Austere Iraqi Mourners Storm Embassy

El Correcto

god is dead
Trump’s speech about the Iran situation today. If he does more of this and less of the petty Twitter / personal attack stuff he’ll win in a landslide in November.

I thought Chuck Schumer and Nancy were going to come out after and issues their condolences to the salami family.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I thought Chuck Schumer and Nancy were going to come out after and issues their condolences to the salami family.

They’re busy getting owned by Mitch McConnell. I don’t like Mitch but it is like watching an adult telling whiney kids how things are going to be. Same Senate rules as the Clinton impeachment trial that got a 100-0 vote on the rules.

House Democrats blew their load too early with weak, rushed Articles because we’re in an election year and they know it.

Did Trump do it? I think so. Did the Democrats handle this in the way needed to get a conviction and removal for it? Absolutely not. But they only sought to slap the “impeached” label on Trump anyway.

Mitch McConnell just ate Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's lunch (opinion) - CNN

Some say that's what this whole thing was about.

Last night I was concerned that Trump was going to start an all out war. Nope. And this is what he presented us with today. Think the American voter can appreciate that he chose not to. And that he re-articulated why Soleimani was killed and invited Iran to embrace peace.

El Correcto

god is dead
They’re busy getting owned by Mitch McConnell. I don’t like Mitch but it is like watching an adult telling whiney kids how things are going to be. Same Senate rules as the Clinton impeachment trial that got a 100-0 vote on the rules.

House Democrats blew their load too early with weak, rushed Articles because we’re in an election year and they know it.

Did Trump do it? I think so. Did the Democrats handle this in the way needed to get a conviction and removal for it? Absolutely not. But they only sought to slap the “impeached” label on Trump anyway.

Mitch McConnell just ate Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's lunch (opinion) - CNN

Last night I was concerned that Trump was going to start an all out war. Nope. And this is what he presented us with today. Think the American voter can appreciate that he chose not to. And that he re-articulated why Soleimani was killed and invited Iran to embrace peace.
Did trump upset democrats, absolutely.
Is that high crimes or misdemeanors? Not yet.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Did trump upset democrats, absolutely.
Is that high crimes or misdemeanors? Not yet.

Democrats are upset about everything these days anyway. I can’t turn on NPR or CNN anymore without immediately hearing about the bad white man or why there aren’t enough black people, illegal immigrants or chicks with dicks crammed into x, y or z.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Democrats are upset about everything these days anyway. I can’t turn on NPR or CNN anymore without immediately hearing about the bad white man or why there aren’t enough black people, illegal immigrants or chicks with dicks crammed into x, y or z.
That’s just your bias talking. I heard the NPR story you were crying about yesterday and it’s not even close to your absurd characterization. You find ways to be outraged about intersectionality because it gives you something to be upset about.


Staff member
They’re busy getting owned by Mitch McConnell. I don’t like Mitch but it is like watching an adult telling whiney kids how things are going to be. Same Senate rules as the Clinton impeachment trial that got a 100-0 vote on the rules.

House Democrats blew their load too early with weak, rushed Articles because we’re in an election year and they know it.

Did Trump do it? I think so. Did the Democrats handle this in the way needed to get a conviction and removal for it? Absolutely not. But they only sought to slap the “impeached” label on Trump anyway.

Mitch McConnell just ate Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's lunch (opinion) - CNN

Last night I was concerned that Trump was going to start an all out war. Nope. And this is what he presented us with today. Think the American voter can appreciate that he chose not to. And that he re-articulated why Soleimani was killed and invited Iran to embrace peace.
I almost agree with you. The one wild card that doesn’t make sense is John Bolton. He could have kept his mouth shut and didn’t. Why? Is there something he wants to say? A senate trial has a known outcome without him.
But Mitch will not let him testify and Bolton had to have known that as well. So what is Bolton’s angle?
He knows he won’t be subpoenaed by the Senate. Is he asking to be subpoenaed in some other venue? Does a subpoena overrule an NDA?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I almost agree with you. The one wild card that doesn’t make sense is John Bolton. He could have kept his mouth shut and didn’t. Why? Is there something he wants to say? A senate trial has a known outcome without him.
But Mitch will not let him testify and Bolton had to have known that as well. So what is Bolton’s angle?
He knows he won’t be subpoenaed by the Senate. Is he asking to be subpoenaed in some other venue? Does a subpoena overrule an NDA?

He’s just trying to look cooperative since he’s got a book coming out about his time in the Administration and knows Mitch would never subpoena him.

Let’s see if he feels the same way about being subpoenaed by House Democrats.

Highly doubtful any private NDAs about one’s time as a public employee are enforceable.


“The 2015 pact curbed Iran’s disputed nuclear program in exchange for relief from sanctions, but has unraveled since the United States pulled out of it last year and acted to strangle Iran’s oil trade to push it into wider security concessions.”

Trump pulled out first.

The Europeans were still in the Agreement and will now be pressured to place their own sanctions on Iran for its violation.

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