Arizona's anti-imigration law...


Strength through joy
ILLEGALS Complain They aren’t Being ‘Left Alone’

Noncriminal, undocumented aliens aren’t being left alone, activists complain
For Leslie Cocche, the morning of March 12 began like any other school day. She stood at the Fort Lauderdale Tri-Rail station listening to music through her ear buds while awaiting the train to Miami, where she attends Miami Dade College.
Suddenly, a U.S. Border Patrol agent began questioning her, eventually discovering that the 18-year-old Peruvian was in the country illegally. Cocche was arrested, handcuffed and handed over for deportation proceedings.


Strength through joy
Poll: 61% of Coloradans want Arizona law

Poll: 61% of Coloradans want Arizona law here61% in Northwest Support Arizona Law

Majority in Northwest Poll Support Arizona Immigration Law

56% Oppose Justice Department Challenge of Arizona Immigration Law

56% Oppose Justice Department Challenge of Arizona Immigration Law

126,000 Show Support for SB1070 in Petition



Well-Known Member
Baba gounj

So you are all for criminals to be given a free pass just because they have a job.
Where did I say that?
You are sick.
First......they all must leave the country......
Oh yes, lets use your magic wand to send them all back home. It’d be pretty if the problem was to be solved that easily, wouldn’t it? It’d cost Trillions of dollars to send them back home, all of them, but with your little magic wand it’ll be free. However, if your magic wand works, $1.5 trillion would dissappear from our GDP, hitting the economy real bad, and I’m sure there are other complexities. And we will have Obama doing all these unwise bailouts that go against capitalism, again; rising our national debt and insulting Jefferson’s memory. As I’ve said from the beginning of my posts in this thread, this is not an easy issue to deal with, we need good and accurate strategies. You cannot say lets send them all back home, or lets give them all plain amnesty, as both routes wouldn’t solve anything; it’d just make it worst. And you should listen to Bud Hart “Biggun” if you want to talk about criminals.
second ...apply for permission to return........
third... get in the established line of people already waiting to become citizens....{ the ones who play by the rules }
and then maybe.
.................................................. .....
I know of some who came here legally , and after several years & several thousands paid for fees our government still said no.
.................................................. .....................................


I'm with the 75% of the people that feel the government isn't doing enough to secure the border and the 83% that support the use of the National Guard to patrol the border.

In addition to the high support for increased enforcement, Americans also disagree with the way Obama is dealing with the immigration issue. Fifty-one percent of Americans disapprove of the President's policies. More Americans disapprove of the way he's handling immigration than the way he's handling the oil spill in the Gulf and the economy.
51%? I thought that would be more. I don’t like Obama, but please don’t ever mention me Bush while I’m eating.
If the Fed (in this case Obama) was doing their job to PROTECT the citizens of the USA then Arizona wouldn't have to do it for them now would they?...
This is not a problem that has risen in just 3 years. That’s why I say we need precisely written laws. Not laws that bring more problems than the ones we already have. But, if you are still submerged into that political fight, illegal population has decreased 13.7% from 2007 to 2009. I don’t know how it has decreased but if you’re into the political fighting like the Texan, you should accept that fact.

The Cowboy

Hotshot, I posted links to the US Code to the mirrored laws on this thread. You even (finally) said you had read them. Now you say you can't find them?
Of course I said I already read those Federal Codes you proclaim are the same or mirror SB1070, even before you posted them here. And that’s why, because I have already read those, I say I can’t find that law you guys proclaim it’s the same as SB1070. I’ve already told you that that Federal Law is not the same nor that it mirrors SB1070, and you finally agreed. I’m still looking, please point to me that Federal Law you guys say it’s the same as SB1070, but remember, Texan, it has to be a current one; laws from 1867 to 1964 don’t count.
Oh, that's a funny bit. The thing about funny bits is they are rarely totally true.
I’m glad you liked it. ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫"All the single ladies, all the single ladies..."♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪ Oh, no, Cowboy it’s the funny truth; as funny is the law.

Amazing huh? 90+% ILLEGAL immigrants like the idea of amnesty. Neither stat proves much, if anything.
Yeah, that’s why I don’t like polls, either. Are you just reading what you like from the polls?
I've already shown you the difference in race and nationality, several times, several ways. This makes your claim that the law is "racially" is unfounded.
Hahahahahahahahaha! You? To Me? LOL. How? With this phrase from yourself: “Discrimination against illegals from Mexico is not racism.” LOL. Someone having a little bit of understanding about races and ethnicities, and discrimination wouldn’t say something like that. But, I’m glad you did understand that there’s no such ethnicity as Mexican Hispanics. LOL.
I personally am against ANY law or legal action that would legitimatize the masses of illegal immigrants living here for any period of time, UNTIL the boarders are secured. Then and ONLY then should there be discussions on what to do about the ones (12-15 million of them) already here illegally.
UNTIL the borders are secured? How you think the border will be secured? With a huge wall standing on the South? Sending troops to the South?

