Arizona's anti-imigration law...


golden ticket member
I am weary of the race card being played too. If I'm against Obama's policies, that doesn't make me a racist !! I personally did not own slaves. You personally were not a slave. People will never be satisfied, so I give up even trying. It's people like Sharpton, the media whore, who keeps racism alive in our world.


I guess you have no problem with carrying Health Insurance papers --that all American's must prove they have purchased or go to jail ?
If you are an illegal you do not have to purchase health insurance --just go to the local hospital --you will be treated and the best part --you still do not have to prove you came here legally!!
The left loves to scream about the rights of illegals, law breakers and terroists ---how about the rights of American's ?
You believe that after just cause it is so wrong to ask for proof of citizenship ----check out the laws in Mexico on this subject -----In fact take your motorcycle on a cross country tour of Mexico --without proper documentation and see what happens !!
When ever I have been stopped by police --I gladly submit my driver's license, my registration, my proof on insurance ----and have been asked many times by police to produce my gun carry permit --to prove I am LEGAL. What is the problem ???

Yeah, you and Sharpton --Lets play the old Race card again ----most people are growing very tired of the same old play book.:wink2:

Island, I'm glad you brought up the drivers licence. Every one of us that drives, illegal or not, has to have a drivers licence on us whenever we drive. At all times we are driving. Now I realize that not every one drives and not all illegals drive but there are those illegals that do drive. Tell me how the hell they get drivers licences. All you that are screaming about the rights of illegls and screaming about how wrong it is to have to carry papers with you all the time, why don't you start driving without your licence with you and see how long it takes for you to get a ticket for not having it. Your righteous indignation is nothing more than a load of BS. If you don't like what what Brewer has done here then feel free to either not come to Arizona or move out. Come on Texas, let's see you do the same that we have done.


Retired 23 years
If you think this whole idea of showing your papers is morally wrong, then you can never get on a commercial air flight again.
Why you ask ?
Because it has been policy to "show your papers " for sometime .
The nasty TSA demands to know who you are, where you are going, what you are carrying, and if you have had any contact with strangers .

And don't forget to take off your shoes!:happy2:


I am weary of the race card being played too. If I'm against Obama's policies, that doesn't make me a racist !! I personally did not own slaves. You personally were not a slave. People will never be satisfied, so I give up even trying. It's people like Sharpton, the media whore, who keeps racism alive in our world.

You are absolutely right More. I'm sick of hearing about Odrama (thanks whoever coined that one, I think it is perfect) and his policies. I do not agree with what he is doing and it is obvious (approval ratings) that much of the public doesn't approve either. I sincerely hope that Brewer continues to stand her ground on the immigration law that she just signed. There is chatter that Texas is considering doing the same. We need more support from other states, though I would be very surprised to see California pass the same type of law.


If you think this whole idea of showing your papers is morally wrong, then you can never get on a commercial air flight again.
Why you ask ?
Because it has been policy to "show your papers " for sometime .
The nasty TSA demands to know who you are, where you are going, what you are carrying, and if you have had any contact with strangers .
+1 I've used my passport more in the last 2 1/2 weeks than I have in the last 3 years. Though TSA has been very pleasant to deal with, from my perspective, when I was flying out of Seattle Tues. there was at least one person that I saw that probably would not agree with me. He was in handcuffs. I definately would not want to be in his shoes.


Well-Known Member

Schultz --->"I know nothing", Colonel Klink.....

All Latinos and Hispanics, and frankly anyone with brown hair and a tan, in Az, instead of carrying your papers, you should carry a copy of the Constutution and the Bill of Rights....

I find this to be a hilariously asinine argument against the AZ immigration law. There is no factual or historical correlation between what happened in Nazi Germany, and the AZ immigration law yet you continue to push this idea that there is. I guess it just shows how poor the intellectual abilities of the left really are.


golden ticket member
Joe Piscobo did the same thing....speaking in a German accent saying, "Show me your papers!" He thinks that's funny?! No wonder you never see him anymore. They could book him with Janine Garafalo & Rosie O'donnell on a comedy tour to Iraq.


