

Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
Love that brand. A lot of different, tasty brews, & reasonably priced too.
Yeah maybe, they dropped the ball on their red lager and 1888 bock which was very tasty but stopped the shipping due to sales. Snowdrift vanilla porter and creamy dark lager is also hard to find and quite good. All those flavored beers are mainly summer beers and available year round. Great choice at a party with ladies that like to try different beers.
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That’s Craptacular
Yeah maybe, they dropped the ball on their red lager and 1888 bock which was very tasty but stopped the shipping due to sales. Snowdrift porter and creamy dark lager is also hard to find and quite good. All those flavored beers are mainly summer beers and available year round. Great choice at a party with ladies that like to try different beers.
Porter and dark lager? They don't carry those varieties by me but they sound delicious.


Fugitive From Reality
Upsers at peak, "returning home"


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
Yes a good friend turned me onto their summer shandy...but I like their variety. Have you tried their Oktoberfest?
Yes ,I actually like it better than sam Adams Oktoberfest and Dundees, but not the German beer Ayingers it blows all of those away but only in a bomber.


good people drink good beer
Today the best grocery store......ever had this


for tasting. When mixed together it is like drinking a slice of pumpkin pie with whipped cream.


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
Today the best grocery store......ever had this
View attachment 19260
View attachment 19261
for tasting. When mixed together it is like drinking a slice of pumpkin pie with whipped cream.
Have had pumking , its 8.6% with caramel , two row pale malts, and puréed pumpkin. Its strong like a double iPa. Delicious, I can only imagine the cream flavor added would smooth it sown a notch and a little sweeter.


good people drink good beer
Have had pumking , its 8.6% with caramel , two row pale malts, and puréed pumpkin. Its strong like a double iPa. Delicious, I can only imagine the cream flavor added would smooth it sown a notch and a little sweeter.
It was amazing. Three parts of pumking, one part creme brulee. Best three bucks I ever spent.