Average Stops per day delivery and pickups

Rack em

Made the Podium
Take everything posted here, especially numbers like those, with a huge grain of salt.
I believe him. We have a resi heavy route that averages 220 year round. Not hard to believe routes are getting that busy this time of year. Plus yesterday we had advanced volume, at least in our center.


Staff member
Industrial route years ago...
105 stops 430 pcs. 35 p/u, 600 pcs.

Lifetime rural drivers have no idea how hard the industrial routes are on your body.

Why don't/didn't you bid a rural route? After 35 years, I would think you would be able to.


MY GOD! Your route is screwed haha. 302 stops is peak day on a lot of routes here.

Yeah normal day is 200-220, I have been told by full peak I could be having 400 stops. I am supposed to have the helper for 8hr still not sure how I am going to do it. Normal day I was able to run a little over scratch it is all in one giant neighborhood pretty tight so 25sphr with a full lunch taken. What killed me yesterday was all that volume is not obviously loaded on my truck so they bring me the rest around 3 and it killed me to reload the truck. They need to come up with a better system

Brohn Bron

Well-Known Member
No one feels threatened at all. It isn't hard to cut corners, burn up routes, and get done super early, literally anybody can do that. The reason people disagree with what you do is because you are all about yourself and don't have the union or your fellow union co workers in mind. You burn up routes making Ups expect that same amount of work from everybody. If all drivers were like you then it would cut union jobs and make Ups more unbearable than it already is. One day you will wake up and realize that you need to slow down because early on almost every driver has that go getter attitude. It takes time to realize what Ups is all about and that working harder and faster only gets you more work and an old beat up body.
You're not taking their money clown.......guys like us do the job with correctness and go about our day with a repetitive steady methodical pace that NEVER deviates so they know EXACTLY what our capabilities are and what to expect from us.
I will still make just the same even if you take that work from me because the load was heavy and the quality poor, causing me to move 5 packages just to find 1. Therefore wasting time which = $.
Then I will make the money back just by wasting time setting up meet points and transferring packages and all the nonsense that goes along with it.
So keep running buddy as I love having clowns like yourself within decent proximity to my cover area. You'd be coming to see me quite frequently. :)
and I’ll make more money for it! Thanks for the work man! Not a big deal really. You even get something out of it. Less work, same pay. Sounds like a great deal! Cheers man!

The clown

Brohn Bron

Well-Known Member
No one feels threatened at all. It isn't hard to cut corners, burn up routes, and get done super early, literally anybody can do that. The reason people disagree with what you do is because you are all about yourself and don't have the union or your fellow union co workers in mind. You burn up routes making Ups expect that same amount of work from everybody. If all drivers were like you then it would cut union jobs and make Ups more unbearable than it already is. One day you will wake up and realize that you need to slow down because early on almost every driver has that go getter attitude. It takes time to realize what Ups is all about and that working harder and faster only gets you more work and an old beat up body.

You are right, Clock. I am in this for myself. I’m not thinking about you or the new guy I take work off to build up my bonus at the end of the day. It is hard to stay out late until 8 and 9pm everyday. It’s hard on the muscles, joints and brain to stay focused like that all the time. But for now I do it and it works. It gives me a couple hundred extra dollars every week and because I still get OT, satisfies my pension contributions. I’m not at top pay yet nor do I benefit from getting to work sat (outside of peak season). Quickly doing my own work load and then taking work from others (they are always happy to give it!) is my oasis to make more money. Something at the moment, no veteran is taking away from me. I’m sorry this philosophy is at odds with yours and most of the people on here. That’s why I said I think I threaten you. You admitted that I do threaten you and the precious union because you said I set unrealistic expectations for other drivers. Sorry, but that’s your problem and not mine. And considering that per union contract, no package handler can be fired for production.

Brohn Bron

Well-Known Member
Right on the money on all points 35.....well said.

Drivers will be like "I'm not going to help him"......and yet they are shall we say coerced into it or told to find other employment.
I'm fair with the guys around me all year long in that if I see my load more jacked than usual in the morning I let them know to take their lunch that day or they will be more than likely be getting sent over later. I tell them they may as well slow it down, take lunch, and get paid for doing just their own than coming to help me......but they never wise up and keep motoring thru the day and then bitch when you know what happens.....it's laughable.

Several drivers in my center burn their routes by 4 everyday and rarely get asked to help others. Years of their service range from 7 to 15 years. So your point here does not fit my center. All centers are not the same.

Brohn Bron

Well-Known Member
And how about how you park the truck??

No yellow curbs......not even covering someones driveway but so much as an inch......parking a safe distance from the corner so not to obstruct the views of other motorists.....obeying signs that read "no parking" or "no parking from here to corner".......no parking by fire hydrants.......no parking in handicapped.......no parking on opposite side of the street......no parking in the middle of the street.....

I my friend adhere to every single one of those and more. You on the other hand, well don't even try to crap me on that. Because I'm the only person I know of in my entire building I've ever seen do it this way. Trust me in that I walk a residential envelope off a suburban long block if the situation calls for it.

Condo deliveries......that's right......each and every one brought up to the door.......not the mail room.

Do the job correctly and get back to us on those bonus numbers.

That’s great, man! I do the same. I also get pretty creative as well (without parking in handicapped spots). Thanks for sharing! I hope to continue being as safe as you in the future. Best of luck this peak!


Well-Known Member
Just as a contrast, i'm with freight and currently average maybe 8-11 deliveries with 0-4 pickups, so anywhere between 8 to 15 stops per day.


Well-Known Member
Just as a contrast, i'm with freight and currently average maybe 8-11 deliveries with 0-4 pickups, so anywhere between 8 to 15 stops per day.

You boys didn't have today off? Saw a bunch of Freight doubles on both the Northway and NY Thruway/Mass Pike.

Saw quite a few XPO doubles heading up to the BOG.


Clock Sucker isn't wrong though...don't skip your lunch. They even tell you that in training and there have been many lawsuits about this very subject. You can and will be fired for working off the clock. It may be okay in your 30 days but not after.

How long you been a driver again?

Maybe you should limit your comments to something you actually know about

Just sayin...


Well-Known Member
Several drivers in my center burn their routes by 4 everyday and rarely get asked to help others. Years of their service range from 7 to 15 years. So your point here does not fit my center. All centers are not the same.

Guess it all depends on how much mayhem one person creates in a loop/center.

My previous route it was VERY COMMON for them to send 3 different drivers to me on a nightly basis.....yes 3!! Some took pickup pieces, others did pickups, and another would take residential deliveries. So you boys would not be too quick to roll in when done if near me.

What The Hawk?

How long you been a driver again?

Maybe you should limit your comments to something you actually know about

Just sayin...
Learned in training. SO I do know what I'm talking about.

Stop being overly corrective, it makes you look like an ass especially because you are wrong here.

Just saying..


Well-Known Member
you and the precious union because you said I set unrealistic expectations for other drivers. .

You wouldn't get the pay benefits and vacation you would if it weren't for the union so shut your mouth. Clearly you believe you are such an exeptional employee that you dont need the union. That is why no one likes you. That attitude probably permeates all through your life whether you notice it or not

Back first

Well-Known Member
You wouldn't get the pay benefits and vacation you would if it weren't for the union so shut your mouth. Clearly you believe you are such an exeptional employee that you dont need the union. That is why no one likes you. That attitude probably permeates all through your life whether you notice it or not
Sooner or later these guys come around. After being screwed by management on multiple occasions, they realize management is not their friend. This is when they start to appreciate the union.