Well-Known Member
It's long but check out Dr. Murry Rothbard's circa 1965' article, Left and Right: The Prospects for Liberty. I think from your POV and now looking back nearly 45 years at Rothbard's observations, his comments might prove most worthwhile. Like myself when I read it, there should be several "AH-HA" moments.
I've no doubt Cameron has something in mind and yes preachy may in fact be the word but this nation and it's principles were founded on the Lockean ideal of property rights and thus the inalienable rights of the individual so any movie that forces us to face how we violate the very principles this nation was founded on IMO has good merits to it! So-called conservative decry the so-called liberal for his zeal of gov't in taking property domestically at will (property being not just physical property but in Lockean tradition all that the individual produces is property as well) for public purposes and yet the conservative doesn't decry his own efforts to do the same on the international stage under the veil of nationalism by using the guise and excuse of societal security. (Again, read Rothbard above)
I can see exactly where many conservatives and even liberals might object to the root message of property rights in Avatar (something about looking at yourself) and I'm not so sure Cameron completely sees this for what it is. Hope I'm wrong about him however. Looking forward to seeing the movie!
Looking at youself ?????
Cameron Mitchell and Hollywood call us bad American people Polluting our Green Planet --While THEY fly around in Private Jets,Have numerous huge homes, Ride around in LIMOS and lecture us ??
Cameron Mitchel and Hollywood --Decry war and capitalism and "Corporate" America. --Yet love to make and star in War movies that provide them with millions of dollars in one of the largest Corporate and Capitalism systems --HOLLYWOOD.
Try to cast our entire Military as women and baby killers --yet are thankless to the military that has given them the freedom to make movies.
It is amazing to look at the Empires and superpowers in history.
The Persians, the greeks, The spanish, the Romans, The French, the Germans, the Russians etc ---all conquered neighbors and took possion of land.
The only land that I know the U.S. kept --is the cemetary in France that has many of our brave young people that never made it back home.
Opec still raises and lowers the price of oil .
If we listen to Hollywood --I would have to believe that Canada, Mexico and South America no longer exist. The evil U.S. has conquered the world and control all of the oil. Is that why I am paying over Three dollars a gallon ?
Science Fiction movies are fine --if the "Clingons" were attacking the Aliens in Avitar ---Protecting their land and private property --I would have stood up and cheered. To see the U.S. Marines portrayed as animals and baby killers --and watching young American teenagers stand up and cheer as the U.S. Marines are slain ----Just makes you wonder what our future holds ??? Indoctrinate early then let the Liberal Professors finish it off in college.
At one time when we looked back and saw that spitting on returning vets was bad --imagine what a returning vet feels like when attending a "science fiction "
movie that names them as baby killers and then watches as the movie audience cheers as they are anniliated ?????

P.S Eminent Domaine ???? You must be kidding me if you think Avitar's main message is property rights ?????