Gravy route
The bonus drivers I know say the exact same thing..get paid for 11 and only work 9.No running at all, 35years. Have not ran ever. Three points of contact... handrail, firm footing all the way.
Just good ol area knowledge, organization, and a fast pace.
Also, I don't mind helping. I get paid well for it, Ill get paid for 11 hours of work and only put in 9.
Sometimes I do and if I need to get out early... I let my sups know and they don't ask me to help. We have a great relationship that way. I call in to help others multiple days a week. I've helped new guys become more efficient drivers this way. They need help all the time early on.
Every one of them come in early and go through the load, gather supplies etc. so the 9 hours is actually more like 9.8.
Then they skip their break, paid and unpaid, setting up stops while eating. So the 9.8 hours is actually 10.8.
Then management adjusts the allowance and the 11 hours that they get paid for becomes 10.5. I have seen this happen in multiple centers.
Good luck with doing them favors, once you are burned the 5th or 10th time that usually stops...
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