Arizona's anti-imigration law...


Strength through joy
A State Transformed: Immigration and the New California,‘ is authored by Steven A. Camarota and Karen Jensenius. Among the findings:
• in 1970 California had the 7th most educated work force of the 50 states in terms of the share of its workers who had completed high school. By 2008, it ranked 50th, making it the least-educated state. One in six workers in the state has not graduated high school.

• The decline in education in California is large relative to other states. The percentage of Californians who have completed high school has increased since 1970; however, all other states made much more progress in improving education levels. As a result, California has fallen behind the rest of the country.

• The large relative decline in education in California is a direct result of immigration. Without immigrants, the share of California’s labor force that has completed high school would be above the national average.

• There is no indication that California will soon close the educational gap. California ranks 35th in terms of the share of its 19-year-olds who have completed high school. Moreover, one-third of the adult immigrants who settled in the state in 2007 and 2008 had not completed high school, adding 91,000 new unskilled adults to the state.

• In 1970, California was right at the national average in terms of income inequality, ranking 25th in the nation. By 2008, it was the 6th most unequal state in the country based on the commonly used Gini coefficient, which measures how evenly income is distributed.

• California’s income distribution in 2008 was more unequal than was Mississippi’s in 1970.

• While historical data on welfare are not available, we can say that in 2008 California ranked 11th highest in terms of the share of its households accessing at least one major welfare program and 8th highest in terms of the share of the state’s population without health insurance.

• The large share of California’s adults who have very little education is likely to strain social services and make it challenging for the state to generate sufficient tax revenue to cover the demands for services made by its large unskilled population.


Staff member
Context Trp has nothing to do with immigration status, or asylum but with how it plays out in the news media. Could you imagine 30 parents being dragged away from their graduating tots by riot gear toting IMF agents? I can still see the picture of Elian being taken away in my mind.
Context Trp has nothing to do with immigration status, or asylum but with how it plays out in the news media. Could you imagine 30 parents being dragged away from their graduating tots by riot gear toting IMF agents? I can still see the picture of Elian being taken away in my mind.
I guess one could assign any meaning to a word that fits their argument. Here is the meaning I was using.
Main Entry: con·text
Pronunciation: \ˈkän-ˌtekst\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, weaving together of words, from Latin contextus connection of words, coherence, from contexere to weave together, from com- + texere to weave — more at technical
Date: circa 1568
1 : the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning
2 : the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs
I guess one could assign any meaning to a word that fits their argument. Here is the meaning I was using.
Main Entry: con·text
Pronunciation: \ˈkän-ˌtekst\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, weaving together of words, from Latin contextus connection of words, coherence, from contexere to weave together, from com- + texere to weave — more at technical
Date: circa 1568
1 : the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning
2 : the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs
parents being dragged away from their graduating tots by riot gear toting IMF agents, had nothing to do with that article.

What agency is IMF?
IMF International Monetary Fund

INS Immigration and Naturalization Services

I think he meant to say INS.
That's what I thought too, but he has used IMF in at least two posts. If there was another agency who's initials are IMF, I just wanted to know what it was.
I'm personally terrible at keeping up with all the acronyms anyway, a new one just builds the


Staff member
INS yes. My fault. Had nothing to do with that article. Correct. Maybe this helps. "Must a Christ be crucified in every generation for the sake of those who lack imagination?" Yes, yes, I know. This article has nothing to do with Christ either. But then again what really does Queen to Queen's level three have to do with anything?


Well-Known Member

I know this has nothing to do with Arizona... wait, it has because Arizona is a border-state to Mexico. Hey Cowboy, this is why I say we need flawless written laws, and not kind words. Because as you said, there are rotten apples in every barrel. I know this is still under investigation but please don't say he was being revived with electric shocks after the beating.


I know this has nothing to do with Arizona... wait, it has because Arizona is a border-state to Mexico. Hey Cowboy, this is why I say we need flawless written laws, and not kind words. Because as you said, there are rotten apples in every barrel. I know this is still under investigation but please don't say he was being revived with electric shocks after the beating.

First of all I want to say that there is no excuse for anyone to be beaten to death. IMO, a full investigation should follow by any US law enforcement agency other than ICE (as I understand it, ICE agents are the accused) and appropriate action taken.
This video is horrible, I could not tell anything about what it was supposed to be capturing. The dark figures at the back of the car are nothing more than blobs, no one could tell who was who or what was going on. If you saw this without any description given, you would have no idea what was happening. Very inconclusive proof of anything.
You mention flawless laws need to be written, keep dreaming, people write laws and people are not flawless as well as the people that enforce laws. Are you aware that there are laws to punish wrong doers, even if they are LEOs? OH, and please don't say that it will never happen.
Maybe you should become a Senator and then you can take a crack at writing a flawless law.
In no post I have put up on this subject have I indicated that I thought this kind of alleged treatment was justified. But just from what I read on one article concerning this incident, a few facts were clear.
One, Anastasio Hernandez Rojas (the deceased) was in the US illegally and had already been deported once. In other words, he was not supposed to be here and had no right to be here.
Two, the article said he worked in construction when he was here illegally. To work here for all the years that he was getting by with his illegal presence, he probably was paying taxes, or getting paid cash under the table. Either way he was breaking other laws. If being paid cash, he was paying no taxes, illegaly. If not cash, he was using a fake SS# that belongs to someone else, illegally. To summarize, this man was a criminal, no denying that fact.
I doubt the agents involved just yanked him out of the car and started beating him, he probably resisted arrest which brought about more aggressive actions by the agents. It is clear this man, Anastasio Hernandez Rojas, is partially responsible for his own death.
In no way am I saying beating someone to death is justified, however, as you said, it is still under investigation.