So, my friends, I’ve never said I’m with the 80% of people who approve amnesty. I’m just showing the polls you guys like to read. But, you guys just read what you like, as I see. It’s all about money. If you want to legalize 12 to 15 million illegal immigrants, charge them for it, while they can still collaborate with the economy. How? I don’t know but I’m sure there’s a way without controversy of racial profiling. Oh, and I believe years do count. You don’t need a huge wall or a battalion of soldiers to secure the border if you use your brain. Leave the soldiers credibility for times of war. It won’t take a year or two to solve this problem, neither bizarre laws will solve this problem. And I’m glad some of us agree on one thing: Polls don’t say much as of what is right or wrong with SB1070. And now, don’t pay much attention when you listen the Sheriff saying:”Well, 71% of Arizona like the new law.” SO WHAT!? That isn’t any fundament to say it’s right!


Well-Known Member
We're not Iran. We're not Germany. That's why we distinguish ourselves from other countries. We mostly set the example, than imitating other ways.

Amen. Roundem' up take them to the border and set them free and I think that is being nice. Opponents to this bill should read what would happen to Mexicans if they crossed into Iran or even Germany without papers.


Well-Known Member
What? Rusell Pearce, you mean the author of SB1070? He once circulated white separatist e-mail messages?

..."a world in which every voice proclaims the equality of the races, the inerrant nature of the Jewish 'Holocaust' tale, the wickedness of attempting to halt the flood of non-White aliens pouring across our borders..."

Holyshot, I can’t believe it. What? He was hugging a real Neo-Nazi!? Rusell Pearce? Nah… Do absurd Nazi ideas still exist?

Uh? Kris Kobach, you mean the one who’s taking credit for SB1070, links with FAIR? Nah. FAIR is behind SB1070, noooooooooooooo!

“…to govern is to populate… will the present majority peaceably hand over its political power to a group that is simply more fertile?... as Whites see their power and control over their lives declining, will they simply go quietly into the night? Or will there be an explosion?”

“I’ve come to the point of view that for European-American Society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear on at that.”

“…[Immigrants] Defecating and creating garbage and looking for jobs.”

Mothatrucker, oh no. Now, I know why those statistics (of how much illegal aliens cost to our country) don’t have any credibility; if they come from such a group…
This group is behind SB1070; a hateful group, behind SB1070? And I am making SB1070 a racial issue…

Oh… and there’s money involved in this bill. Always, there will always be money involved. Money is power.



Retired 23 years

Old school Carpet Bombing....Rolling Thunder!!!

A few of these patrolling the border would do wonders

Lue C Fur

Evil member
KingofBrown;745495[FONT=Times New Roman said:

Notice at 1:48 like a good Democrat she lies and gives misinformation about the AZ imigration law...which in turn other kool-aid drinking Dims slurp it up and ask for more.

Typical Dems weapons when they disagree:




Well-Known Member
Yes she was lying. Come on Rachel. Don't you remember you can spot an illegal alien by looking at his/her shoes, clothing and hair. How else will you justify "Reasonable Suspicion." By racial profiling, come on! It's not the color of the skin, it's the type of shoes they wear. LOL.
Yes she was lying. Come on Rachel. Don't you remember you can spot an illegal alien by looking at his/her shoes, clothing and hair. How else will you justify "Reasonable Suspicion." By racial profiling, come on! It's not the color of the skin, it's the type of shoes they wear. LOL.
It's clear that you will not take anyone's word on what "reasonable suspicion" is or how it is determined, so I see no logic in wasting time trying to explain it to you.
You've got your mind made up that anyone supporting this law is neo-nazi or other brands of white supremacists, which is so far from the truth it isn't even funny.


Yes she was lying. Come on Rachel. Don't you remember you can spot an illegal alien by looking at his/her shoes, clothing and hair. How else will you justify "Reasonable Suspicion." By racial profiling, come on! It's not the color of the skin, it's the type of shoes they wear. LOL.

A good place to start profiling may be the border:

if you see someone hiding in the bushs and he aint deer hunting then he may be an illegal

see someone swimming the colorado river with all their clothes on they may be illegal.

Hiding inside false walls in a trailer with 50 others , they may be illegal.

pull ya over for a traffic stop and you can't produce a license, Id or speak english you may be an illegal.

This law won't hurt any law abiding citizens like myself that carry and willingly produce Id when asked by law enforcement. I don't in any way consider it a violation of my rights to prove I belong in this country.

to me its a membership card that allows me access to the greatest country in the world.


Staff member
LOL That Steve King is soooooooo clever! Much like alot of the folks around here. Not alot of thought, but it plays well with the base.