Birth certificate
weather underground
government takeover
So let's say Bengazi is a big deal. Is it any wonder that people pay no attention when these are the "issues" the right has chosen to "focus" on with their "leadership"?
Close gitmo --Still open
Shovel ready jobs --No shovel ready jobs.
Gulf Oil spill ---No Leadership "Boot on throat'
Jobs Committee ----No Leadership -no jobs --disbands committee.
Crys about Capital gains and Div tax law----No changes to tax code
Non Partisan politics in DC ---hA HA !
Lobbies and special interest groups ---???????
Reduce Debt by 50% first term ---???????
No budget last four years --??????
Black unemployment -plan --???????
Bengazi --Film maker--?????
No water Boarding -------Drones ??????
Waste in gov "I will go line by line"---Has not happened ???
Gangs and gun crime --???????
Obamacare---You can keep your plan and doctor-????
Will reduce the cost of Healthcare--?????
"I will sign no bill -unless American people have a chance to read bill" ?????
"Summer of Recovery" --2 yrs ago -?????
"We must spend more" --??????
"Hope and Change" ?????
Bengazi --AWOL-wow we have a real LEADER !!! Next morning campaigns in Vegas !!!
Anyone for a round of Golf ??
After four full years--Economy not growing --unemployment rising --Has no idea or plan for Progress --except spend more money --kick the debt problems down the road --Real "LEADER"
Sorry-another STIMULOUS --have already seen this film -This is a preview of State of Union Speech.