Background story about FedEx background check


New Member
I had recently applied for a position at FedEx as a delivery driver but as fate would have it I was denied a position at the company. It was a good opportunity, particularly with the advantages for employment as well as a fixed salary. But there was one thing nagging at me: the background check was also an additional advantage of the job.

A few years ago I had a conflict, which was relatively petty, and I got arrested but the charges were dropped, however; it remains part of my record. It is something I had mentioned in my application and having to wait was such a wait; really frustrating. Got the alert with an email about the delivery status of what I ordered online from FedEx.

The letter was still in my pocket and the idea of opening it struck a deep feeling inside me, as I opened it with shaking hands. “While I hope you understand, based on your background check report, we cannot offer you employment at this time.” Mimicking the sentiment of the email, my whole body deflated. What now? I needed this job.

Because I was clueless and looking to find out what had gone wrong and whether there was anything I could do to correct it, I began searching online for anything related to the issue. After scrolling through a few generic articles, I stumbled upon a guide that caught my eye: FedEx Background Check by Consumer Attorneys".

It was comprehensive preparing FedEx’s entire background check process, which the guide went through in detail. It described the typical causes that might lead to the denial of applications and , in particular, provided the information on how one can appeal for or rectify the problem. Some people compare such support to a lifeline.

The policy I garnered from this incident was the right which the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) entitles a person to demand a reproduction of the background check report. It also explained how to dispute them in case one or more of the entries was not correct. However, it still offered further assistance by contacting a consumer attorney if I required more help.

This knowledge in my possession was new and I resolved to act on it. First, I sent a letter to the company FedEx used and requested my background check report. However, once its container reached me, I went over it meticulously. As anticipated, I was to know that there was a mistake—my minor episode was recorded as a major violation due to a typical scribal error.

By referring to the guidelines provided in the guide above, I was able to dispute with the background check company although explaining the mistake by providing proofs. When it was, I called the HR of the company, FedEx to inform them about the mistake and the measures that I took to correct it. To my shock, they were quite sympathetic and allowed me to reapply when the report is adjusted.

A couple of weeks later I got a confirmation that the error they messaged me about earlier had been fixed. This is why I decided to apply for a new position with FedEx and when I applied the second time I was much more positive. Soon enough, I received another email from them—when they wanted to arrange an interview with me.

The moment I arrived for the interview, I was confident and stood tall as a special employee of FedEx. This is because I was ready to defend myself and clear the air on what had happened and what measures I had taken to correct the situation. The interview went smoothly, and a few days later, I got the call: I applied for a job in a hotel and in just two weeks, I had been hired.

Looking at the whole process, there is much that still has to be changed and one of the main things is people should be informed about their rights, and should take action. Without this guide it is true that I would simply have concluded that the application had been turned down and moved on without getting the great job. But I discovered that what is important is that one should be knowledgeable to a certain extent to differentiate, in this case.

Told the story to all of you guys. Perhaps it will be helpful advice for each man and woman that encountered the FedEx background check. Cheers.

Fergus Mahoney

Well-Known Member
Would love to hear the whole story. Because I have done searches on some shady coworkers and found we have plenty of convicted felons at Fedex. Would love to know what actually gets someone disqualified. 🤔


Well-Known Member
Would love to hear the whole story. Because I have done searches on some shady coworkers and found we have plenty of convicted felons at Fedex. Would love to know what actually gets someone disqualified. 🤔
Being a honest hard worker will get you fired. If you kiss axx all day and you are a yes man you’ll keep a job. Kinda like dano.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I had recently applied for a position at FedEx as a delivery driver but as fate would have it I was denied a position at the company. It was a good opportunity, particularly with the advantages for employment as well as a fixed salary. But there was one thing nagging at me: the background check was also an additional advantage of the job.

A few years ago I had a conflict, which was relatively petty, and I got arrested but the charges were dropped, however; it remains part of my record. It is something I had mentioned in my application and having to wait was such a wait; really frustrating. Got the alert with an email about the delivery status of what I ordered online from FedEx.

The letter was still in my pocket and the idea of opening it struck a deep feeling inside me, as I opened it with shaking hands. “While I hope you understand, based on your background check report, we cannot offer you employment at this time.” Mimicking the sentiment of the email, my whole body deflated. What now? I needed this job.

Because I was clueless and looking to find out what had gone wrong and whether there was anything I could do to correct it, I began searching online for anything related to the issue. After scrolling through a few generic articles, I stumbled upon a guide that caught my eye: FedEx Background Check by Consumer Attorneys".

It was comprehensive preparing FedEx’s entire background check process, which the guide went through in detail. It described the typical causes that might lead to the denial of applications and , in particular, provided the information on how one can appeal for or rectify the problem. Some people compare such support to a lifeline.

The policy I garnered from this incident was the right which the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) entitles a person to demand a reproduction of the background check report. It also explained how to dispute them in case one or more of the entries was not correct. However, it still offered further assistance by contacting a consumer attorney if I required more help.

This knowledge in my possession was new and I resolved to act on it. First, I sent a letter to the company FedEx used and requested my background check report. However, once its container reached me, I went over it meticulously. As anticipated, I was to know that there was a mistake—my minor episode was recorded as a major violation due to a typical scribal error.

By referring to the guidelines provided in the guide above, I was able to dispute with the background check company although explaining the mistake by providing proofs. When it was, I called the HR of the company, FedEx to inform them about the mistake and the measures that I took to correct it. To my shock, they were quite sympathetic and allowed me to reapply when the report is adjusted.

A couple of weeks later I got a confirmation that the error they messaged me about earlier had been fixed. This is why I decided to apply for a new position with FedEx and when I applied the second time I was much more positive. Soon enough, I received another email from them—when they wanted to arrange an interview with me.

The moment I arrived for the interview, I was confident and stood tall as a special employee of FedEx. This is because I was ready to defend myself and clear the air on what had happened and what measures I had taken to correct the situation. The interview went smoothly, and a few days later, I got the call: I applied for a job in a hotel and in just two weeks, I had been hired.

Looking at the whole process, there is much that still has to be changed and one of the main things is people should be informed about their rights, and should take action. Without this guide it is true that I would simply have concluded that the application had been turned down and moved on without getting the great job. But I discovered that what is important is that one should be knowledgeable to a certain extent to differentiate, in this case.

Told the story to all of you guys. Perhaps it will be helpful advice for each man and woman that encountered the FedEx background check. Cheers.