Just in case anyone is interested, here is the Coroner's report on Anastacio Hernandez-Rojas:

Case Number: 10-01101
Name: Anastacio Hernandez-Rojas
City of Residence:
DOB: 5/2/1968
Place of Death: 751 Medical Center Court, Chula Vista CA
Place of injury:
720 E. San Ysidro Boulevard, San Ysidro CA
Date/Time of Death:
5/29/2010 6:10:00 PM
Date/Time injury: 05/28/2010 Unk
Cause of Death:
Anoxic encephalopathy due to: Resuscitated cardiac arrest d/t acute myocardial infarct due to: Hypertensive cardiomyopathy, acute methamphetamine intoxication, and physical altercation with law enforcement officers
Contributing Conditions: None
Manner: Homicide
Investigating Agency:
San Diego Police

if anyone wants to see it first hand instead of a C&P Here is the link you have toscroll down a little to find the report.

Oh yea, so it appears that we can add Meth Head to his list of crimes.


Strength through joy

[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]The price of accommodating Mexico
[/SIZE][/FONT]The Mexican government continues to oppose enhanced U.S. border security while Mexican cartels smuggle thousands of criminals and terrorists into the United States. The Obama administration continues to tolerate this national-security nightmare out of fear of offending the Mexican government and its allies in the National Council of La Raza.

Millions of Americans are asking, what's wrong with this picture? Why is Janet Napolitano more worried about border security for Saudi Arabia than for the citizens of Arizona?

It is important to understand the economic reasons behind Mexico's hostility to border security. Mexico's opposition to border security is rooted in the flow of money back to Mexico from the 20 to 30 million Mexican citizens working in the United States. Mexico wants that flow of dollars to continue and to increase. Mexico's addiction to those American dollars – over $25 billion in 2007 – has led the Mexican government into an unholy partnership with the drug cartels. Both the Mexican government and the cartels want open borders, and they both paint the American concern for border security as racist and "anti-Mexican."

But there is more than the flow of dollars at stake in the debate over border security. What most Americans do not understand is that the drug cartels control both the drug smuggling and the human trafficking. The "coyotes" who take people across the border are no longer freelance operators; they work for the cartels, and the cartels set the prices and make the rules.

A Mexican national or someone from Guatemala or Honduras will typically pay $1,500 to be taken across the border. But thousands of "other-than-Mexican" (OTMs) are also smuggled across the border by the same networks. Individuals from Brazil, Egypt and Nigeria pay $5,000 to $10,000 each. Thus, the large-scale smuggling of human beings brings additional billions to the drug cartels' coffers each year.

But there is a third, silent partner in this unholy alliance against border security. The terrorist organization Hezbollah is operating in Mexico and Latin America and is paying the drug cartels big bucks to get its agents into the United States. "High value" individuals from Pakistan, Yemen, Iran and Afghanistan pay from $20,000 to $50,000 to Mexican cartels to get into the United States.


golden ticket member
If you're seeing Janet as being more caring about Arabia and I'm seeing B.O. as hoping oil fails here........what country is trying to take us over??? :dissapointed:


If social services weren't so easy to get in the US, this would be a non-issue.
If a person from the US goes to Mexico and goes to the hospital. The bill must be PAID before you leave. (Mexican people must pay their bills as well)
If an American gets a job illegally- It's a FELONY.
If a foreigner in Mexico needs more help than a church or charity can provide, that is just too bad.
Every time I turn on the TV (here in Kentucky) there is another story about some idiot blowing up their house or trailer with a meth lab. So you can't blame it all on the Mexican people.
And many of the people stealing American jobs that are seen as "good jobs" are WHITE. Canadians, British, (and other Europeans) South Africans, Austrailians, When they get fake papers no-one questions them because they are white. Next time a white person with a charming foreign accent waits on you in a fancy restaurant or up-scale shop. Chances are they are not here legally.
Racial profiling is not police work, it is for border patrol. Who, by the way do not clear out HUGE woodland settlement camps of disruptive immigrant men who look for work by the side of the road, and at Home Depot parking lots in San Diego.
