Lue C Fur
Evil member
Until then, just another opinion piece filled with half truths and twisted facts to suit a political agenda.
Holy crap...your talking about yourself again...too funny.
Until then, just another opinion piece filled with half truths and twisted facts to suit a political agenda.
Until then, just another opinion piece filled with half truths and twisted facts to suit a political agenda.
That's too funny ... my exact thought that I was about to reply.Holy crap...your talking about yourself again...too funny.
You said, show me....."Show me anything where clinton, carter, frank, pelosi say anything like BUSH said in this video in 2002....." Here are several Clinton ones...
President Clinton's address to NAR, Nov. 1994 (Part 4) - YouTube
Watch at 44 secs. and then 4:50 is the good stuff.
It's not a myth. The financial industry has been progressively deregulated from 1980 onward.
He said he wanted the highest percentage of home ownership ever by the end of the century!! You insinuated that Clinton didn't say anything about home ownership and he was driven to have the most "home owners". Clinton was very much into having home ownership rise to new heights. You acted like he never said anything about it. Well he did.....and a few before him too. You stopped right at Bush instead of seeking the source.What was I suppose to hear? I listened to the president very clearly and NOT ONCE did he mention low income, bad credit risks, zero downpayments, Taxpayer downpayments, section 8 mortgage payments or interest only loans.
In fact, if you really listened to it YOURSELF, at the 640 mark, president CLINTON says clearly that he wants the private sector to provide the solution to home ownership and NOT THE GOVERMENT.
Listen again. Maybe youll learn something.
ON another note. FAIL.
Typical view of a state worshiper. It is simple to ignore the fact that every time one regulation was repealed it was replaced by two more.
Obama made 4200 new regulations in August, maybe you could back into it and figure it out.Can you support that or is it just your opinion?
We're talking specifically about banking deregulation.Obama made 4200 new regulations in August, maybe you could back into it and figure it out.
We're talking specifically about banking deregulation.
Typical view of a state worshiper. It is simple to ignore the fact that every time one regulation was repealed it was replaced by two more.
"At around the same time in the early 1990s, the regulations underthe Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) were amended to increasetheir influence on bank mortgage lending. The CRA had beenadopted in 1977, and initially required that banks make efforts toincrease mortgage lending in all the communities they serve, not justthe communities where middle income or well-to-do families lived.The enforcement mechanism was the withholding of regulatoryapproval for mergers, expansions, or other matters if a bank had notshown that it was working to achieve the CRA’s goals. In 1995, how-ever, the rules were tightened, so that banks had to show that theyhad actually made the required loans, not that they were simply try-ing to do so. The change had a profound effect. Under the initialrule, banks could turn down applicants who did not have the neces-sary credit resources—such as a significant downpayment or a job—but under the new regulations the onus was put on the banks to finda way to make the loan, even if it did not meet their lending stan-dards. The phrase in the CRA regulations was that banks had to be“flexible or innovative” in their underwriting. From the point of viewof the banks, their lending standards had to be loosened. They hadto show that the mortgages were being made."
"Accordingly, a strong argument can be made that the financial cri-sis was not caused by unregulated mortgage brokers, or by the ratingagencies, the Wall Street investment banks, or the commercial banksthat eventually had to be rescued with taxpayer funds. The responsi-ble parties were those who made and sustained government policiesthat distorted the housing finance market—resulting in the creationof an unprecedented number of high-risk mortgages. Fault also restswith the management of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who failedto disclose that they were complying with government requirementsby acquiring and securitizing vast numbers of high-risk mortgages. "
He said he wanted the highest percentage of home ownership ever by the end of the century!! You insinuated that Clinton didn't say anything about home ownership and he was driven to have the most "home owners". Clinton was very much into having home ownership rise to new heights. You acted like he never said anything about it. Well he did.....and a few before him too. You stopped right at Bush instead of seeking the source.
Well, at least I'm not stupid enough to think it's just one person's fault like you do !!! If you think it's just Bush, then go on being delusional and dumb!What about President Truman?
He created the FHA to insure more loans to more people including the poor through mortgage insurance. In 1937 the FHA was created and within a year was insuring 40% of the loans in the country. The goal? Increased home buying. Lower downpayments, longer terms, lower payments.
Maybe its his fault more?