Avoidable runaway

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
So its cool to throw a whole contract out the window because i defended myself.. no matter how it's looked at its the same accident.. so should have been same results a lenghty suspension.. you got guys getting jobs back from dishonesty where they were caught red handed lying isn't dishonesty a cardinal sin too

I'm not advocating licking a center manager's boots. Once you make book, just do your job and avoid management as much as possible. Don't let them talk to you any kind of way. But from what I'm reading, they had everything they needed to fire you. You have to cover your ass. Period. If the emergency break was junk, I wouldn't have left the building. It doesn't matter if an issue has been written up 10 times, keep writing it up. Because when something goes wrong at UPS, it's ALWAYS your fault until proven otherwise. Just be glad no one was hurt or killed. Sorry for your luck, man.


Well-Known Member
What kind of man would let another man talk to him like he's crap i dont know about you but im not the type to let thst slide especially when im responding in a manner of respect you get what you dish out
A man that just :censored2:ed up and had an accident and doesn’t want to Piss off his management even more.


Well-Known Member
No, it's not okay. But if it's bad enough*, you stay calm and file a grievance later.

*You have to choose your battles, too. This is one battle where saying "Yes, sir, won't happen again" would have been an excellent idea.
i did this guy is a new center manager with something to prove i call it how i see it


i did this guy is a new center manager with something to prove i call it how i see it



Well-Known Member
She has a job and you don't , that's the difference
As ignorant as this company can be sometimes they do respect a few things

The truth and humbleness.
See that's why i stay to myself at work.. i didn't lie about my accident they knew immediately when it happened like im saying if the union let that happen something needs to be done its not like i wasn't paying my union dues


Well-Known Member
I can live with that.. its not tough talk its called being a man with morals and respect i gave nothing but respect to everyone i worked with but im not going to kiss no behind for no type of money period
Man I feel for you that you lost your job but with your attitude, even if you got your job back you would have been fired again....this job needs to be treated like the military...do your work and go home, learn to pick your battles....you just got in an accident....you should have been prepared for an ass chewing.

you made many mistakes. The first one was pulling into the driveway and not just circling back to the stop. How many times do they preach no back firsts? I am assuming you were going to have to back out of your parking position.
See that's why i stay to myself at work.. i didn't lie about my accident they knew immediately when it happened like im saying if the union let that happen something needs to be done its not like i wasn't paying my union dues
When it's a Cardnal sin you are at the companies mercy
You didn't handle yourself well and now you are gone.