Austere Iraqi Mourners Storm Embassy


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Personal testimony from the dad of one of the team that was watching Bin Laden through a scope. He was told to stand down when he requested to take a clear kill shot months before the primaries. The son was pretty angry. I've know the dad for 20 years. He reputation for honesty greatly exceeds yours fyi.
That's quite a story.


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha. I did quite a bit of research today, and the US and it's allies have had numerous chances to take this dude out, but they didn't. Why? The downside outweighed the upside, because numerous military advisers (whom Trump doesn't listen to) knew that it would create even further mayhem in the Middle East.

Your hero doesn't really think things through, but neither do you, so I guess it's a good fit.

When they bring down an airplane or your kids gets drafted get back to me, OK?

Don't bother. Trump fans don't listen. They only communicate by meme's, look at BUG.


Staff member
Eh, maybe?

Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper said during a briefing at the Pentagon that the United States has not made any decision to leave Iraq.

“We are repositioning forces throughout the region … beyond that, with regard to that letter, which I have read once, I can’t tell you the veracity of that letter, I can tell you what I read, that letter is inconsistent with where we are right now,” Esper said.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the letter was a draft that the U.S. military sent to Iraqi military officials for coordination purposes but hasn’t been signed or finalized.

“That letter — it was a draft, it was a mistake, it was unsigned, it should not have been released,” Milley said. “And the first part of it, which says ‘repositioning forces over the course of the coming days to prepare for onward movement’ … [was] poorly worded, implies withdrawal. That is not what’s happening.”


Well-Known Member
Only ISIS and POTUS Trump believe targeting cultural sites is not a war crime.

Trump said the U.S. wouldn’t leave without being paid for its military investments in Iraq over the years — then said if the troops do have to withdraw, he would hit Baghdad with economic penalties.

Just like how Mexico is going to pay for the wall.

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Strength through joy
Loved the show for the state funeral. It's amazing how many people you can have show up when its mandatory. ( show up or die )
It is still small compared to the last NK state funeral. ( same conditions applied )

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