Being Pushed out the door.


That’s Craptacular
First of all i have been working for ups for about 7 months on the evening shift, then decided i wanted to work the morning shift because it would be better for my personal life as i have two daughters to look after aswell as a type one diabetic partner. I did a week of the split shift which didnt go well as the sleeping patterns so messed up one day, but the rest of the week was alright. was then told i was wanted on the shift. But couldnt do another week due to my daughters being ill. I was then told that i could transfer over on the monday which was great news. the come tuesday morning i slept past my alarm and rung them straight away. was then told i have lost my chances of that shift and got the sack... I now have a hearing on the 5th and no idea what to do or say at the meeting. And i havent signed up to the union... Please help... I feel like they have pushed my down so bad...
So for 7 months, you were never disciplined for overslept one day and were fired? :bsbullf:
Tell the whole story or why bother telling anything at all?


Well-Known Member
First of all i have been working for ups for about 7 months on the evening shift, then decided i wanted to work the morning shift because it would be better for my personal life as i have two daughters to look after aswell as a type one diabetic partner. I did a week of the split shift which didnt go well as the sleeping patterns so messed up one day, but the rest of the week was alright. was then told i was wanted on the shift. But couldnt do another week due to my daughters being ill. I was then told that i could transfer over on the monday which was great news. the come tuesday morning i slept past my alarm and rung them straight away. was then told i have lost my chances of that shift and got the sack... I now have a hearing on the 5th and no idea what to do or say at the meeting. And i havent signed up to the union... Please help... I feel like they have pushed my down so bad...

in all fairness this guy might not have known much about the union even if he's worked there for seven months. I don't even work in a Right to Work state and UPS made next to no mention of the union during orientation other than telling us that we'd have to sign up. I imagine in a right to work state it's even more cryptic. that said, you've gotta join if you want help buddy.


Inordinately Right
in all fairness this guy might not have known much about the union even if he's worked there for seven months. I don't even work in a Right to Work state and UPS made next to no mention of the union during orientation other than telling us that we'd have to sign up. I imagine in a right to work state it's even more cryptic. that said, you've gotta join if you want help buddy.
I'm in a RTW state. A steward came in during my orientation played a short video promoting the union, and passed around the form to sign up. Everyone in the class signed up. Less than 10 minutes to get 5 new members, that's all it took. This was less than 3 years ago. IMO this should be happening in every building, but it all comes down to having good stewards I guess.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I'm in a RTW state. A steward came in during my orientation played a short video promoting the union, and passed around the form to sign up. Everyone in the class signed up. Less than 10 minutes to get 5 new members, that's all it took. This was less than 3 years ago. IMO this should be happening in every building, but it all comes down to having good stewards I guess.
Union Stewards give their 5 minute speech during all orientation meetings. Most signed up after having discipline or pay issues inside of 6 months. UPS management is the Unions best proponent.


Livin the cardboard dream
Aside from all the scab stuff and those who don't read (missed a week in between with sick kids and having a diabetic partner, I'm going to go ahead and assume that he/she has missed enough days to qualify for the firing. I can't remember the number...6 or 7. Get all the medical paperwork you have. And UPS can be flexible, but you have a partner at home that can share day off duties with the kids. They aren't a charitable organization. I do hope you get your job back, please join the union because your benefits weren't won for free. Ask your management team how well UPS provides benes for them versus us. Good luck.


I imagine in a right to work state it's even more cryptic. that said, you've gotta join if you want help buddy.
We got a 20 second speech in my hourly orientation about it. I'm pretty sure half of the part timers in the building think they are in the union, but I think out of 25 part timers only 5 are actually dues paying members.
So would this be an example of someone hurt by RTW legislation
Nobody stopped him from joining. He had the choice to join or not. And he chose not to. Now it's just coming back at him.
A person wants the benefits without contributing to keep the benefits.
The union doesn't give you the benefits. They only negotiate them.

Should have joined the union when you were hired. The steward in my building always says "I'll fight for you. But how hard am I going to fight if you don't show us anything in exchange."