Arizona's anti-imigration law...


Strength through joy
Utah Officials Under Fire for Spanish-Language Prayer at July 4th Event

City leaders in the northern Utah town of Hyrum are under fire for allowing the closing prayer at a 4th of July program to be given in Spanish with English translation.
Since the decision — which council members say was meant to accommodate the Spanish-speaking pastor asked to deliver the prayer — Hyrum’s City Hall has been inundated with angry e-mails demanding that council members resign, and even suggesting the council be deported to Mexico, Fox 13 reported.


Strength through joy
U.S. Border is a Joke… Until a Bomb Goes Off
Paul Johnson

According to Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, states have the authority to enforce immigration laws. Michigan is the lead state supporting Arizona’s attempt to curb illegal immigration.
Joining Michigan in the now international fight on immigration enforcement is Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas and Virginia, as well as the Northern Mariana Islands.
“Arizona, Michigan and every other state have the authority to enforce immigration laws, and it is appalling to see President Obama use taxpayer dollars to stop a state’s efforts to protect its own borders,” Cox said in a statement.


Strength through joy
ICE Targets ‘Foreign Born’ Gangs

105 people in Dallas-Fort Worth arrested in ICE sting

By Nathaniel Jones
A five-day operation that targeted foreign-born gang members and their associates has resulted in the arrests of nearly 40 people from the Arlington and Fort Worth area, authorities with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Monday.
The arrests include members of at least 29 gangs in the Metroplex, including several with ties to Arlington and Fort Worth. The operation ended a two-month investigation in which outstanding warrants were used to identify gang members and their associates.


Watch out with those words. I got many good friends at FedEx, and your comment is very inappropiate and offensive. I don't think you'll call them that face to face, will ya'?

I think you should tell someone that cares. the people I may have offended are the derilicts associated with fdx people. the "insult" is actually a step up for fdx people.

Do you have any normal people as friends?


Staff member
I think you should tell someone that cares. the people I may have offended are the derilicts associated with fdx people. the "insult" is actually a step up for fdx people.

Do you have any normal people as friends?

Tie has a superiority complex. Not much of a scholar, but that's not necessary for someone informed by FoxNews.


Well-Known Member
What you realistically need is for a few drug crazed illegals to break into your house cut your throat and rape your wife before you fully understand this point. Until that happens you'll keep lighting up one bong after another while you chase frivolous semantics of law.

Please don’t tell me you had this experience from a few drug crazed FedEx employees, too.

I think you should tell someone that cares. the people I may have offended are the derilicts associated with fdx people. the "insult" is actually a step up for fdx people.
Well, the problem here is that some people have been offended, so watch your words.
Do you have any normal people as friends?

You know what your problem is, my friend? You generalize too much. Well, I guess that’s why you’re such a radical guy.

By the way, what’s normal for a radical guy?


Watch out with those words. I got many good friends at FedEx, and your comment is very inappropiate and offensive. I don't think you'll call them that face to face, will ya'?

Like I care what you think?

not my fault you can't find any normal people to be friends with.


Watch out with those words. I got many good friends at FedEx, and your comment is very inappropiate and offensive. I don't think you'll call them that face to face, will ya'?

Like I really care what you think?

not my fault you can't get normal people to be your friends.


Your answer probably sounded good to the idiots and derelicts you work with at fdx. It is however insulting to the many fine americans who constantly fight this war on drugs that you deny.


I started this.
Staff member
Perhaps you guys should review the TOS...

2.) Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. It is inappropriate to say anything on a discussion board about any individual or entity that you would not be prepared to say to them face-to-face.

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals or their choices or circumstances, which disparage their ideas, their occupation or their situation. The latter is considered to be a flame and will not be tolerated.

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, insulting, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned. The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions.

8.) You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit.


Perhaps you guys should review the TOS...

I wondered but I've seen a lot worse here than what I posted. Plus I usually get a pm or post on the thread. This was more like stealth moderation:happy2:

To me the comment insulting the efforts of so many who fight the war on drugs was much more offensive then anything I posted.

I've asked the question privately a few times via the options here and not recieved no answer. With Kings fascination with the Arizona issue I'm wondering if he is our banned friend from arizona.