Here is my story about this senority issue and about how I got into feeders... My story starts 28 years ago when I started as a part time loader, part time belt puller, part time unloader, part time primary sorter, part time irregg train driver, part time small sorter, did some part time preloading, part time air driver, 5 yrs. being a part time pkg cover driver. obtained Full Time status because i was the highest part time cover driver over 30 other cover drivers, As a fulltimer pkg driver with No Bid Route, covered for 2 years until a bid route was available. After 12 years of pkg driving, Feeders put up a "interest sheet". Feeders only wanted 1 person, I was the highest in senority over 20 people who signed it. I went to Feeder school, passed all the tests. I was put on the Q-List, "Feeder Qualification List", Meaning, a 2yr commitment covering Vacations in Feeders but still have a pkg car bid. After a 1 yr and 8 months, a feeder bid comes up, and I cant sign it because i am not a "Real Feeder driver". Nobody signs the Feeder bid, Now the feeder manager assigns it to the highest Feeder Q-list driver, which was turned down by everyone above me, since nobody wanted to be commited to nights. Since I was the lowest Q-list driver, I was the assigned the "Feeder Bid", (which I happily accepted) At that time, I had 16 yrs fulltime senority. After the next 6 monthly bid, I was able to bump into a better Feeder Job, since I had the senority....It would of been an insult on me if I was placed at the bottom of the senority list, especially, under feeder street hires. So when these street hires whine about getting bumped by people like me, I tell them, my story with UPS. They just shut up and walk away.
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