Well-Known Member
If you think this whole idea of showing your papers is morally wrong, then you can never get on a commercial air flight again.
Why you ask ?
Because it has been policy to "show your papers " for sometime .
The nasty TSA demands to know who you are, where you are going, what you are carrying, and if you have had any contact with strangers .

The difference here is that you are not simply going about your business when you go to an airport to board a flight. You go there knowing that you will be required to show applicable ID and will not be allowed to proceed past the TSA checkpoint without it. The last time I flew the TSA were professional and courteous.

I guess if illegal immigration had an impact on my life I may have a different opinion on this law, but, to me, this is racial profiling, pure and simple.


golden ticket member
You HAVE to be doing something wrong before you can be stopped. IE: pulled over for speeding, driving with no seat belt, etc.
I know the president stated otherwise, but he lied to you !! Fancy that!


golden ticket member
If you drive a 6 passenger station wagon with 15 people in it, you're gonna get stopped. There isn't a seat belt for all the passengers and you are probably trafikking in people. So, you will be asked to produce proof of your citizenship.......and you should be asked !!!


Well-Known Member
If you drive a 6 passenger station wagon with 15 people in it, you're gonna get stopped. There isn't a seat belt for all the passengers and you are probably trafikking in people. So, you will be asked to produce proof of your citizenship.......and you should be asked !!!

I can recall one time in colllege when we stuffed at least that many of us in to a VW van and we certainly weren't trafficking---transporting booze maybe, but not trafficking.


I can recall one time in colllege when we stuffed at least that many of us in to a VW van and we certainly weren't trafficking---transporting booze maybe, but not trafficking.

Dave, you and I both know that was a different time. BTDT too. It was all innocent fun back then. This is a different world we live in today. 25 years ago there was little to no publicity on illegal immigration and no thought what so ever of terrorists. You can't compare the 2. The parameters are completely different.


Well-Known Member
You HAVE to be doing something wrong before you can be stopped. IE: pulled over for speeding, driving with no seat belt, etc.
I know the president stated otherwise, but he lied to you !! Fancy that!

...They already have laws in place for unlawful stops and violations...Now American Citizens and legals can be harrassed just for asking a Cop for directions....
And now police officers can be sued for not detaining illegals??? ***

Here's a 52yr veteran Az Sherriff with a different opinion than your hero Sherriff Arpaio (A-hole)


golden ticket member
...They already have laws in place for unlawful stops and violations...Now American Citizens and legals can be harrassed just for asking a Cop for directions....
And now police officers can be sued for not detaining illegals??? ***

Here's a 52yr veteran Az Sherriff with a different opinion than your hero Sherriff Arpaio (A-hole)

That's the problem......the gov't won't enforce the existing laws and I applaud the Gov. for attacking the problem. Oh, by the way that dissenting sheriff will get fired if he doesn't uphold the law...that's his job. Sheriff Joe is just doing his job.


Strength through joy
Born and Raised

by DFX April 29, 2010 19:11 From Blogsphere:

