I knew as soon as I started to read this thread that Obama supporters would say, "whats the difference"
Had Bush been awol, the cries would have come for impeachment asap if not sooner. But since its Obama its OK.
As I recall, Bush was lambasted for taking 7 minutes, to get his thoughts together and leave the children he was reading to, on 9/11/01, Oh the horror.
It will not go away, fast and furious will not go away. You can wave it off all you want, its a mark on his credibility. He keeps failing in his duties, while trying to promote his bullschitt. But bless your little hearts, being so blindly, in love with your president.
Rush my dears, is not the only one, who are making it a point to investigate this. Mark Levin is hot on it also. And after comending his drone attacks by people you may think never would. Mark Levin, Michael Savage, two I know of who commended him. Because as much as ya all want to make this about Rush, its about Obamas failings. Someone has to care, obviously some of you dont. You can go willy/nilly into the night holding your love for Obama close to your hearts, feeling he is going to keep us safe. The problem you will have is 50% of us, dont, and that number will grow. A certain number of you will continue to support him, the open minded of you will say maybe we need to investigate this. Clear him if he did nothing wrong. Then it will be in our face, that we were wrong.
You could make Obama a better president if you made him do his job. Giving him the OK to be lackadasical in his job, is making him possibly the worst president ever. What would you do if your Union President/or your ba didnt do his job? Say Oh the horror? No you would have his butt thrown out.