The majority of your dues support your LOCAL, tough guy. And let's see how withdrawal from the teamsters works out for any of us. You live in a alternate universe. For all of the union's falts, they are still the only thing that stands between you and scab wages and benefits, period. Get off your lazy ass and organize, vote , change your leadership if you don't think they represent you. RTW DESTROYS THE UNION THAT KEEPS YOUR WAGES AND BENEFITS AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN THE INDUSTRY. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.In a RTW state, the members at local 89 would have the right to withdraw from the union for any reason. Have the international impose a contract that you have voted down would be a good reason to withdraw from a union that doesn't recognize the wants of the majority of the members of local 89.
Your dues do not just support the local. Part of your dues money gets sent to the marble palace in Washington DC to support the international.
I wouldn't be calling other people "GENIUS" if you don't even seem to be able to understand these two facts.