That’s Craptacular
So for 7 months, you were never disciplined for overslept one day and were fired?First of all i have been working for ups for about 7 months on the evening shift, then decided i wanted to work the morning shift because it would be better for my personal life as i have two daughters to look after aswell as a type one diabetic partner. I did a week of the split shift which didnt go well as the sleeping patterns so messed up one day, but the rest of the week was alright. was then told i was wanted on the shift. But couldnt do another week due to my daughters being ill. I was then told that i could transfer over on the monday which was great news. the come tuesday morning i slept past my alarm and rung them straight away. was then told i have lost my chances of that shift and got the sack... I now have a hearing on the 5th and no idea what to do or say at the meeting. And i havent signed up to the union... Please help... I feel like they have pushed my down so bad...

Tell the whole story or why bother telling anything at all?