I know last year the independents around here were getting a flat rate, something like $660 for 10 hours.
That equates to $66/hr. See....I can do math!
Similar to what MaceFremonti posted. He said he heard $60/hr up to 10 hours.
After expenses, the contractors are making $25-$30/hr.
This is somewhat comparable to what they pay us.
Bottom line, they are not doing it to save money, they are doing it to get the loads moved on time. We do not have enough feeder drivers for these 4 weeks.
It is not right to displace the sleeper guys, but just like seasonal package drivers and part timers, it is what it takes to get the volume delivered during peak.
We all just need what Johney's local has. Feeder drivers should get as many hours as they want as long as they are using shiny wheels.