BEN CARSON: Prisons are gay factories...


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I havery no idea. Why do you think all those welfare recipients are on it permanently? Why do those able bodied folks want so badly to be there? Personally I think they probably have serious other debilitating issues they are dealing with the best they can.
Why do abled bodied people want to stay on permanent public assistance?

Because they have been conditioned to think they deserve a monthly check from our government for doing absolutely nothing.

Ever see news reports when the state has glitches in their computer system, and people don't get their checks on time? It's both funny and pathetic when you see women with a baby in their arms, 2 or 3 kids behind them, yelling into the microphone that , THEY NEED THEIR CHECK!!!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Your inability to understand the answer to this question explains a lot about your vitriol for those stuck in the entitlement system trap.
Then you answer the question.

Why would abled bodied people want to stay on permanent published assistance for?

If you can.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Your inability to understand the answer to this question explains a lot about your vitriol for those stuck in the entitlement system trap.
I havery no idea. Why do you think all those welfare recipients are on it permanently? Why do those able bodied folks want so badly to be there? Personally I think they probably have serious other debilitating issues they are dealing with the best they can.
One of you calls permanent public assistance a trap. The other thinks that these people have other issues they are dealing with.

Then why are these people allowed to vote?

Why are the allowed to keep having and raising children?

If they do have mental issues, they sure get upset when they don't get their CHECK on time. Or when a politician wants to cut welfare.

And have you ever seen these people run/sprint to get to try to be first to get any new public assistance housing that opens up?

They seem able bodied and mentally sound in those instances.


Inordinately Right
Then you answer the question.

Why would abled bodied people want to stay on permanent published assistance for?

If you can.
Imagine someone who has received a terrible education under little to no parental supervision, who has no marketable skills, and who speaks a dialect of the English language that makes them ineligible for professional occupations. They take the only low paying jobs left in America for people like this, and are incapable of supporting themselves and their children. They make ends meet with entitlement programs, just as their parents before them did.
Would you say this person wants to be on permanent assistance? Or are they simply participating in the system offered to them.

Your solution is to put a 2 year cap on assistance. You can't seem to grasp that this isn't a solution to the real problems at all. The entitlement system alone does not produce these people. It does, however, keep us from being forced to have a real conversation about poverty. It's much easier to just throw money at it, or to say they're lazy freeloaders and welfare queens and they should get nothing. Topics like how to properly educate our citizens, and how to keep well paying jobs for the working class in this country are much more complicated issues.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Imagine someone who has received a terrible education under little to no parental supervision, who has no marketable skills, and who speaks a dialect of the English language that makes them ineligible for professional occupations. They take the only low paying jobs left in America for people like this, and are incapable of supporting themselves and their children. They make ends meet with entitlement programs, just as their parents before them did.
Would you say this person wants to be on permanent assistance? Or are they simply participating in the system offered to them.

Why the hell did they start a family if they couldn't afford it?!!?!?!???!!!!!

And why do you pretend that they are stuck in their situation? They are not unless they don't try to get out of it.

Your solution is to put a 2 year cap on assistance. You can't seem to grasp that this isn't a solution to the real problems at all. The entitlement system alone does not produce these people. It does, however, keep us from being forced to have a real conversation about poverty. It's much easier to just throw money at it, or to say they're lazy freeloaders and welfare queens and they should get nothing. Topics like how to properly educate our citizens, and how to keep well paying jobs for the working class in this country are much more complicated issues.

Human nature is to wait until the last minute or zero hour to do anything. That definitely most positively applies to public assistance as well.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
So no one ever tried to get out of poverty and failed?
You can be poor and still provide a home, food and clothing to your family.

Hell, I was poor as could be for the first 25 years of my life. In the military, I was poor. My first 2 years at UPS, let's just say I and my wife ate a lot of mac and cheese and soups.

We didn't give up. We did't ask 1 person on this earth to HELP us out. We did it ourselves.

These people didn't have 1 thing I did though. A father who instilled in me at a young age that I am only going to succeed financially with hard work and brains.

I have passed that on to my kids. One of my sons got a job at a mall as a janitor. He basically emptied trash cans and scrubbed toilets. He hated it. Found a job elsewhere stocking selves at a store and made more money. Now he works at a warehouse making $13 an hour with plans to become an EMT, then a paramedic. Like I said, hard work and brains.

Nobody should have to pay for lazy and stupid people. That's just wrong.


Inordinately Right
And under your plan, why should they even try. You will keep the FREE money flowing to them.
My plan? It's no more my plan than it is yours, you live in this country too right?
I'm suggesting we properly educate our children and bring good paying middle class jobs back to America, so that we can get people off of entitlement programs. What about that do you disagree with?
Oh I forgot, anyone who doesn't see things exactly the same way as you is a liberal communist. People like you are part of the problem. You spew welfare queen rhetoric that serves no purpose other than to distract from the real problems.


