How come the company just doesn’t make more full time jobs then?
Easy answer is they do not want to pay anymore into our pension and healthcare plans, especially if they are Union controlled. Much cheaper to hire newer (temporary) part timers and keep the senior ones from gaining any more improvements in their future pension benefits. Health and Welfare contributions are also another factor, the average part timer is generally younger and healthier than most of the busted up senior full timers. Until Obamacare came along the Company wanted control of our healthcare, particularly the part timers, that changed in 2013.
Even when we won that “97” strike the Company took it into arbitration and tried to keep from creating these 22.3 positions. There is also an advantage for the Company to have as many part timers in our Union during Contract time, they know they will vote on any immediate improvements over any long term ones.
Part timers do not have the same protective rights as full timers, they can be laid off or forced to quit once they become non productive. A non Union, temporary part time position in every classification is the Company’s Wet Dream and always will be. Unfortunately the past Teamster administrations played ball with the Company on this issue before the Carey strike in “97”. That strike was really about trying to save the Central’s underfunding the bonus was creating more full time jobs in order to fund their controlled pension trusts and health and welfare plans.
Carey got ousted and Hoffa was hand picked to prevent anymore strike actions. Pretty sure there was a lot of behind the scenes private understanding’s during his 24 year reign in order to keep us in our places.