bereavement benefits


From the promised LAND
When my mother died, there were some loose ends I had to take care of in Naples Florida right after the funeral. They let me have an additional four days off to take care of that business, without pay of course.

And for the funeral, both center managers and at least 6 other sups were there. Suprised me! And like I said, she died on a tuesday and I got the bereavement pay on the following check.

Bottom line is that it is not important for them and they dont take the pay seriously. That is why I would file, and for each period afterward I would file. There is no excuse.

We have had several take off for funerals and not go. But the reason they did not get fired was that they did not get the pay.

But we did have one for jury duty that put in for pay when he did not serve. Bottom line, that is stealing.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Im hoping my steward has the papers I need. I sure hate to bother him with it Sunday night.
I did not get it today nda as I requested, but if its at the center by Tues, I have no right to file I guess, according to my contract it says Article 17 paid for time If the employer fails to make the payment available on the employees second scheduled workdayand the shortage was a result of the Employers error. I thought I could have gotten it on the 17th, I really thought I should have gotten it on the 23rd, I surely thought they could have NDA today. So Ill see what happens. Ill definetely file if I can, but I should wait til tuesday, correct?


Well-Known Member
go ahead and file. If need be, call the famous hotline and document your conversation complete with the name of the person you talked to.
It is becoming increasing clear the company is messing with you, if not to set an example then for the sheer thrill of it.
If you don't stand up for yourself, no one else will.

Makes me proud (sarcasm intended)


From the promised LAND

If there is anything I can do to help, let me know. If you want, send me a private message and we can take this off line.



From the promised LAND
Hey Tooner

Here is a sample of the grievance I filed for another driver a while back. What I did was made a blank grievance on the computer, numbered them by year and grievance number that year. As you can see, that was the 4th grievance for the year O4.

This way I was able to keep a copy of the grievance on my computer and printed out one on yellow and two on white. That way everybody gets a copy, not just the company and the union.

That also allowed me to point and click to file new grievances on the same issue as others had in the past. All I had to do was change dates, names and bingo, new grievance.

IF you need anything else, I will PM you my cell. But that should take care of you on this one. I would also file for each pay period that you do not get the pay. So basically, you would get two extra days pay each month they do not pay your back pay. Dont fold on this!

Also, if you notice, the contract states that they have to pay you by the second second regularly scheduled work day after reporting your shortage. Many interpret that as being Tuesday. Actually, if you notified your sup before your shift started on Friday, then the time out is actually Monday.

So if you notified them early Friday before your shift, then the deadline is Monday night, your quitting time. Not Tuesday am like others have posted.

I have also seen drivers get paid twice for the first week. I read it as only once, but who am I to argue with success. But I think that depends on when you notified your sup about the shortage. If it was before the beginning of your shift on Friday, then you would indeed have a "full pay period" in that first week. File twice in the first week if you are eligible.

Good luck!

And sic em sis!!!!:mad:



From the promised LAND
Well it is not me. It will not attach the file, says there are too many images in it. Crazy stuff and I am too tired to outsmart the computer, so I will do it the hard way.

Official Greivance
Article 17, National master agreement
etc etc

On my check dated January 9, 2004, I was not paid for two holidays, December 31, 2003 &
January 1, 2004. I was told that this was because I did not work on Tuesday, December 30.

As of Tuesday, January 13, 2004 I have still not received the pay that I requested, although I have been told it would be paid.

Under the contract it states that the error will be corrected and payment will be made available on the employee’s second scheduled work day after reporting the shortage. It also states IF it was a company error, and they did not fix the problem within the allotted time, that I am due one half of a days guarantee pay for each pay period that it still remains outstanding. Therefor I am asking for an additional four hours pay as per the contract.

then the rest of the grievance.

In this case, the driver did not let them know till he got back in to the center that night, so the second scheduled work day was tuesday. If he would have told them about it in the AM, the second day would have been monday

If you want, I will email you the whole thing. Dont understand why it will not let me post the thing. Says it is 25 in size when it needs to be a 19.5. Hell, I cleared the page and the blank page was still larger than 19.5

Call me if you need help!



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your brother. I have been reading this board for several years and continue to be amazed at the misinformation and bitterness that exsists towards the management people. This is the first post I have ever made. Your direct supervisor should have been responsible for submitting the pay adjustment for your bereavement pay. Based on the dates that you provided in your post, If you did not return to work until the 13th, then you should have recieved your pay in the pay check dated 6/23. Your supervisor doesn't make the rules that we have to follow, the rules are clear in the contract agreement regarding funeral leave. I continue to be amazed that so many think the mangement teams at UPS have only one goal in life, to make their employees as miserable as they can. Some supervisors are better than others just as some drivers do a better job than others, thats the realty of life. I think the company has a right to request some type of proof that there was a death. After all they are the ones paying you for the time off. We all deal with all kinds of people everyday and unfortunately there are many people out there that do things that affect all of us. If your center has 100 employees working in it, I'll bet they have 100 employee relatives that die each year. I hope you recieved your check and I'm sure that the supervisor was reprimanded by his manager. UPS holds all it's employees accountable for their performance, both hourly and management


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yes hangin on 4 in 4. I wouldnt wish it on you, glad you arent related.
nh guy, I said I did not blame my immediate sup, but I still have not gotten paid. So someone is to blame. And as all of us should be held accountable. Do I talk badly of management? No personally I like most of them. I talk badly of UPS mgmt and otherwise who do not perform their duties. Wherever the ball got dropped, should get the blame. But this happened on my vaca pay this yr, my fathers funeral, and my brothers all in the last 12 months. Can I see a pattern yes, do I think its intentional? beginning to.


From the promised LAND
When you see a pattern, and it smells, walks, looks like a skunk, then maybe there is a skunk there somewhere?

Maybe your manager is related to diad lover and has problems with you holding a mans job?

With as much stress as you are going through, and for the UPS family to add to it as well, that really sucks.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Well it took me time to figure it out, but I did and they hate me coz Im beautiful

I look better in my uniform, and everyone helps me.
I get more sales leads, and make more money.

I do less in more time, well you know its just coz im beautiful
dont hate me coz Im beautiful!!!!!!!

People who know me know I am beautiful, maybe, definetely not this way but inside I am...........

Not me, just kidding. Wish it was!


Staff member
You can catch them with your chest??? Imagine the time you must save.... Entering data into your DIAD with your hands, AND AT THE SAME TIME catching packages with your chest!!

That is too cool! (something I wanna see someday).


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
And then I hang it back on my clip and get a spanking on the walk out of the truck.. It spanks harder when I am "running late" I think there is a special chip downloaded just for me.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member

over9five said:
....and I think we need to re-name this thread or start another!
Definetely, this is soooo much more fun than bereavement.

And I filed my very first grievance in my 22 wonderful yrs. Too bad they had to force me to do it. Would have been so much nicer of them just to pay me.

Have a wonderful evening!