BEN CARSON: Prisons are gay factories...


Well-Known Member
What jobs would they do? Road construction? Local and county works projects? Can you imagine the companies and political figures railing against these ideas? Didn't they try the same thing with inmates?
They can pick up trash, wash graffiti off, would need some daycare for other people working, things the government can't afford now, etc, etc. Make the cities a lot cleaner

We still have inmates picking up trash along highways.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
They can pick up trash, wash graffiti off, would need some daycare for other people working, things the government can't afford now, etc, etc. Make the cities a lot cleaner

We still have inmates picking up trash along highways.

And exactly how will those "skills" teach them to be self reliant and not dependent on the government again?? Your plan would only encourage them to do as little as possible and stay on government assistance.

How about YOU calling for the RETURN of american corporations from overseas to employ the unemployed? You know the ones, the ones THEY unemployed in the first place.



Well-Known Member
The worse thing holding back republicans from massive political gains are not the democrats, the liberal media or any other boogie man. What holds back republicans are republicans themselves and Dan Savage response proves that to me. If republicans could just leave what takes place between consenting adults in bedrooms across American alone, they would not leave themselves wide open to ridicule and the butt of crotch humor. As many heterosexuals fear the heavy handed GOP as LBGT folk do and rightly so.

If Larry Craig were still in Washington, it might be politically incorrect to call the GOP HEAVY HANDED!


When your bank says no, champion says YES
And exactly how will those "skills" teach them to be self reliant and not dependent on the government again?? Your plan would only encourage them to do as little as possible and stay on government assistance.

How about YOU calling for the RETURN of american corporations from overseas to employ the unemployed? You know the ones, the ones THEY unemployed in the first place.

what that would teach them would be that nothing is free and you cant just be on assistance programs and sit home and not do anything but wait for a check, not that im saying everyone is like that, but the ones that are would be rooted out by doing something like that, BUT i dont think that is a viable solution not bc it doesnt make sense, it does, but i believe certain areas tried to do something years back, one was called something to the extent of "welfare mothers" or something, was a local program in the ny area that put women on welfare that were not on disability but were unemployed to work in parks cleaning and doing civil cleanup duties, the reason it failed i am told is civil service unions grieved that these women were taking work from unionized civil service workers, they had to dismantle the program....IMO i believe a piece of the puzzle of a solution here would be to put in place mandatory job searching, mandatory perhaps weekly sessions with a counselor or labor "officer" to ensure people are actively taking measures to not just stay stuck but to move in a forward direction towards either employment or school or work related training, and not just a "hey i got a job a mcdonalds", career jobs that would benefit the individual and their i said from the begining the system itself is insuffiecient, right now the legitimate people on assistance are innocent of any wrongdoing and shouldnt be punished, its the "bad apples" i think people who agree with me are referring to, and the system needs to change and someone/some new system needs to be put in place so there is some accountability within the assistance system to ensure the number of "husters" are limited to a bare minimum...and no, i dont think everyone is a hustler, but the ones that do hustle the system are costing you and i more than you think in tax dollars...doing something like this would not only perhaps move towards cracking down on abusers of the system, but it probably would create more government jobs because we would probably need to establish a workforce within the government to keep social assistance recipients in check


When your bank says no, champion says YES
i know already some people might think this is terrible idea but seriously IMO at least in ny area the job market here is very competitive, but there are other areas in the state/country where there are career jobs, perhaps people who cant find jobs and are living in more expensive areas should be moved to job heavy areas of the country, this would probably not go over well with many people, probably claim some civil rights violation but i was living in nyc area years ago and couldnt get a job that could support a family, i moved upstate ny to work bc i needed to do what i had to do, i know there are jobs in certain places and not so many in others, again probably never happen but i think it makes some sense


Well-Known Member
i know already some people might think this is terrible idea but seriously IMO at least in ny area the job market here is very competitive, but there are other areas in the state/country where there are career jobs, perhaps people who cant find jobs and are living in more expensive areas should be moved to job heavy areas of the country, this would probably not go over well with many people, probably claim some civil rights violation but i was living in nyc area years ago and couldnt get a job that could support a family, i moved upstate ny to work bc i needed to do what i had to do, i know there are jobs in certain places and not so many in others, again probably never happen but i think it makes some sense
Or here's a novel idea. Bring jobs to those areas where people can't find jobs.;)


Well-Known Member
what that would teach them would be that nothing is free and you cant just be on assistance programs and sit home and not do anything but wait for a check, not that im saying everyone is like that, but the ones that are would be rooted out by doing something like that, BUT i dont think that is a viable solution not bc it doesnt make sense, it does, but i believe certain areas tried to do something years back, one was called something to the extent of "welfare mothers" or something, was a local program in the ny area that put women on welfare that were not on disability but were unemployed to work in parks cleaning and doing civil cleanup duties, the reason it failed i am told is civil service unions grieved that these women were taking work from unionized civil service workers, they had to dismantle the program....IMO i believe a piece of the puzzle of a solution here would be to put in place mandatory job searching, mandatory perhaps weekly sessions with a counselor or labor "officer" to ensure people are actively taking measures to not just stay stuck but to move in a forward direction towards either employment or school or work related training, and not just a "hey i got a job a mcdonalds", career jobs that would benefit the individual and their i said from the begining the system itself is insuffiecient, right now the legitimate people on assistance are innocent of any wrongdoing and shouldnt be punished, its the "bad apples" i think people who agree with me are referring to, and the system needs to change and someone/some new system needs to be put in place so there is some accountability within the assistance system to ensure the number of "husters" are limited to a bare minimum...and no, i dont think everyone is a hustler, but the ones that do hustle the system are costing you and i more than you think in tax dollars...doing something like this would not only perhaps move towards cracking down on abusers of the system, but it probably would create more government jobs because we would probably need to establish a workforce within the government to keep social assistance recipients in check
Sounds like Big Government to me. I thought you right-wingers were against Government programs, especially those mandated.