Well-Known Member
Welfare people should have to work for their checks. Less crime, less long time recipients, getting job experience, and maybe a skill. Win-win for all involved.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
My plan? It's no more my plan than it is yours, you live in this country too right?
I'm suggesting we properly educate our children and bring good paying middle class jobs back to America, so that we can get people off of entitlement programs. What about that do you disagree with?
Oh I forgot, anyone who doesn't see things exactly the same way as you is a liberal communist. People like you are part of the problem. You spew welfare queen rhetoric that serves no purpose other than to distract from the real problems.

Welfare is a cancer on society and the wallets of our government and our hard working citizens. You would do nothing to change the failed system in place and have defended it.
You also claim we need to properly educate children and bring back good paying middle class jobs to the US.
We spend more money on educating each child in the US than any other country does in their nation. We also have some of the greatest innovators on the planet, who by the way, were educated in the US.
Bringing middle class jobs back to the US, just isn't going to happen. Might as well ask the sky for that. Let me know how that works out for you.
And if you look at upschuck's post below, It wasn't part of my plan to have welfare recipients work. But his idea has some merit and might be workable. It might be a better plan than mine, or a combination of the 2 plans would work best. But I am flexible. But your plan is unworkable and I think you know it. Because you blame 2 things for longtime public assistance junkies. You blame the educational system and the loss of middle class jobs. You are blaming the wrong thing. It is the individual that has the power to get an education, and job and the power to stay off the welfare system.

Welfare people should have to work for their checks. Less crime, less long time recipients, getting job experience, and maybe a skill. Win-win for all involved.
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Inordinately Right
Welfare is a cancer on society and the wallets of our government and our hard working citizens. You would do nothing to change the failed system in place and have defended it.
You also claim we need to properly educate children and bring back good paying middle class jobs to the US.
We spend more money on educating each child in the US than any other country does in their nation. We also have some of the greatest innovators on the planet, who by the way, were educated in the US.
Bringing middle class jobs back to the US, just isn't going to happen. Might as well ask the sky for that. Let me know how that works out for you.
And if you look at upschuck's post below, I wasn't part of my plan to have welfare recipients work. But his idea has some merit and might be workable. It might be a better plan than mine, or a combination of the 2 plans would work best. But I am flexible. But your plan is unworkable and I think you know it. Because you blame 2 things for longtime public assistance junkies. You blame the educational system and the loss of middle class jobs. You are blaming the wrong thing. It is the individual that has the power to get an education, and job and the power to stay off the welfare system.
You're all over the place, and seem desperate to disagree with me. We agree on most points, but you can't get past your partisan sickness. You view everyone who doesn't see things exactly your way as a liberal communist. In fact, I am far more conservative than you are. You are a textbook Neo-Con. It's sad really.


Inordinately Right
You are blaming the wrong thing. It is the individual that has the power to get an education, and job and the power to stay off the welfare system.
So you blame an 8 year old child for not wanting to get a good education? Above, you credit the hard work ethic your father instilled in you for your success. Yet you seem completely incapable of understanding that not everyone has that influence in their lives. It's a shame your father didn't instill empathy in you as well as hard work.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
So you blame an 8 year old child for not wanting to get a good education? Above, you credit the hard work ethic your father instilled in you for your success. Yet you seem completely incapable of understanding that not everyone has that influence in their lives. It's a shame your father didn't instill empathy in you as well as hard work.
It's not the 8 year old I blame. It is the parents that I blame. You can't seem to get that part no matter how many times I have said it.
Maybe these people on welfare don't have FATHERS in the house to instill those values my father instilled into me, BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT HAS MADE THE FATHER NON-ESSENTIAL IN WELFARE HOMES.


Inordinately Right
It's not the 8 year old I blame. It is the parents that I blame. You can't seem to get that part no matter how many times I have said it.
You've said it once, in this one post. It seems to contradict this:
It is the individual that has the power to get an education, and job and the power to stay off the welfare system.
Again, you try to oversimplify complicated issues. You use them as an opportunity to spew rhetoric.


Well-Known Member
Since we keep discussing welfare in their various forms as a result of Dr. Carson's comments, in the form of food stamps I got curious as to the numbers of people collecting and what the average benefit paid is. This data set from the USDA who administers the Food Stamp program otherwise known as SNAP covers the years 1969' to 2014' and was released this past Friday so it is the latest data.

SNAP Participation and Costs

Interesting data.

I'm amazed at the amount of vitriol directed toward welfare recipients.

Biggest cost to the US Treasury? Health care.

As well, the amount that our Federal Government spends on CORPORATE 'WELFARE' dwarfs what we spend on the SNAP program.

Who are the real 'welfare queens' in this scenario?


Staff member
Welfare people should have to work for their checks. Less crime, less long time recipients, getting job experience, and maybe a skill. Win-win for all involved.
What jobs would they do? Road construction? Local and county works projects? Can you imagine the companies and political figures railing against these ideas? Didn't they try the same thing with inmates?