Austere Iraqi Mourners Storm Embassy

Box Ox

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US-Iran news today: Rockets hit Iraq base where US troops are located - CNN

"Pentagon: Iran launches more than a dozen ballistic missiles at 2 Iraqi bases

The Pentagon confirmed that Iran launched missiles at US military and coalition forces in Iraq.

The Pentagon said Iran fired more than a dozen missiles.

"It is clear that these missiles were launched from Iran and targeted at least two Iraqi military bases hosting U.S. military and coalition personnel at Al-Assad and Irbil," Jonathan Hoffman, assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, said in a statement.

"We are working on initial battle damage assessments," he added.

The bases, he said, have been on high alert "due to indications that the Iranian regime planned to attack our forces and interests in the region."

"As we evaluate the situation and our response, we will take all necessary measures to protect and defend U.S. personnel, partners, and allies in the region," the Pentagon said."


Strength through joy
The real headline should read....Iran declares war with Iraq.
How this will play out will be interesting; Iran will now have to fight a 3 way war at least. They can forget getting the media on their side , they have lost that angle { they fired first }.


Inordinately Right
I actually respect this approach to killing enemies of America. Kill the ones who actually matter, kill the ones the leader of the country will actually take personal notice to. Put them on notice that they could be next.
A targeted killing of a terrorist direct imminent threat who had already attacked us first. Democrats want to call this an act of war that needed Congressional approval.

Meanwhile they cheered their hero Obama who unilaterally dropped thousands of bombs in a Syrian war.



nowhere special
The man thought based on the previous administration that America is a paper tiger. Bad miscalculation on his part.


Well-Known Member
Iraq is divided with the majority Shia now running everything after removing the minority Sunni from power. And immediately upon taking power the Shia were sending overtures to their Shia brethren in Iran. It didn't take this missile attack to bring them together.


Well-Known Member
A targeted killing of a terrorist direct imminent threat who had already attacked us first. Democrats want to call this an act of war that needed Congressional approval.

Meanwhile they cheered their hero Obama who unilaterally dropped thousands of bombs in a Syrian war.

Yup. We are finally getting an upper hold on ISIS, now Drumpf wants a war with Iran. Brilliant...


Strength through joy
Now the picture looks like Iran wanted to have a show of force and attack but not really attack. They have sent messages out that if Trump stands down then they won't attack anymore. However they have made no mention of disbanding the terror groups that they supply.

On other news a Boeing 737-800 crashed as it was taking off from Tehran.
Flight 752 , bound for Ukrainian capital of Kiev , with 180 aboard .
The plane belonged to Ukrainian Airlines.
Emergency services said the fire at the crash site was so intense that they had to halt rescue efforts.
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Well-Known Member
Allies? What allies? Trump has single handedly jerked them all around, pissed on them, and strong armed them. AND ON THE WHOLE IRAN DEAL TO BEGIN WITH!

Who wins here without WWIII? Iran becomes tighter with Iraq. Russia becomes tighter with Iran. How far is Trump willing to go and what’s the objective? Where’s the exit strategy?

you could ask that question of every president since Carter. Its been the same nonsense over and over in that time period. Now that its trump who takes out a well deserving killer of many americans you libs suddenly go hysterical.

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