My name is d'Lynn. I'm a disabled Vietnam vet. I don't look too bad for a beat-up old fart, do I? And that's my ride. She's looking pretty good looking also, especially when you consider that she'll turn twenty this summer. That's right, it's a 1990 with a 1990 sidecar. I can't ride a solo bike, ergo the sidecar rig. It's my sole means of transportation - rain or shine, snow or wind, and this summer also marks a milestone in both of our lives, as I will finally be able to pay her off. Twenty years old? What? Why did it take so long? You weren't paying attention, were you? It's right at the beginning of this paragraph. I am a disabled vet, which means I receive a veterans administration disability pension, which also means "I'm broke!" Just one step ahead of being homeless every month, and that's not an idle statement or an"Oh, whoa is me" dire complaint. There’s a point to this, so hang in there a minute or two and read on.
There's a 25-year-old illegal immigrant woman living in Florida, with eight kids. Yes, eight "anchor babies" and she receives just shy of $1,500 per month per kid, plus medical, plus food stamps. Oh, wait. I've been informed that I shouldn't call them Food Stamps anymore. That's not PC. It's all called “Social Assistance” now. You do the math on that yourself. I'd say that she was schooled early in how to make it in the system. Twenty-five years old, eight kids . . . . . yep, she started early.
You can whip out the calculator if you want, but this women who never has paid a dime in taxes of any kind, (and still doesn't – she's 'illegal,' remember?) is here in this country illegally. She hasn’t paid one one cent in medical for all the “anchor babies,” makes more in one month, legally, than I receive in over a year and a half in disability payments and I can't even get food stamps! Oops, I mean “Social Assistance.”
Technically I am eligible for “Social Assistance.” I was told it would be a walk through – a gimme – being disabled. No problem, and in the very next breath I was also informed that under the law the amount I received in “Social Assistance” would be deducted from my disability pension.
Let's say I take a great photograph. It was just luck, a one of a kind accidental, in the right place at the right time shot. My local newspaper offers me fifty bucks to use the photo in a featured story. (I live in a small town and fifty bucks is all they could afford.) I have to report that fifty dollars to the VA as earned income, which will immediately be deducted from my next month’s disability check. If I don't report it I’m in violation of federal law and technically they can stop my disability pension and prosecute me under a federal felony. Pretty cool, eh? For fifty bucks.
I see no point in dealing with two federal bureaucracies, so I don't bother. What's the point?
She's here illegally and with just one kid would make over twice what I receive per month. She has eight and she’s not a stand-out case. She’s not alone. That's the way the system works. Millions of illegal immigrants know this, know how the system works and know how to use it. (Haven't you seen the pamphlet? It's handed out all along our borders, "The Illegal Immigrants' Guide to Keeping America Just The Way It Is.") and that's just the way it works.
Did you know that the federal government provides a “refugee” in this country with a monthly “stipend” of $1,890, plus $580 a month in “Social Assistance?” That’s $2,470 a month, tax-free. That's two and a half times what I’m allowed to receive as a disabled vet. And just what did they do to earn this? All you have to do is show up on our collective doorstep, raise your right hand and swear that you're a refugee and, bingo, receive $30,000 a year, tax-free. That's more than someone making $15 an hour, and they have to pay taxes to boot!
Now, in defense of the Veterans Administration, they are doing what they can with what they've got. This is precious little compared to what they should have to get the job done. At least this country has a VA. It's the Senate that keeps passing laws, rules and guidelines, cutting their budget, denying requests for more staff and computer systems to handle the massive work flow. Their hands are tied by the very government that's supposed to give them what they need to get the job done, by the government you voted into office. Don't scream at the VA. I have. It's misguided anger.
The point to this “story?” Just why are you paying such high taxes to support this incredibly screwed-up government? Why? And I’m not proposing you stop paying your taxes. That's wrong. There are good programs and reasons to pay your taxes and support our government. What am I proposing? It's quite simple. Vote.


Staff member
There's a 25-year-old illegal immigrant woman living in Florida, with eight kids. Yes, eight "anchor babies" and she receives just shy of $1,500 per month per kid, plus medical, plus food stamps.
In order to have 8 kids by 25 she would have to have a baby every year (literally) starting at age 17. And according to this story, shes now getting paid $144,000 per year (not counting medical and food stamps) just because she's an illegal immigrant. Sure :wink2:.


In order to have 8 kids by 25 she would have to have a baby every year (literally) starting at age 17. And according to this story, shes now getting paid $144,000 per year (not counting medical and food stamps) just because she's an illegal immigrant. Sure :wink2:.

The monetary amounts may not be accurate but number of babies is not at all implausible. It's the point of the story that matters though. I am not the least bit surprised and it's wrong. I see this kind of crap all the time.