That is your meaning of "red lining" -that is provided to us by the liberal media.
Do you have a "red line" on your speedometer ? Does it mean danger or does it mean you are a racist ?
For example the north side of Chicago was producing 98% of home loans for bankers. They opened up offices there-perfect business sense. Reno and the Government said that you had to have an office on the south side even though many if not most could not afford to own a home. Not racist --just business sense.
With the added pressure on banks. repeal of Glass/steagle, sub -prime, gov backed etc----DISASTER. For many generations poor immigrants such as Italians, Irish ,Poles lived in apartment houses until they worked and could afford to go the the "north" side of town and apply for a loan.
Government getting involved in "social engineering --always a disaster --right and left.
If someone went for a home loan --White--Black --Yellow or red and was turned down when they could AFFORD to pay --MUCH different story.
Call it Fannie and Freddie, the CRA, pressure and lawsuits on banks for not having "enough" minority loans, de-regulation ---GOVERNMENT involvement by Idiot politicians --right and left screwed all of us. How much did your house drop in value because of social engineering ?
P.S. As a child growing up I lived in a very poor Irish neighborhood in the South Bronx. My parents could not afford a home and there were no banks ready to give them a loan that they could never had re-paid. Were they "red-lined" ??