Austere Iraqi Mourners Storm Embassy


Staff member
When the :censored2: hits the fan and we kill a person who killed 600 Americans during a conflict that was not even his you're either an American or a traitor.
I’m an American who knows we’ve killed a terrorist.
Terrorism will continue with a new face.

Hail Hydra

And go friend yourself.


It will be fine

Well-Known Member
When the :censored2: hits the fan and we kill a person who killed 600 Americans during a conflict that was not even his you're either an American or a traitor.
So if this event leads directly to Iran getting nukes, in your mind you’re a traitor if you question it? Umkay not sure that makes sense. I suppose by the time they do Trump will still blame Obama like he did for all the Iranian attacks that happened because Trump pulled out of the deal. Propaganda works.


Well-Known Member
So if this event leads directly to Iran getting nukes, in your mind you’re a traitor if you question it? Umkay not sure that makes sense. I suppose by the time they do Trump will still blame Obama like he did for all the Iranian attacks that happened because Trump pulled out of the deal. Propaganda works.
Is someone putting a gun to Iran's head, forcing them to create nuclear weapons? So why are they creating them? One, to keep the regime in power. Second, there's a real possibility, based on their rhetoric, that they might actually use such weapons on Israel. It's not on us if they create such weapons, it's entirely their choice to do so, and the deal you think was so amazing was only designed to slow them down, not prevent them from ultimately having them. It's time to stop appeasing fanatics who are going to do what they want anyways.


Staff member
You said he was impeached when he wasn't so you apparently have knowledge we all lack. Tell us oh great one.
Was it because the SCOTUS ruled that executive privilege was not absolute and the recordings of presidential conversations were not protected? Could that be it?


Well-Known Member
Was it because the SCOTUS ruled that executive privilege was not absolute and the recordings of presidential conversations were not protected? Could that be it?
Is that the same liberal scotus that ruled on abortion? I wonder if the makeup of scotus has changed any since then


Well-Known Member
Was it because the SCOTUS ruled that executive privilege was not absolute and the recordings of presidential conversations were not protected? Could that be it?
I don't know, read that Nixon realized that he had no way out, so he resigned. But for some reason you thought he actually got impeached. Not so.


Inordinately Right
So if this event leads directly to Iran getting nukes, in your mind you’re a traitor if you question it? Umkay not sure that makes sense. I suppose by the time they do Trump will still blame Obama like he did for all the Iranian attacks that happened because Trump pulled out of the deal. Propaganda works.
Only a fool would think Iran was following the deal. But that's besides the point. The Iran deal guaranteed Iran a nuclear weapon in five years.


Well-Known Member
Iran probably killed Canadians on that plane they shot down. I’m waiting for Castro Jr to grow a spine and take some action against them.
i dunno who gives a :censored2:. our own govts kill more of our own kind in these ridiculous wars for oil or whatever than any external terrorist or country does.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Iran probably killed Canadians on that plane they shot down. I’m waiting for Castro Jr to grow a spine and take some action against them.

63 Canadians. And it definitely looked like the wreckage was full of AA missile damage when CBS News showed video of it tonight. Tehran won't be giving up the black box to Boeing.

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