Austere Iraqi Mourners Storm Embassy


The truth never changes.
It's still a theocracy, which was my point. More fallout today. Ho-hum, our great president has just turned more if the world against us.

If they would just come to Jesus, everything would be OK.
Give it time. Give it time.

Turned who against us? The ones that already hate us and scream "Death to America"?

The world felt compassion for the US when the Benghazi massacre happened and when 9-11 happened? Whatever.

We have got to fight for ourselves and let the (molten) chips fall where they may.

It's like this: you kill our people and you will have lots of milk cartons on your grocery shelves with your soldiers pictures on them.


The truth never changes.
We going to war bitches
It wont be like the last one. And we're already next door and in the water by your beaches.

Knock knock who's there?


The truth never changes.
You kik

You killed it man.
Years ago the PLO kidnapped some Russian diplomats, put them on TV to show the Russians they had them and demanded the Russians release the PLO officers the Russians had in prison or their diplomats "were going to die in 24 hrs".

The Russians kidnapped the kidnapper's families, broadcasted them on TV and let the PLO boys know their families were dead in 12 hrs if their diplomats werent freed before their deadline.

The Russian diplomats walked free in record time and the PLO never tried that again.


Because they knew the Russians would definitely kill them.

Learn the lesson and keep the media out of it. Its war and if you want to poke the bear you'll get eaten alive.


Well-Known Member
Years ago the PLO kidnapped some Russian diplomats, put them on TV to show the Russians they had them and demanded the Russians release the PLO officers the Russians had in prison or their diplomats "were going to die in 24 hrs".

The Russians kidnapped the kidnapper's families, broadcasted them on TV and let the PLO boys know their families were dead in 12 hrs if their diplomats werent freed before their deadline.

The Russian diplomats walked free in record time and the PLO never tried that again.


Because they knew the Russians would definitely kill them.

Learn the lesson and keep the media out of it. Its war and if you want to poke the bear you'll get eaten alive.
Knock knock

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Years ago the PLO kidnapped some Russian diplomats, put them on TV to show the Russians they had them and demanded the Russians release the PLO officers the Russians had in prison or their diplomats "were going to die in 24 hrs".

The Russians kidnapped the kidnapper's families, broadcasted them on TV and let the PLO boys know their families were dead in 12 hrs if their diplomats werent freed before their deadline.

The Russian diplomats walked free in record time and the PLO never tried that again.


Because they knew the Russians would definitely kill them.

Learn the lesson and keep the media out of it. Its war and if you want to poke the bear you'll get eaten alive.

Think this is what you're referring to. From the LA Times in 1986:

KGB Reportedly Gave Arab Terrorists a Taste of Brutality to Free Diplomats


The KGB has adopted novel, brutal and apparently effective methods of dealing with terrorists who attack Soviet interests in the Middle East, an Israeli newspaper reported Monday.

The Jerusalem Post said the Soviet secret police last year secured the release of three kidnaped Soviet diplomats in Beirut by castrating a relative of a radical Lebanese Shia Muslim leader, sending him the severed organs and then shooting the relative in the head.

The incident began when four Soviet diplomats were kidnaped last September by Muslim extremists who demanded that Moscow pressure the Syrian government to stop pro-Syrian militiamen from shelling rival Muslim positions in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.

The militiamen, the Jerusalem paper said, did not cease their attacks, and the body of one of the Soviet diplomats, Arkady Katkov, was found a few days later in a field in Beirut.

The KGB then apparently kidnaped and killed a relative of an unnamed leader of the Shias’ Hezbollah (Party of God) group, a radical, pro-Iranian group that has been suspected of various terrorist activities against Western targets in Lebanon.

Parts of the man’s body, the paper said, were then sent to the Hezbollah leader with a warning that he would lose other relatives in a similar fashion if the three remaining Soviet diplomats were not immediately released. They were quickly freed.

The newspaper quoted “observers in Jerusalem” as saying: “This is the way the Soviets operate. They do things--they don’t talk. And this is the language Hezbollah understands.”

Six Americans, missing for up to two years, are presumed to be kidnaping victims in Lebanon."


The truth never changes.
Think this is what you're referring to. From the LA Times in 1986:

KGB Reportedly Gave Arab Terrorists a Taste of Brutality to Free Diplomats


The KGB has adopted novel, brutal and apparently effective methods of dealing with terrorists who attack Soviet interests in the Middle East, an Israeli newspaper reported Monday.

The Jerusalem Post said the Soviet secret police last year secured the release of three kidnaped Soviet diplomats in Beirut by castrating a relative of a radical Lebanese Shia Muslim leader, sending him the severed organs and then shooting the relative in the head.

The incident began when four Soviet diplomats were kidnaped last September by Muslim extremists who demanded that Moscow pressure the Syrian government to stop pro-Syrian militiamen from shelling rival Muslim positions in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.

The militiamen, the Jerusalem paper said, did not cease their attacks, and the body of one of the Soviet diplomats, Arkady Katkov, was found a few days later in a field in Beirut.

The KGB then apparently kidnaped and killed a relative of an unnamed leader of the Shias’ Hezbollah (Party of God) group, a radical, pro-Iranian group that has been suspected of various terrorist activities against Western targets in Lebanon.

Parts of the man’s body, the paper said, were then sent to the Hezbollah leader with a warning that he would lose other relatives in a similar fashion if the three remaining Soviet diplomats were not immediately released. They were quickly freed.

The newspaper quoted “observers in Jerusalem” as saying: “This is the way the Soviets operate. They do things--they don’t talk. And this is the language Hezbollah understands.”

Six Americans, missing for up to two years, are presumed to be kidnaping victims in Lebanon."
LA Times. The version I heard on TV back in the eighties was what I wrote but the LA Times report was shown to be more effective.

The one thing folks in the armed forces dont like about DT is that he talks more than necessary. It's not best to warn the enemy. It's better to take action quietly and then sent the sympathy card later.


Engorged Member
I hope Trump is wearing the guys ring at his next rally.

Ha Ha. I did quite a bit of research today, and the US and it's allies have had numerous chances to take this dude out, but they didn't. Why? The downside outweighed the upside, because numerous military advisers (whom Trump doesn't listen to) knew that it would create even further mayhem in the Middle East.

Your hero doesn't really think things through, but neither do you, so I guess it's a good fit.

When they bring down an airplane or your kids gets drafted get back to me, OK?


Engorged Member
If you can find it in a neighboring field some 5 miles away from the crater.

Wow, totally macho. Do you get wood reading all about this? It probably wasn't a great idea to kill this guy, at least on the radar. Trump is practically boasting about it.

Maybe they should have had the Israelis do it. They know not to kiss and tell.

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