I don't have much regard for Jan Brewer but her signing this bill is a positive step towards ending illegal immigration. Or at least stemming the flow. Illegals are killing our economy and draining our welfare system. We have enough people here that are legally doing it. We have to carry un-insured and under-insured on our auto policies because the majority of illegals here drive with no insurance at all. So not only do I have to pay for welfare I have to pay higher insurance rates. Our jails are over crowded (oh, I have to pay for that as well). Drug trafficking and coyote trafficking is running amok. People are dying out there because of this. It needs to end and if this bill helps stop it then so be it. Anyone acting legally in this state has nothing to worry about. It's the ones that aren't here legally that have to worry.
Have to agree with you on this. However, I saw some good stuff from Jan Brewer when she brought Christmas back to the capitol so I was torn in my support. I now see she has the courage and conviction to make the tough choices. I am supporting her for governor with no doubts in my mind.
As for these bleeding heart liberals such as the Dies, (who I might remind that everyone to the right of him is a right wing conservative), I hope they all boycott Arizona. I hope it is a promise and not a threat! Please Mr & Mrs Bleeding Heart - do not come to Arizona! We don't want your business. For every one of these radical Bleeding Hearts, there are 6 citizens who will support Arizona and the businesses here. Those are the people I want to welcome to our state with open arms. People who believe in states rights and the rights of citizens. Please come to Arizona. I live in a resort area and I welcome you with open heart.
We are a state of no nonsense and common sense citizens who are a God fearing people who want to keep our state from becoming a nanny state.
Now we have to fire Phil Gordon to get Phoenix back on track. Sheriff Joe is the only one who is keeping the balance of power in that city otherwise the crime would be much worse than it is now. Phoenix has one of the worst rises in per capita major crime rates in the country. One of every seven criminals is a Mexican national locked up in state prisons for major crime. One of every five criminals is a Mexican national locked up in Maricopa county jails. We have a super highway of illegal trafficking coming across our border and the Feds do nothing to stop it.
We need to promote FEDERAL legislation to include anchor babies as illegal and deport them with their Mexican national mothers and fathers. Oklahoma is looking at this so is Texas. The last thing I want to do is split up a family. Send them all back - no exceptions!
Mexico - please continue to put travel warnings out there for your citizens. Step it up a little. Really scare them. Tell them to go elsewhere.
There is a candidate for Governor in Tennessee who is advocating that motor vehicle driver license examinations be given only in English.... makes sense to me! I wonder if Mexico gives there DL exam in English????? Bet not!
I feel real bad for all my relatives and friends and BC folks in CA or in New Mexico. Nobody has the balls to do anything to stop this problem there. My guess is that New Mexico will become a super highway soon and will change their tune as they see what happens.
As I get down from the soapbox...., I have never been prouder to be an Arizona resident than I am right now. You bleeding heart liberals are just making us more determined and resolute in our cause.