Austere Iraqi Mourners Storm Embassy


Well-Known Member
And just like that, Poof! No more talk of an impeachment trial. The master of diversion has struck again. And all the the cuckservatives fall in line.:ninja3:
The impeachment trial? They'll have one when Pelosi sends over the articles of impeachment, and not until then.


Well-Known Member
How do you think the assassination prevented either of those? How will further military escalation prevent either of those? You really think Iran will say sorry to bother all of you, we’ll just sit quietly in the corner while you wreck our economy and murder our leaders?
Iran's economy is getting wrecked because Iran refuses to comply with international law and U.N. mandates. And a very sizeable portion of Iran's population is rooting us on in hopes of throwing out their theocratic dictatorship. If only it was a Christian theocracy so that you would support throwing them out too.

El Correcto

god is dead
Iran's economy is getting wrecked because Iran refuses to comply with international law and U.N. mandates. And a very sizeable portion of Iran's population is rooting us on in hopes of throwing out their theocratic dictatorship. If only it was a Christian theocracy so that you would support throwing them out too.
Why should Iran comply with other countries?
National sovereignty and all.

Iran is suffering because they’re detestable.


Engorged Member
Iran's economy is getting wrecked because Iran refuses to comply with international law and U.N. mandates. And a very sizeable portion of Iran's population is rooting us on in hopes of throwing out their theocratic dictatorship. If only it was a Christian theocracy so that you would support throwing them out too.

The theocracy is firmly rooted and your long hoped for internal revolution against Islam isn't likely to happen. If anything, Trump has increased hatred of the US and strengthened Iranian nationalism.

I just read that Iraq's puppet parliament has voted to expel US troops from Iraq. All nations dislike it when another country imposes it's will upon them or takes action on their soil without permission.

The consequences of a poor decision begin.


Engorged Member
Why should Iran comply with other countries?
National sovereignty and all.

Iran is suffering because they’re detestable.

Maybe, but so is our "leader". The nuclear treaty was being followed. Trump decided that wan't good enough and that he needed another bogeyman.

I hope Kim launches some missiles today or soon. This will be another illustration of how badly Trump's foreign policies have failed. The fallout from the Iran killing has just begun. Iraq wants to toss all of our troops now.

Way to go, Don.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
That would be after Trump pulled out. How do you think Trump’s complete lack of credibility and bombing leads to a better solution than the deal that was in place? It was working according to everyone except right wing media before Trump bailed on it.
You know how, before the internet, you were considered stupid for lack of information?

Didn’t help you.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member


Engorged Member
So we should continue appeasement?

We should have continued negotiation and reinstated the nuclear treaty, which Iran was complying with. Sanctions and negotiation to force them to behave responsibly.

We have never appeased Iran in the sense you are portraying. Iran has no reason to cooperate now, and the fallout is already Iraq.

Actions always have consequences, and poorly planned actions tend to have bad outcomes.

Bad guy, but killing him will create more problems than it solved. His replacement will behave in the exact same manner, and now Iran has an incentive to avenge a national martyr.

Trump's foreign policies aren't well thought out nor do they seem to have specific outcomes in mind.

Kill bad guy, rally base, and deflect from impeachment.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I’ve put a mattress on top of my kitchen table and am typing this from from underneath it now that the terrorists want to kill us. We’ll be sorry we didn’t just send them more money!
Do you think starting another hot war will increase or decrease the number of terrorists that want death to America? Will one assassination really hinder their ability to attack?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Do you think starting another hot war will increase or decrease the number of terrorists that want death to America? Will one assassination really hinder their ability to attack?

Increase, of course. And a war with Iran would be worse than the war with Iraq was. But I can’t really fault Trump for not kicking the can down the road as previous Presidents have on dealing with the Iranians and their terror allies.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Increase, of course. And a war with Iran would be worse than the war with Iraq was. But I can’t really fault Trump for not kicking the can down the road as previous Presidents have on dealing with the Iranians and their terror allies.
I’m not sure why you think continuing diplomatic relations is kicking the can. The Iran deal was working. They didn’t have nukes, they weren’t shooting missiles into Iraq or Saudi Arabia like they are now. They were being dealt with. Trump’s decisions have made the world and the US less safe.

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