

Well-Known Member

brown bomber

brown bomber
got a bottle of Schneider Weisse ( Porter Weisse) 2014 from my daughter's "boyfriend",..this stuff better be good,..alot of Christmas pressure on him
He's a good kid,..if any of you out there are dealing with a young "adult " daughters,..I wish you all the best,'s alot different now than when I "courting"


Staff member
Beutiful little town where that's brewed. Love taking the bikes out that way.
We did a tasting there not too long ago. You can sample 5 beers or 5 wines or a combo for $12, I think. My SIL works there, so he gets me a growler once in a while. They have some good stuff.


Well-Known Member
My favorite beer store is still stacked with Pumking/Warlock that is a few months old. Sitting warm on the shelf, how long do you think it stays good?