
Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
So do new glad hand seals from the shop...??
I must have misunderstood what we were talking about. I thought the complaint was grease on the hoses and the next guy getting his hands in it. If that’s the case, wear gloves. If you are using grease on a worn out grommet to get a better seal, then yes replace the grommet.


Well-Known Member
I must have misunderstood what we were talking about. I thought the complaint was grease on the hoses and the next guy getting his hands in it. If that’s the case, wear gloves. If you are using grease on a worn out grommet to get a better seal, then yes replace the grommet.
Wearing gloves does nothing. By the time you realize it, it’s too late, then you’ve already touched other things and it cascades out of control. I never do a thing without gloves on, a few weeks ago I was on a job and a pig used the tractor the week prior. It took me a good hour to figure out everything I touched, third of a bottle of spray nine later it was taken care of. I don’t wear the blue disposable gloves I wear gloves that are black I buy on Amazon. That adds to the problem. Had I had the blue ones on I probably would’ve noticed the problem quicker. Been wearing the same type gloves for my whole career. Can’t change now.
I must have misunderstood what we were talking about. I thought the complaint was grease on the hoses and the next guy getting his hands in it. If that’s the case, wear gloves. If you are using grease on a worn out grommet to get a better seal, then yes replace the grommet.
Lol, yeah man, they use the grease to create the seal instead of replacing it. PISSES ME OFF! I'm at an extended center so my dolly is my dolly every day, and now grease is everywhere because it got all over my blue line. Don't worry, UPS paid me a dollar a minute to get it all off. 🍻😎


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
Wearing gloves does nothing. By the time you realize it, it’s too late, then you’ve already touched other things and it cascades out of control. I never do a thing without gloves on, a few weeks ago I was on a job and a pig used the tractor the week prior. It took me a good hour to figure out everything I touched, third of a bottle of spray nine later it was taken care of. I don’t wear the blue disposable gloves I wear gloves that are black I buy on Amazon. That adds to the problem. Had I had the blue ones on I probably would’ve noticed the problem quicker. Been wearing the same type gloves for my whole career. Can’t change now.
I have an assigned tractor with a clean codriver. When we got it, I bought a bunch of cleaning supplies and went to town the first day I had it. That tractor stays clean.

We have had guys before that don’t have assigned trucks take another driver’s for the day and leave it a mess. When that happens the dirty driver usually gets put on blast on Facebook. It’s juvenile, and I’ve never done it myself, but that’s funny to me.

Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
I must have misunderstood what we were talking about. I thought the complaint was grease on the hoses and the next guy getting his hands in it. If that’s the case, wear gloves. If you are using grease on a worn out grommet to get a better seal, then yes replace the grommet.
I have heard of guys pulling a set with grease on the glad hands when they hit a bump and the glad hand pops off. They probably had to replace the glad hand and their underwear that day.