BENGAZI Where was the President ??


Well-Known Member
Birth certificate
weather underground
government takeover
So let's say Bengazi is a big deal. Is it any wonder that people pay no attention when these are the "issues" the right has chosen to "focus" on with their "leadership"?


Close gitmo --Still open
Shovel ready jobs --No shovel ready jobs.
Gulf Oil spill ---No Leadership "Boot on throat'
Jobs Committee ----No Leadership -no jobs --disbands committee.
Crys about Capital gains and Div tax law----No changes to tax code
Non Partisan politics in DC ---hA HA !
Lobbies and special interest groups ---???????
Reduce Debt by 50% first term ---???????
No budget last four years --??????
Black unemployment -plan --???????
Bengazi --Film maker--?????
No water Boarding -------Drones ??????
Waste in gov "I will go line by line"---Has not happened ???
Gangs and gun crime --???????
Obamacare---You can keep your plan and doctor-????
Will reduce the cost of Healthcare--?????
"I will sign no bill -unless American people have a chance to read bill" ?????
"Summer of Recovery" --2 yrs ago -?????
"We must spend more" --??????
"Hope and Change" ?????
Bengazi --AWOL-wow we have a real LEADER !!! Next morning campaigns in Vegas !!!:happy-very:

Anyone for a round of Golf ??
After four full years--Economy not growing --unemployment rising --Has no idea or plan for Progress --except spend more money --kick the debt problems down the road --Real "LEADER"

Sorry-another STIMULOUS --have already seen this film -This is a preview of State of Union Speech.


Staff member
Gee, island. If any of that resonated, we'd have a President Romney right now. But keep throwing it against the wall and keep losing elections. It makes little difference.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Gee, island. If any of that resonated, we'd have a President Romney right now. But keep throwing it against the wall and keep losing elections. It makes little difference.

Amazingly, they dont get it. Its the same CHITT over and over, it didnt resonate with the voters in 08 and 12, and yet, like little robots they huck it around as if the more they say it, the stickier it will get.

Like you said though, keep it up, its working out fine! See how it works in the midterms , and we will laugh our butts off when the GOP is tossed out of control of the house.




Well-Known Member
Gee, island. If any of that resonated, we'd have a President Romney right now. But keep throwing it against the wall and keep losing elections. It makes little difference.


Low informed voters. Pop Culture President. Too many "free" goodies.

Rush told me! :wink2:

Good Night.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the "Rush told me!" (wink) part.
I figured it out without Rush telling me.


I mentioned Rush because of my relationship with TOS --that does not sound right--excuse me --

I meant to say the Relationship that TOS has with Rush:wink2:

P.S. That was only a partial list I fired off while enjoying a Martini !!


Staff member
Rush? Are you kidding?! Every one of the GOP candidates was spouting his talking points. Except the one solid choice they put forth, John Huntsman. Yep. The one who could never get any support. What's that say foe the party?


golden ticket member
Gee, Huntsman was a Mormon too.........don't kid yourself,that's what it comes down to. Yet they accept Mormon Reid (I don't get it)

You give Rush too much credibility.........what about the folks (like me) who never hear him?? I refuse to do I refuse to ever Google anything.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
No. But I will say it again. In a country on a "war footing" for the last 12 years, 4 more dead simply isn't news.
When their requests for more protection were denied....that's news. When their pleas for help were ignored, that's news. When the big wigs say, "what difference does it make?"....that's news!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
When their requests for more protection were denied....that's news. When their pleas for help were ignored, that's news. When the big wigs say, "what difference does it make?"....that's news!!


You only care because you are told to care by your handlers. Otherwise, you wouldnt blink an eye.

Where were you when innocent civilians were being killed in IRAQ? Where were you when top ranking officers were being killed in afghanistan?

Where was your outrage when BUSH pulled resources out of afghanistan and placed them into IRAQ leaving the soldiers in afghanistan unprotected?

What you dont understand, is how you are being manipulated to believe what you believe.

BENGAZI is a dead issue. Just like FAST AND FURIOUS.

Two political footballs that the GOP fumbled.




Staff member
When their requests for more protection were denied....that's news. When their pleas for help were ignored, that's news. When the big wigs say, "what difference does it make?"....that's news!!
Happens all the time when we have a nation in which less than 1% of the country does all the fighting.