Good for you. My buddy will be back in town this weekend so I'm helping him move his mother in law. He's a marine Lt. Colonel out in San Diego. Great guy but I think a little disenchanted. Service is noble and needed and everyone should respect those who do.
Don't think for one moment though that your patriotism and service hasn't been misused and coopted by politicians and corporations for whom you mean as little as the welfare recipients you find so repulsive. If you live, you are a hometown photo-op; if you die, your grieving family is the backdrop for a congressman and a flag draped coffin.
Have you noticed how trite "thank you for your service" has come to sound? You've bled for this country. You've watched others die for this country. For board members and welfare queens, junkies and rock stars. Soccer moms and single dad's of all colors and creeds. Either all of them are worth it or none of them are worth it because we are what make America.
Just remember that you volunteered and whether people are genuinely grateful or spit in your face, this is the America you swore to defend. All of it. Fair? Probably not.
i hear ya and i just wanna clear up that i really dont find people on welfare repulsive i think that that particular area of this country is broken. i think there are people on it that need it and should get it, there are many that dont need it and are on it, who hustle the system so to speak, but whether they hustle the system or not my point i want to drive home here is that the entire system, whether people rightfully use it or not is that it has developed into a permanent solution for many on it, and thats a huge problem in my eyes, we all on this thread can go back and forth with legit points of who is on welfare that deserves it, the military families that are on it and use it legitimatly should be on it, thats what it should be there for, i the white family or the black family or the hispanic family that needs assistance and is on welfare should get it and thats that, but the problem i see is people of all shapes sizes and colors, military and non military alike the using welfare for prolonged periods of time and/or almost forever, and that depleets money from our banks accounts because someone has gotta pay, i know you didnt bring up demographic info bbsam im just ranting here to clear my stance....