Well it is not me. It will not attach the file, says there are too many images in it. Crazy stuff and I am too tired to outsmart the computer, so I will do it the hard way.
Official Greivance
Article 17, National master agreement
etc etc
On my check dated January 9, 2004, I was not paid for two holidays, December 31, 2003 &
January 1, 2004. I was told that this was because I did not work on Tuesday, December 30.
As of Tuesday, January 13, 2004 I have still not received the pay that I requested, although I have been told it would be paid.
Under the contract it states that the error will be corrected and payment will be made available on the employee’s second scheduled work day after reporting the shortage. It also states IF it was a company error, and they did not fix the problem within the allotted time, that I am due one half of a days guarantee pay for each pay period that it still remains outstanding. Therefor I am asking for an additional four hours pay as per the contract.
then the rest of the grievance.
In this case, the driver did not let them know till he got back in to the center that night, so the second scheduled work day was tuesday. If he would have told them about it in the AM, the second day would have been monday
If you want, I will email you the whole thing. Dont understand why it will not let me post the thing. Says it is 25 in size when it needs to be a 19.5. Hell, I cleared the page and the blank page was still larger than 19.5
Call me if you need help!