Awkward moment


Well-Known Member
So if you are at a urinal and the guy beside you is clearly checking on you (old school unrinals, no dividers ) do you say something to him? Just look forward ? Old guy and he had nothing to be embarrassed about but I wasn’t sure if it would be weird making eye contact and talking.


Well-Known Member
And when he was finished he was shaking it very vigorously. I had to wait for the hand dryer as he was in front of me and he turned as he left and said “have a good one”.


Well-Known Member
So if you are at a urinal and the guy beside you is clearly checking on you (old school unrinals, no dividers ) do you say something to him? Just look forward ? Old guy and he had nothing to be embarrassed about but I wasn’t sure if it would be weird making eye contact and talking.
I personally look straight at them so I can make uncomfortable eye contact. Then I try and hold eye contact through out the whole time I'm peeing.

It's a very intense personal experience. Some times I like to ask. "How's it hanging?"