Article 22

New Englander

Well-Known Member
The combo jobs help everybody. The union gets more people who will fund the pension and pay dues. UPS gets to reduce turnover and increase job quality because a full timer making 35k to 45k is less likely to quit and will actually give a damn due to wanting to keep the good paying job, benefits, and pension. The employees get more full time jobs with some part timers getting a promotion and other full timers downshifting to prolong their careers and actually make it to retirement. The combo full timers can help train and tutor all the young part timers since they are veterans and improve the part time shifts. Who knows, maybe we can reduce the need for all the useless managers and send them packing which also saves UPS money.

The 22.3 jobs help nobody but the people who bid them.

Certain amounts of turnover are good for both the Union and UPS in unused pension pay ins and lower overall wages.

Do not absolutely kid yourself into thinking 22.3 jobs are good for the company.


I'm curious would any of you consider bidding from a full time driver position to an article 22 (combining two part time jobs into one 8 hour job)?

the pros
*Starting late afternoon riding around in a van picking up ltr boxes and oca (very easy and stress free)

*Having off all day for golf, working out, fishing and anything else you cant do as a full time driver.

*off road and not having to deal with delivery and pickup of 500 pkgs a day.

*no more up and down in an old p8 with what seems like a 2 foot high step.

The Cons
*after oca pickups having to Work in building as instructed aka if they like you clerk work if they hate you loading feeders and washing cars.

*around 4 dollars less per hour

*no overtime 40 hrs a week

*cant bid back into full time driving or feeders if that ever comes up

I would like a little feedback from my fellow full-time drivers tired of working 10 - 11 hour days and seeing the rule book and bs getting bigger and bigger.

If you don't mind a non-driver chiming in. If you're sure that your local contract language does not allow you to bid into other jobs in the future then you have to be really sure you want to do this. You run the danger of getting trapped in a combo job if you find the money does not pay all your bills.


Well-Known Member
Once you're a driver there's no going back. The only thing you can move to is feeder or management. Never heard of a driver going into 22.3
NiteLite,If that works for you,God bless. I am talking about myself and most of the drivers I know. I did all the part time stuff to get to package driving. I did the package driving to get to feeder. I did the low seniority stuff until I became high seniority feeder. I can work any time around the clock I want,currently very early a.m. I can work any day combo I want,currently mon-fri. I can work any o.t. I want,currently 12 hrs a week. I can have any position I want within feeders,shifting,street,combo,etc.
My point was that once you get to this point why take a step back wards. If there are guys who want to I support their decision,more power to them.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
We were told that when a new or vacated 22.3 goes up for bid the full-timers get first bid and then part-timers if no full-timers want the job. When a driver moved into 22.3 they would take a $7.00/hr pay cut. If that person goes back to driving later they would be at the bottom of the seniority list for drivers.


Huge Member
Once you're a driver there's no going back. The only thing you can move to is feeder or management. Never heard of a driver going into 22.3

We've had plenty of drivers in the past few years go into 22.3 combo jobs. They are also welcome back to the driver ranks when rebidding starts. I don't know where you are, but here the contract is the bible and that's how it's worked for awhile.
I think its a good thing too. With all the stress put on our jobs, its nice to have it setup where we can take a couple years off and rest our bodies if need be. I would look into it sometime down the line, but for now I like the money and the open road.


Well-Known Member
In our new contract full time work is full time work. if you want to bid into a job you can.

I always thought supplement language addressed those types of issues (bidding, etc).

The New England supplement and our bidding dictates anyone can bid into anything. Feb 2010 we bid any job available. All seniority for bidding purposes is relative to your full-time years which carry over no matter which job you classified as.

Other areas are different though.


Well-Known Member
Once you're a driver there's no going back. The only thing you can move to is feeder or management. Never heard of a driver going into 22.3

I worked ODC with a driver who bid inside. Took a pay cut (lost the grievance over that) but kept his ft seniority. ODC/irreg was his 22.3 split, which is officially easy/easy here, so I don't know for sure if it was coded that way on the national list. Then he went driving again. It's been a year and his slot hasn't been filled, so far as the union can tell, so far.


Livin the cardboard dream
Over here in Spokane, you'd have to be a damn fool to take a combo job. You're just setting yourself up for being financially destitute when they cut your job. I would rather go feeder or go driving. You may be laid off at first but it doesn't take very long to cover every center and route that needs covering. I only know of one guy who was laid off for more than 7 months, but he was a transfer from Arizona, and I think it was his transfer that held him up more than the lack of work. Your 22.3 jobs simply aren't safe if your not in a large hub. Spokane is a medium sized hub and we're hemorrhaging 22.3 positions. The word is once the old timers retire, they are going to ship those jobs out to Seattle. So make sure you're in a building that does not have a history of cutting 22.3 jobs. To me it's not worth losing your house, or your car depending on UPS to keep your combo job. Too many people over here have been knocked back to part time stressing out on how to make ends meet. Just MHO.


Livin the cardboard dream
I worked ODC with a driver who bid inside. Took a pay cut (lost the grievance over that) but kept his ft seniority. ODC/irreg was his 22.3 split, which is officially easy/easy here, so I don't know for sure if it was coded that way on the national list. Then he went driving again. It's been a year and his slot hasn't been filled, so far as the union can tell, so far.

Ok, I know that irregs is considered easy just like smalls is, but those have always been considered part of the labor half of all jobs. Sounds like he got a killer deal to me.


We have a lot of drivers that bid into combo jobs. They can now have a life outside of ups!! If you can afford the pay cut then I recommend it.


Well-Known Member
We have a lot of drivers that bid into combo jobs. They can now have a life outside of ups!! If you can afford the pay cut then I recommend it.

Especially if you have, say, 25+ years company seniority and bid for an inside/outside. Barely a paycut for any inside hours, which translates into more like a 3/hr cut overall instead of 6


Well-Known Member
The Article 22 jobs were implemented to give part-timers the ability to become full-time. These jobs should only be available to part-timers or existimg 22.3 full-timers. Many will disagree, but article 22 is devoted to part-timers and 22.3 jobs should be as well. And no, I do not have a 22.3 job.


Well-Known Member
The Article 22 jobs were implemented to give part-timers the ability to become full-time. These jobs should only be available to part-timers or existimg 22.3 full-timers. Many will disagree, but article 22 is devoted to part-timers and 22.3 jobs should be as well. And no, I do not have a 22.3 job.

The response is always that a driver coming inside opens up a ft outside job, most of which go to pt's.


Well-Known Member
The response is always that a driver coming inside opens up a ft outside job, most of which go to pt's.

That is not true in this area so the response wouldn't apply. I understand its probably different for your area or other areas. no existing fulltime jobs go to bid for part-timers here, only the seasonal covers postings that come and go.


Browncafe Steward
The Article 22 jobs were implemented to give part-timers the ability to become full-time. These jobs should only be available to part-timers or existimg 22.3 full-timers. Many will disagree, but article 22 is devoted to part-timers and 22.3 jobs should be as well. And no, I do not have a 22.3 job.
Your right but a lot of drivers with seniority never had a chance to bid into these 22.3 jobs because they were not created until1998. Now why shouldn't a driver that's body has broken down and only needs a couple years to retire not be allowed to bid one of these jobs. The driver has put his time in and obviously has sacrificed his body for this company its the least that should be done!