Austere Iraqi Mourners Storm Embassy


Well-Known Member
They got a picture of it I believe unless it was fake.

Top Iran general identified by famous ring on severed hand after US air strike


The truth never changes.
Wow, totally macho. Do you get wood reading all about this? It probably wasn't a great idea to kill this guy, at least on the radar. Trump is practically boasting about it.

Maybe they should have had the Israelis do it. They know not to kiss and tell.
No wood here homie. They rocketed our guys and we responded. It's pretty simple logic and why would we get the Israelis to respond to the deaths of our boys and girls serving in our armed forces?
Do you even have the capacity to straighten your spine anymore?


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha. I did quite a bit of research today, and the US and it's allies have had numerous chances to take this dude out, but they didn't. Why? The downside outweighed the upside, because numerous military advisers (whom Trump doesn't listen to) knew that it would create even further mayhem in the Middle East.

Your hero doesn't really think things through, but neither do you, so I guess it's a good fit.

When they bring down an airplane or your kids gets drafted get back to me, OK?
Gonna need a bibliography from you, cite your sources.
Let others assess the veracity of your claims and the reliability of those making the claims.
Simple English, back it up.


The truth never changes.
Ha Ha. I did quite a bit of research today, and the US and it's allies have had numerous chances to take this dude out, but they didn't. Why? The downside outweighed the upside, because numerous military advisers (whom Trump doesn't listen to) knew that it would create even further mayhem in the Middle East.

Your hero doesn't really think things through, but neither do you, so I guess it's a good fit.

When they bring down an airplane or your kids gets drafted get back to me, OK?
Obama, your hero, had the armed forces watching Osama for many months inside and outside of the compound where he was finally killed.
Gotta wait until the primaries to shoot him and hope he didn't die choking on a chicken bone sometimw during the calculated delay. That took spine dude. But so little of it.


Engorged Member
Gonna need a bibliography from you, cite your sources.
Let others assess the veracity of your claims and the reliability of those making the claims.
Simple English, back it up.

Get your news from somewhere besides FOX. It's everywhere else but FOX and Breitbart.


Engorged Member
No wood here homie. They rocketed our guys and we responded. It's pretty simple logic and why would we get the Israelis to respond to the deaths of our boys and girls serving in our armed forces?
Do you even have the capacity to straighten your spine anymore?

It's very simple, because Trump makes it that way for followers like you who can't think long-term or consider wider issues involved.

To you it's Orange Man Shoot Bad Guy/Orange Man Hero!!

For those with a wider view, it's a lot more complicated.

Glad you're happy.


Engorged Member
Obama, your hero, had the armed forces watching Osama for many months inside and outside of the compound where he was finally killed.
Gotta wait until the primaries to shoot him and hope he didn't die choking on a chicken bone sometimw during the calculated delay. That took spine dude. But so little of it.

Citation? Link?


Staff member
It's pretty funny, Trump campaigned on ending these Middle East wars and bringing our troops home, now he's deploying more troops and threatening sanctions against Iraq if they try to kick us out.
Also John Bolton must think he's died and gone to heaven, hard to believe that it was just 4 months ago he got canned for being too much of an Iran war hawk.

El Correcto

god is dead
So in other words, timing was right. Before election and deflect from impeachment.
You never answered on what there is to talk about fren?
Deflect from his record fundraising? Deflect from Nancy Pelosi obstructing the process by not sending it to the senate for a trial?
Deflect from the democrats self destructing?

The timing was the guy was plotting terrorism against the US hitting an American embassy. I blame democrats for giving these people money and appeasement. He was like a child screaming for candy, Obama handed him the candy and Trump taught him a lesson.

El Correcto

god is dead
It's pretty funny, Trump campaigned on ending these Middle East wars and bringing our troops home, now he's deploying more troops and threatening sanctions against Iraq if they try to kick us out.
Also John Bolton must think he's died and gone to heaven, hard to believe that it was just 4 months ago he got canned for being too much of an Iran war hawk.
Which President hasn’t run on mission accomplished, time to go home and then 180’d in the chair?

We just going to ignore Obama, everything has begun with Trump?

War will always come fren, it’s human nature.


The truth never changes.
Citation? Link?
Personal testimony from the dad of one of the team that was watching Bin Laden through a scope. He was told to stand down when he requested to take a clear kill shot months before the primaries. The son was pretty angry. I've know the dad for 20 years. He reputation for honesty greatly exceeds yours fyi.


The truth never changes.
It's very simple, because Trump makes it that way for followers like you who can't think long-term or consider wider issues involved.

To you it's Orange Man Shoot Bad Guy/Orange Man Hero!!

For those with a wider view, it's a lot more complicated.

Glad you're happy.
When people attack and kill people who are trying to keep the peace at the risk of their own lives with no base gain and the attackers are neutralized, sending a message to their commanders that the US will no longer stand by and watch any more Benghazis.
When evil is destroyed the peace seeking and righteous folks rejoice just like many did after the Iranians were blasted to hell.


Well-Known Member
The whole WWlll thing and Trump critics perplex me. It's like America has amnesia. In Barack's 2nd term the US had military operations in 7 countries. In addition to dropping tens of millions of pounds of bombs in several of those countries.
I feel as if government and corporations couple with a few ally nations and prioritize an imperial agenda no matter what. And that will always come first over domestic well being.

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