated in a news release. “State and local agencies have no authority or ability to deport illegal aliens, so they were released.”
Still missing: the driver and co-driver of what was Johnson called an “illegal human-trafficking operation.”


Strength through joy
Mexico anger high as US Border Patrol kills teen

The shooting happened beneath a railroad bridge linking the two nations.
U.S. authorities said Tuesday a Border Patrol agent was defending himself and colleagues when he fatally shot the 15-year-old as officers came under a barrage of big stones while trying to detain illegal immigrants on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande.
Arturo Sandoval, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state Attorney General’s office, said a spent .40-caliber shell casing was found near the body.
A U.S. official, meanwhile, said video shows the Border Patrol agent did not enter Mexico.


golden ticket member
Everybody's going Awwww, the poor teenager.......If they are pelting you with rocks, and they are trying to enter the country illegally, you have to protect yourself.


Well-Known Member
And introducing to you the new SB1070 shoe. In case you don't like Nikes. If you're vacationing in Arizona these shoes will exclude you from any profiling. And they're very comfortable, too. The SB1070 shoe is here for real.


Hope I'm not violating the terms of service this time... #5 in particular.
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Staff member
If that is what you get out of that report, you need to re-read it. In case you are unable to decipher the words, I'll help you out. The ILLEGAL alien parents don't have to proper ID to enter the school at the regular scheduled time of the event because they are...wait for it...ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and are NOT supposed to be in this country.
Oh the horror of the thought of having to go back to where they belong.
Actually I was refering to moreluck's "bending over backward's" comment. And hey, the school district makes the graduation. If they want to change the time of their graduation, so be it. And if the want to change that time to avoid being perceived as an arm of the IMF, then even better as far as I'm concerned.


Staff member
By the way, Trp, do you understand context? If so, can you think of a better way of enforcing the law than at a graduation for 3 and 4 year olds? Who was that cuban boy in Florida during the final Clinton years? The one deported back to his father over the wailing and gnashing of teeth by those on the right. How many of those family debacles and tensions should there be at a graduation for 3 and 4 year olds? How fast would public opinion turn against that law? If you can't think past the black and white of the law on paper, how on earth do you think you're going to enforce it in the vivid real time spectrum of life?
This is not a racial profiling bill...:smart: Put on your new Nike Shoes, and start wearing your best clothing. Oh, and don't forget a nice haircut, too. LOL.
Out of contexts clips of a CALIFORNIA Representative and a stupid music video cut and pasted together by the crew of an extreme leftist "news caster are your "proof" that SB1070 is a racial profiling bill? LMAO, you'll need to do better than that.


Strength through joy
8 Sentenced In Federal Court On Immigration Charges
by Dennis Norwood
U.S. District Court Judge Sandy Mattice sentenced eight illegal aliens to two years of supervised probation Wednesday morning. The eight were earlier found guilty of illegally entering the United States and of knowingly committing perjury by signing an I-9 form and stating that they were eligible to work in this country.
Each had also purchased false and fraudulent documents such as Social Security cards and green cards which they used to gain employment.


Strength through joy
U.S. Border Patrol Agents Subjected to 528 Assaults from January – June 2008, Statistics Show U.S. Border Incursions on the Rise in 2008 and 2009 Contact Information:
Press Office 202-646-5172, ext 305
Washington, DC — June 7, 2010
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that on March 22, 2010, it received records from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) concerning Mexican Government incursions and encounters along the U.S. border. The documents which are incomplete and do not contain all of the relevant data nonetheless indicate an increase in the number of incursions in 2008 and 2009. Judicial Watch’s analysis of the data shows:
• 76 Mexican Government incursions from January 2008 to December 2009 (data missing from February 2009)
• 50 Mexican Government incursions in 2008 alone, which is double the number of incursions from the previous year
• 528 assaults against CBP agents from January – June 2008
• 11 assaults against National Guard agents with CBP from January – June 2008
CBP statistics obtained previously by Judicial Watch confirmed 25 incursions in Fiscal Year 2007. Judicial Watch has documented 226 Mexican Government incursions between 1996 and 2005.
CBP also records the number of tunnels discovered along the border which are allegedly used for smuggling and human trafficking. In 2008 alone, CBP discovered 25 of these tunnels. Overall, between 1990 and March 2009, CBP discovered 103 tunnels along U.S. borders — one along the U.S border with Canada and 102 along the U.S. border with Mexico.
Actually I was refering to moreluck's "bending over backward's" comment. And hey, the school district makes the graduation. If they want to change the time of their graduation, so be it. And if the want to change that time to avoid being perceived as an arm of the IMF, then even better as far as I'm concerned.
Of course the school has the right to set the time of the ceremony, no one has said different. However they changed the time to accommodate people that are in this country illegally, they have broken our federal laws. The school changing the time was bending over backwards so criminals, yes criminals don't have miss the event. How can you not understand this?

By the way, Trp, do you understand context? If so, can you think of a better way of enforcing the law than at a graduation for 3 and 4 year olds? Who was that cuban boy in Florida during the final Clinton years? The one deported back to his father over the wailing and gnashing of teeth by those on the right. How many of those family debacles and tensions should there be at a graduation for 3 and 4 year olds? How fast would public opinion turn against that law? If you can't think past the black and white of the law on paper, how on earth do you think you're going to enforce it in the vivid real time spectrum of life?

LOL, yes I do understand context, not too sure you do though. The graduation of 3-4 year old kids had nothing to do with enforcing the law, how did you come to this conclusion? There was nothing in the story suggesting that. The story said the time was changed because some of the parents did not have government IDs and could not legally enter the building, still no mention of the possibilities of deportation in the story.
The Elian Gonzalez story was not about illegal presence in the US, it was about political asylum and who had the right/authority to request asylum for Elian Gonzalez. The highest court to hear the case(the SCotUS would not hear it) ruled that only his father had that authority. Elian was reunited with his natural father in Cuba, he was NOT deported. Thus Apples/oranges. BTW, I'm sure you consider me on the "right", however I was for the boy to go home to his Dad from day one.
I think that the immigration laws can be enforced on a case by case basis and in the end, the cost for doing so would be less than what the illegals are costing us now. The kicker is, the boarder has to be secured before any headway can be made. This whole situation is multi leveled and very complex.
Let's secure the boarders then work on real immigration reform.

Lue C Fur

Evil member