When your bank says no, champion says YES
Sounds like Big Government to me. I thought you right-wingers were against Government programs, especially those mandated.
Still "less big" than the current situation going on at the moment, but your response is not surprising and typical in the sense that you are not seeing the fact that doing something like that would stand to save the government money and would likely downsize many other government programs which at the moment are bursting at the seams


Well-Known Member
Still "less big" than the current situation going on at the moment, but your response is not surprising and typical in the sense that you are not seeing the fact that doing something like that would stand to save the government money and would likely downsize many other government programs which at the moment are bursting at the seams
You don't seem to see that the Republican Congress has refused to take up any jobs bill the President has offered. I think we should have a $2 trillion infrastructure rebuilding bill placed in front of Boehner this week. Can you get one Republican on board?

Meanwhile, one man acts for all Americans, except those who really don't need his help.

Here's an example of what we waste by NOT fixing just one aspect of the infrastructure:

For the too lazy to click:

Elements of the proposed bill
The White House provided a fact sheet which summarizes the key provisions of the $447 billion bill.[15] Some of its elements include:

  1. Cutting and suspending $245 billion worth of payroll taxes for qualifying employers and 160 million medium to low income employees.
  2. Spending $62 billion for a Pathways Back to Work Program for expanding opportunities for low-income youth and adults.
    1. $49 billion - Extending unemployment benefits for up to 6 million long-term beneficiaries.
    2. $8 billion - Jobs tax credit for the long term unemployed.
    3. $5 billion - Pathways back to work fund.[15]
  3. Spending $50 billion on both new & pre-existing infrastructure projects.
  4. Spending $35 billion in additional funding to protect the jobs of teachers, police officers, and firefighters
  5. Spending $30 billion to modernize at least 35,000 public schools and community colleges.
  6. Spending $15 billion on a program that would hire construction workers to help rehabilitate and refurbishing hundreds of thousands of foreclosed homes and businesses.
  7. Creating the National Infrastructure Bank (capitalized with $10 billion), originally proposed in 2007, to help fund infrastructure via private and public capital.
  8. Creating a nationwide, interoperable wireless network for public safety, while expanding accessibility to high-speed wireless services.
  9. Prohibiting discrimination in hiring against persons who are unemployed because of their status as unemployed persons..
  10. Loosening regulations on small businesses that wish to raise capital, including through crowdfunding, while retaining investor protections.


Staff member
i know already some people might think this is terrible idea but seriously IMO at least in ny area the job market here is very competitive, but there are other areas in the state/country where there are career jobs, perhaps people who cant find jobs and are living in more expensive areas should be moved to job heavy areas of the country, this would probably not go over well with many people, probably claim some civil rights violation but i was living in nyc area years ago and couldnt get a job that could support a family, i moved upstate ny to work bc i needed to do what i had to do, i know there are jobs in certain places and not so many in others, again probably never happen but i think it makes some sense
Or we could put them on cattle cars and take them to "work and reeducation" camps...yeah, it's a terrible idea.


Bad Moon Risen'
You do know that I have said a 2 year maximum lifetime benefit limit for abled bodied people.
And you'd be surprised at what people are capable of to survive.
And society shouldn't have to pay (for more than 2 years) for the stupid decisions of others.
How many years has ExxonMobil and many other big oil corporations been feeding at the corporate trough? How many corporate farms have been taking their handout year after year? These are all able bodied people who would survive without their tax incentives. Never ending cycle because they use their free speech (campaign contributions) to buy the votes needed to stay on corporate welfare.


Well-Known Member
I'm agnostic as far as politics is concerned (I think the system is congenitally corrupt).

Is there anyone who thinks Carson has a snowball's chance in hell at actually getting the Republican nomination for 2016? Or that he'd be an effective leader?

If you're that person, I have a message for you:



Well-Known Member
Sounds like Big Government to me. I thought you right-wingers were against Government programs, especially those mandated.

If republicans were against big gov't, then how come some of the biggest gains in gov't size and intrusion come when republicans are at the switch?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If republicans were against big gov't, then how come some of the biggest gains in gov't size and intrusion come when republicans are at the switch?

Why are you asking these people this question? They still believe there is something in reality called a "fiscal conservative".


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Where has ben carson been after making his horriffic statements about Gay people being created in prisons??

Oh yeah, another time out so he gets out of the news cycles.

But dont worry!!!

He'll be back soon with more stupid stuff to say in a couple weeks!

Stay tuned.
